Chapter 11

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I put my suitcase in my car as i heard footsteps.

"Where are you going?" I turned around to see Wendell, Marvin, Grayson and Alex.

"Ann Arbor, Michigan" I replied shutting the trunk.

"To see your new boyfriend?"Alex said raising his eyebrows.

"Yes now excuse me but i have a flight to catch" I said getting in the car as i didnt want to talk to any of them at the moment.

*Skip the flight*

I got an uber to Moritz apartment and my phone was buzzing like crazy. I saw i was getting mentioned in the comments of someones instagram picture.  So Grayson posted a picture of himself with the caption saying Crazy how she says she loves you but can turn around and fly to meet another guy #fakepeopleshowinfakelove to me

I commented back saying @ me next time

Then instagram and the social media world blew up and i just ignored it. 

I got to Crisler Center their basketball arena to meet Moe there. I walked in and he smiled hugging me.

"You made it" He said with a smile across his face.

"Im so happy to see you" I replied with a smile.

"Okay Moe get it" I heard some of his friends say which i then reconized to be Muhammad Ali Abdur Rahkman, Jordan Poole, Jon Teske, and Duncan Robinson.

"Hey guys" I said smiling.

"Hannah the mvp" Duncan said hugging me.

I knew Duncan really well because his girlfriend is Cassie who is also my best friend. 

I met the rest of them through her and him when i came here last year. 

I smiled as they all talked about the last time i was there.

"Hey you wanna go out to get pizza with us?" Jordan asked.

"For sure" I said.

I sat at the table next to Moe and Duncan and across from Jon. 

"Yo Hannah you a savage for your comment at Grayson" Jordan said.

"What can i say he made me mad" I said laughing.

"Note to self dont make Hannah mad she will go full on savage" Muhammad said and they all laughed.

"Man you shouldve came here and worked with our team H its so boring when you arent here" Jordan said and they all laughed again.

"Maybe i dont know Duke is pretty cool" I replied with a slight smile.

Moritz and i went back to his place. 

"You okay?" He asked.

"Take this from em i dont want to see it anymore tonight" I said handing him my phone. 

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"100%" I said as he took it into his room and put it somewhere. 

He came back and sat next to me i layed my head on his shoulder and i could feel a smile forming across his face. 

"Im so glad i came" I said looking up at him.

"Im glad you did too" He said as i leaned in kissing him. 

It felt, magical. Like i knew he meant it. I only felt that with Grayson once when we met after that it just felt like he was trying to reassure me but it didnt work very well. 

I turned on the tv and espn was on. 

"Was Grayson Allen trying to call out his ex with this?" They said and i sat up

They showed a video of him saying something inappropriate and then sticking out his tounge.

"You know Mike i think he has changed a bit. At first when he got with her he was different like he was a goo Grayson and now he is worse than he has ever been. She wasnt even at that game as Coach K said she took a trip to Michigan to see her friends. Maybe he is jealous i dont know but whatever is happening with him needs to be fixed" 

I turned the channel as Moritz came back in from his room.

"Your phone is ringing" He said. "Its Coach K" 

I took my phone and answered it. 

"Hey Coach"

"Hey Hannah i hate to bug you while you are gone but im sure you have seen what happened with G" He said.

"Yeah i have I replied.

"He isnt gonna play the next game Hannah because im not letting say something like that and then make media trash you for it" 

"Coach you dont have to do that im fine seriously" I said.

"No i made my decision" He said.


"Enjoy your time in Ann Arbor and tell that boyfriend of yours i said hi" He said.

"I will Coach" 

I hung up setting my phone down.

"Everything okay?" He asked.

"Just perfect"I said with a smile. 

I looked at my phone finding that Jordan had made a groupchat with all of the boys from michigan and added me in it. This should be fun. 

"Dang its almost midnight already" Moritz said.

"Oh my goodness you have a game tomorrow we have to get to sleep" I said.

"Ill be fine" He smiled. 

"Of course you will" 

My phone buzzed and it was Grayson.

From Grayson🙊: 

Hannah can we talk

To Grayson🙊:

About what? You saying that about me at a game on national tv and me getting bashed? Because if thats what then no im enjoying time away with people who actually appreciate me maybe you should meet them and learn how to do it too.

From Grayson🙊:

Look i didnt mean to say it like that

To Grayson🙊:

But you did and you cant take it back now

From Grayson🙊:

Im just jealous

To Grayson🙊:

Of what?

From Grayson🙊:

You and Moritz..

To Grayson🙊:

You lost me so its your fault Grayson. Im really happy with him. You hurt me and took a piece of me that i can never get back im not putting myself through that everytime you say you want me back, so not to be rude, but get used to it.

I shut my phone off realizing Moe had fallen asleep. I kissed his forehead laying down next to him. Do i have to go back

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