Chapter 14

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We made it to Florida. Its so pretty where he is from. For 2 weeks i have to share a room with Grayson, But honestly im not complaining its Grayson Allen. 

"Yo we should go on a run i promised Coach i would" Grayson said standing up.

"I guess" I said getting up. 

We were on a run when it started to rain. Grayson and i had a mini photoshoot and it was so fun. We were soaked though so that was bad. 

I decided to post this on instagram:

I decided to post this on instagram:

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Hannah.Johnson: Rain, Runs, and Florida with my favorite person💕

Tagged: graysonjallen

I put my phone away as i went to change.

"Grayson Allen turn around while i change" I said looking at him.

"Im good" He said smirking. 

 "Cant a girl get some privacy" I said throwing on a sweatshirt and sweatpants. 

"Not in the Allen house" He said. 

His parents were gone this weekend so it was just me and him. What a joy. 

I laid down on his bed and scrolled through my phone laughing at the comments. 

"Whats so funny" He said laying next to me looking at my phone. 

"None of your buisness Allen" I replied shutting my phone off. 

"What you got a new boyfriend or something" He said.

"Do you really think i would be sitting here with you if i did?" I said raising my eyebrows.

"Point taken" He said. 

I laughed. 

"Lets go to the mall" He said.

"Fine" I said.

We were in Forever 21 and i was trying on clothes because we wanted to waste time. 

I struggle with insecurity but who doesnt at some points. I tried on a couple dresses but some mad me look too fat or two skinny and some just didnt look right. 

"You ever gonna come out?" I heard Grayson say.

"Wait" I said trying to find a dress that might look good. 

I went out wearing a cropped form fitting low cut red dress. 

"Is this one even good?" I asked.

His eyebrows went up as he looked at me. 

"Um Grayson Hello is this one okay!?"

"Ye-yes its great" he said still looking at me. 

"My eyes are up here" I said with a smile.

"Totally" He said with a wink and i laughed.

After almost 2 hours of shopping and trying on clothes we went back to his place. An older lady was behind us as we rode down the escalator.

"Your boyfriend is so sweet with carrying all you bags i never see that anymore" She said smiling. 

"Oh hes not my boyfriend just my friend" I said smiling back. 

"Well honey my advice to you is get with a man like that. They are rare" She said walking away. 

I got in the car and we made it back to his place. 

He set my clothes by my stuff and his in his closet. 

"Im tired" I said.

"Go to bed then" He said. 

"Nah im good" I said and he shook his head laughing. 

My phone lit up with a message:

Delly🏀: Cant believe you didnt bring me to Florida with u

Me: Whoops

Delly🏀:  You and G better not get too crazy

Me: I dont know what you are implying but no

Delly🏀: ......

Me: gtg ttyl

I fell asleep with my head on Graysons chest and his arm around me. 

I dont want to leave. 

Love and Basketball// Grayson AllenWhere stories live. Discover now