21.6K 911 829

Well please, please can you keep my secret?


Jimin P.O.V

"How many times should I tell you? Taehyung no piercings allowed! Yoongi, shirt must be buttoned up and and belts fastened at the waist, and Hoseok no lip biting allowed!"

These damn boys, they never listen to their school president.

"You should look like this boy" I grabbed a random boy, his hair is black and he looked nerdy, his uniform was buttoned up and he had no piercings.

After I showed them the boy, I threw him away and closed the school gate "Fix yourselves before coming here!" I yelled.

I went to the student counsel room to discuss important things with other students. I stood next to the desk and asked the vice president Namjoon if he had the proposal yet.

"But Jimin, is having a proposal really that important?" he asked.

"YES you idiot! How can we bring more girls to this school if we don't have a plan!" I yelled.

It's been some years since our school has became co-ed. It was originally an all boy's school. This school has only 20% females, the rest is male. I hate boys they are disgusting, annoying, stupid, and they make girls cry.

I like hanging out with girls more but, I'm not attracted to them, I'm not attracted to guys too. I just don't know what I like.

I'm an eighteen year old senior, and I'm school president. I have pink hair. I am very tiny but very strong. I've made myself president to control this stupid school. My name is Jimin and I have a secret.

Authors P.O.V

Jimin was patrolling the school after class. He was walking by and heard something in one of the classrooms.

"C'mon, he said he's asking you" Taehyung said. "Just do the cleaning chores for us" Yoongi tried to give the girl their mops.

"But I'm busy." the girl said nervously.

"Do it only for today, don't make me say that again" Hoseok raised a brow.

Jimin came in through the door "Do the cleaning yourselves you lazy assholes or else I'll make you clean the bathrooms for a week." Jimin grabbed the girl and made her get out of the classroom.

"Jimin, you again!" Taehyung spat on the floor as he chewed his gum. "That should be my line you three idiots." Jimin stepped closer to them.

"Who are you calling idiots?" yoongi raised a brow.

"Idiots of your caliber aren't even worthy of being called by name and I told you to fix yourselves!" Jimin argued. "Now take off those earrings!"

"Yea yeah I'll take them off later" Taehyung rolled his eyes. "Don't screw with me I said take them off." Jimin repeated himself. "Ahh shut up I said I'll take them off didn't I?" Taehyung tried to throw a punch, but jimin held his wrist and glared at him.

"And I said take them off now" He said in a low voice.

"Owww" Taehyung yelled. Yoongi and hoseok pouted. "How scary" hoseok commented. "He just ripped them off his ears" yoongi said back.

"I'm confiscating these earrings!" Jimin yelled.

The three nodded and ran away. "We'll remember this" they whined.

Jimin shook his head then heard something, he heard soft crying. He looked in the corner and saw a girl crying in front of a boy.

"What happened?" Jimin asked the boy. He couldn't see who it was.

The boy turned around and smirked "No big deal, I just turned down her love confession." he shrugged his shoulders.

"Jeon Jungkook I've told you, you need to work on how you word things." Jimin said.

Jeon Jungkook is the most popular boy at school, he is handsome, he is tall and built. He had black hair and brown eyes. Every girl fell for him at school. But he always rejected them.

The girl ran away crying, Jimin left to comfort her.

Jungkook rolled his eyes "How many times have I heard this already" he mumbled. A boy came and said "I wonder why the president hates boys so much when he in fact is one, hey jungkook since you're stronger than him why don't you teach him a lesson?" the boy spoke.

"You do it yourself, I couldn't care less." Jungkook walked away with his hands in his pockets.


Jimin went back home, he was opening his front gate but one of the small gates fell down. "God this broke again... I need to fix it." he mumbled as he walked in. He got out his keys from his pocket and unlocked the door.

He stepped in the house, took off his shoes and took a step "Mom, mira I'm back ho- AH" jimin fell. There was a small hole in the floor, he didn't see it because it was covered in newspapers.

"Jimin you're home" Mira poked out her head from the door in her room. "Mira what's with this trap pit here?!" Jimin got up. "I think the floor is rotten" mira shrugged her shoulders and went back into her room.

Jimin walked to his mother's room, His mom was painting dolls. She was sick but she needed to do some kind of work because they need to pay the bills. "Mom please don't over work yourself.." Jimin gave his mother a hug.

"I'll be fine my Jiminie, I can't rely on you on everything" his mom said.

Jimin's father left a lot of debt and disappeared, Jimin is working everyday to pay off the debt and the bills around his house, Mira couldn't work since she's still in middle school and his mother is too sick. Jimin had to suck it up and work everyday for his family.

Mira walked in the room "You got a call from your boss, she said someone couldn't make it so she needs you to come instead." then walked off. Jimin sighed, he grabbed his keys and ran to the cafe.


I'm honestly so excited for this.. and yes most of this is in the anime but leave me alone I love it and ofc I'll add more scenes and cough *some good stuff ;) * cough.

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