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          Well please, please can you keep my secret?


           The theme in Maid Latte today is Bunny day!

         The maids have to wear bunny ears
and a round fluffy white tail around their waist. 

     Jungkook was sitting, watching jimin with the cute white and pink bunny ears and the round tail around his waist.

     Jimin walked up to him "Are you ready to order?" He asked as he took out his small book and a pen.
   Jungkook nodded "I think I really like this dress ups you do" he said as he looked up and down watching jimin.

    Jimin blushed "Its called cosplays.." he mumbled making jungkook smile showing his bunny teeth.

    "Yeah yeah, and I want a lemonade" jungkook said. Jimin nodded and wrote it down. "Okay, Master."

   Jungkook smiled as he called him that. Jimin went to get his drink. He kept watching Jimin call other guys 'Master which made him a little jealous.

     Watching Jimin get friendly with customers, smiling and calling them Masters. Jungkook never really thought about it this much. But he might now get jealous of it. Jungkook knew it was all fake. The smiles jimin gives to the customers, but he just didn't like it.

     Jimin got Jungkook's drink. He put it on his table and gave a smile to Jungkook. Jungkook didn't smile back and just kept staring. Jimin got confused and tilted his head "Are you Okay?" He whispered.

     Jungkook shrugged "Pffft yeah why wouldn't I be okay?" He looked away annoyed.

    Jimin frowned something is definitely wrong.. he thought.

      Jimin requested for a small break so he can talk to Jungkook. Yeri gave him a 15 minute break.

     Jimin went up to Jungkook and held his wrist. "W-What?" Jungkook asked as tilted his head.

     "Follow me" jimin said as he dragged jungkook to the locker room. Jungkook followed as he didn't know why jimin dragged him there.

     They arrived there as jimin locked the door then crossed his arms. "Tell me" jimin said.

     "Tell you what?" Jungkook scoffed as he stood against the lockers.

      "Why are you mad? Is it about the day I got drunk?" Jimin sighed as he bit his lip.

     Jungkook looked at jimin "No...its..." Jungkook stopped as he swallowed.

     Jimin raised his brows "Its what?" He asked as the tail wiggled in the back as he moved making jungkook smile.

     "Don't smile, don't laugh, dont call them masters" jungkook demanded as he crossed his arms.

    Jimin giggled "Jungkookie.. are you jealous?" He asked as he kept giggling. He went closer to Jungkook and leaned against the lockers facing him.

     "Pft" jungkook scoffed. "How can you expect me to just watch boys fanboy over you while you call them this shitty nickname" he said as he rolled back his hair with his hand frustrated.

     "Well you know it's my job, I have to call them that..but Jungkookie this is nothing you shouldn't be jealous" he then put his arms around jungkook's waist and pouted.

     "I can't, it makes me mad" he said as he looked away from jimin.

     Jimin took back his hands from jungkook's waist and cupped jungkook's face with them making jungkook look at him "You know that I'm yours, no one will ever take me" he said as he smiled.

     Jungkook held jimin's hands and took it away from his face. Locking hands with jimin as he slowly leaned closer to kiss the older.

     Jimin smiled as he leaned against jungkook's chest and slowly closing his eyes. They're lips met softly. Jungkook licked jimin's bottom lip. Jimin rested his hands around jungkook's neck. Making jungkook hold his waist and the other hand held his leg.

    Jungkook kissed the boy deeply. Tasting each others lips. "Mmm~" jimin moaned as he felt jungkook's hand rub against his thigh.

   Jungkook pulled away for breathe. Both boys breathing heavily against eachother. Jimin felt jungkook's hand go inside his dress. Slowly touching his thigh then moving up. Jungkook kissed jimin's jawline.

    Jimin moaned because of jungkook's touch and kisses. Jungkook's hand went up slowly to jimin's member. Jimin's hand instantly held jungkook's hand.

    Jungkook smirked "Shy~?" He said as he played with jimin's underwear waistband. Jimin swallowed "Baby I can't now" he said.

   Jungkook chuckled "This little bunny can't handle it?" He kissed jimin's neck giving him a hickey. Jimin reacted to every touch he felt. He was sensitive and jungkook loved it "Jungkookie mmm~" he moaned.

    Jungkook gave wet kisses to Jimin's neck. Jimin wanted to feel more but he couldn't since he had work. He leaned backwards making jungkook stop. He took out jimin's hand from his underwear. "Let's stop for now.." he said as jungkook pouted.

    "My place after work?" He smirked. Jimin smiled "maybe" he replied.

     "So you won't get jealous anymore?" He asked jungkook. Jungkook's smile dissapeared. "I will.. I will be more and more jealous" he said.

    Jimin sighed "but you know I love you-" he stopped as he realized he said love to him. Jungkook smiled "I love you too" making jimin blush and swallow.

    "Y-You know that so .. stop being jealous" he said as he quickly unlocked the door and ran to the cafe. Jungkook melted. He followed him. He chuckled as he looked at jimin's tail shaking while he was running.

      Jungkook sighed "How can I not though.."  he bit his bottom lip and chased after him.


      SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING YESTERDAY. I didn't have time 😭

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