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Well please, please can you keep my secret?


"Hey look jungkook is here! Now go you can do it." Jennie said.

Wendy went up to him and held his shirt. Jungkook looked at her confused "Can I help You?" He asked.

"Y-Yes.. I'm sorry for calling you out here. Well there is something I wanted to tell you.. you see that I have feelings for you even before you became popular.." Wendy waited for jungkook's answer.

Jungkook was occupied looking at a window from outside seeing jimin shouting at some students because they put the wrong books in the wrong shelves. The student was about to fall from the ladder but jimin quickly hit the ladder with his hand so it would have more balance. The student was safe and thanked jimin.

"Jungkook will you go out with me? Please." Wendy asked looking down blushing.

"I'm a high level pervert that loves maids more than anything, all of my favorite books have to do with maids and all the cafes I visit have maids and of course I collect figures as well. I play maid games and get excited when I see them. But you see I like maid boys not girls. Now later."

Jungkook put his hands in his pockets and left. The girl stared blankly she wasn't expecting this. Her friends didn't know what to do either.


Jimin was walking in the hallway he saw jungkook standing next to his class "Jungkook class is about to begin," jungkook looked at jimin and walked closer. He put his hands next to jimin's head so jimin would be trapped. He was facing jungkook and his back was facing the wall.

"Prez, take off your uniform," jungkook looked at jimin in his eyes.

Jimin looked at jungkook "What the..HELL YOU ARE SAYING YOU PERVERT," jimin tried kicking jungkook's legs but he dodged it.

Jungkook held jimin's hand. Jimin was about to tear up from the pain. He was hit on that hand from the ladder. Jungkook knew about it because he saw the whole situation.

"Ah jungkook l-let go please" jimin softly said. His eyes were very teary.

"If you are going around saving people like a super hero you should save yourself too. You shouldn't hold in the pain," jungkook let go jimin's hand and held his palm instead. He locked hands with jimin and looked at him softly "Let's go," he dragged jimin.

Jimin didn't fight back his hand. He liked it. He liked how big it was and how warm and safe the feeling is. He wanted to hold on to it tighter. And he did, he squeezed jungkook's hand tightly.

Jungkook noticed. He thought jimin was in pain that's why he did it. He didn't think he did it because he liked it.

They got to the nurse office but couldn't find the nurse. Jungkook looked around "Sit on the bed," then he released his hand from jimin. Jimin pouted as he did it and sat on the bed.

Jimin watched jungkook's back. It looked wide. Jungkook was looking for the first aid kit. He found it and smiled "Found it,"  he showed his bunny teeth.

"How did you know?" Jimin asked as jungkook sat next to him on the bed.

"If you are in pain so am I.. I can feel it" he said it in a cheesy way.

"I can't even have a normal conversation with you," Jimin rolled his eyes. Jungkook chuckled and opened the aid kit. He rolled up jimin's sleeve and began wrapping his hand.

"You can't get hurt like that. I'll be sad if you do. Please take care of yourself Jiminie~" jungkook kept wrapping jimin's hand.

Jimin looked at him "I like boys," he whispered. But enough for jungkook to hear.

Jungkook stopped at looked at jimin "What?" He said confused. "You kept asking about my sexuality and now I told you the answer,"

Jungkook smiled. "So do I," he replied, then kept wrapping jimin's hand.

Jimin laughed awkwardly "Cool.." He nodded and looked away blushing.

"More specifically you," Jungkook finished wrapping jimin's hand. He looked at jimin in the eyes. Jimin's eyes widened.

"Y-you like me?" Jimin stuttered.

Jungkook smiled. He was blushing and his heart was pounding. He nodded and looked down.

Jimin smiled softly. He saw jungkook act shy for the first time ever. He patted jungkook's head. "I'm sorry but.. can you give me some time..."

Jungkook nodded while Jimin kept patting his head "You didn't reject me so I'll get my hopes up," he mumbled.


Jungkook went to the cafe to speak to yeri. He found her "I know what color suits jimin the best," he smiled.

"Ah really, okay what is it?" Yeri smiled back excited.

"White," he claimed.

Yeri looked blankly at jungkook. "That was unexpected.. But why?"

Jungkook smirked, "Well because I'd like to dye him with my colors."

Jimin walked in the room "What are you talking about?" He asked as he looked at yeri and jungkook.

"JUNGKOOK SAID HE'LL DYE YOU!" Yeri blushed contiounsly.

Jimin looked at jungkook confused "Dye?" He asked.

"It's like marking you as mine," Jungkook smirked as he patted jimin's head.

"I'm not yours," he mumbled letting jungkook pat him.

"Oh you're blushing now,"

"No I'm not," jimin backed off. Making jungkook's hand pull itself away.

"I'll make you then," jungkook stared intensely at jimin. Making jimin blush even more. His heart was pounding like crazy.

"Ah! Get a room already!" Yeri fangirled over the two.


Be patient children. 🌚

Jungkook isn't doing anything to jimin because he wants to make sure jimin likes it and wants it. So he won't try anything unless jimin is ready so.

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