Chapter 25

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Graysons POV

She has been hanging out with Alex all the time now. Its weird. Shes always smiling and laughing with him, you can call me jealous but she was mine first and i want her back.

I got up shots early. Apparently i wasnt the only one with that mindset. I walked in to see Alex shooting hoops.

"Yo Alex" I said

"Oh hey G" He said turning around. 

He grabbed his phone and i saw her name with a heart by it.

"You two a thing?" I asked.

"No, not right now" He said with a small laugh at the beginning.

"Oh cool" I said.

"I know shes your ex" he said

"Yeah" I replied shooting the ball.

"If you want me to back off just tell me" He said looking at me.

Part of me right there wanted to say for him to back off, but he made her happy and thats what mattered.

"No shes all yours" I said.

"Okay, that offer still stands G" He said.

"Cool" I said and we both put up shots.

Hannah then came in. 

Alex followed her into the office.

Part of me wanted to know what they were saying. I could hear her laughing. I sat down on the bench grabbing water as they came out. She was still laughing and he just shook his head with a smile. 

"G we got 10 minutes till practice right?" He asked me.

"Yeah" I said and i heard him say something to her. She laughed dribbling as he guarded her. They looked happy. I felt like a piece of me was gone, given to someone else. 

Hannahs POV

"Im too good of at guarding i guess" I heard Alex say from behind me.

"Nah you kinda suck at that" I said with a smirk and he laughed.

"No way" He said and i laughed shooting a 3 and making it. I saw Grayson sitting on the bench and it caught my attention.

I looked at him on his phone smiling at something. I wanted to know what but it wasnt my business anymore.

"Whos ready for practice!" Marvin said coming in and we all laughed. 

I came out to see the boys playing a game. Grayson always told his team he was going to guard Alex, it was weird. 

I sat in my office as Marvin and Wendell walked in.

"You and Alex cant seem to get enough of eachother" Wendell said looking to see i was snapchatting Alex

"Nah just gotta keep our streak alive" I replied setting my phone down as they sat in the extra chairs.

"You and him seem to have a thing going though" Marvin said and they both looked at me.

"Why are you guys so into my relationships?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Because we care about you H" Wendell said.

"Well thanks, but im single so dont worry" I said and they raised their eyebrows.

"Not for long it looks like" 

"Guys we are just friends, it would rip Grayson apart if Alex and i dated and i cant do that, not now" I said looking at my shoes.

"So you arent over Grayson" Wendell said looking at me.

"Honestly he was my first love, part of me will always be his. And im always gonna care about him" I replied.

"Makes sense" Marvin said.

"But do you like Alex?" Wendell asked.

"Yes, i do. But we both said we arent dating anytime soon. Im just not ready and hes okay with that" I said.

"Okay" Marvin said.

"Well i have dinner reservations so see you tomorrow" I said grabbing my bag and phone leaving the room

I walked into my apartment looking at my phone.

"Open the door" I heard Alexs voice say.

I ran to my front door to see Alex holding 2 pieces.

"You know me so well" I said with a smile while i shut and locked my door. 

"I try" He said laying down on my bed.

"Get out of MY bed" I said crossing my arms.

"I just brought you pizza homie" He said and i tried my hardest not to laugh.

"You make me angry sometimes" I said with a laugh. I went to walkout when i felt an arm pull me down next to them.

"Here" He said and i looked at him with a smile shaking my head.

"You are something else Alex David O'Connel" I said and he smiled looking at me. 

We didnt say anything, just looking at eachother living in the moment. I leaned over pushing my lips on his as my leg wrapped around him and i fell on top of him.

It felt, different. Not like Luke, or Grayson. It felt crazy, like something i wanted but knew i couldnt have. I couldnt risk breaking his heart. 

We laid next to eachother looking at the ceiling. 

"Hannah I really like you" He said.

"Alex, i like you too" I said with a smile as he kissed me once more pulling me closer.

"Not again" I said with a laugh and he laughed too

Maybe this would be my new normal. 

Love and Basketball// Grayson AllenWhere stories live. Discover now