40 ( Finale )

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Well please, please can you keep my secret?


After a year and a half, Jungkook was finally done collecting money. He went to the owner while jimin wasn't there and bought the shop.

"Now you are the boss!" The elder woman said happily. Jungkook laughed as he shook his head, "Legally, yes. But we all know Jimin is the one that bosses me around," the owner laughed.

"You worked so hard for this.. jimin is lucky to have such a supportive boyfriend- I mean fiancé," the owner giggled as jungkook blushed and twirled the ring around his finger.

"No, I'm lucky to have him.." He blushed and took the papers for the shop.

The owner already had her stuff packed "Take care of this place! And you can also rename it," she smiled as she stood by the door.

Jungkook smiled as he walked her there, "You are always welcome here, everything is for free for you!" Jungkook hugged the woman as she looked at the shop one last time and left.

Jungkook sighed sadly because he probably won't see the woman again. She was nice and she gave him the shop for half of the price.

Jungkook then closed the shop as he quickly went to the market and bought balloons and red flower petals. He already had a new name sign prepared he just needed workers to replace it. He put the flower petals on the ground outside and inside making a pathway. He put the colorful balloons inside the shop. As he made the workers change the name from 'Sweet Mochi Bakery' to 'Mochi Kookie's Bakery'.

The sign was pink and white. It made the shop sound really good. Jungkook was so happy to surprise his fiancé.

Jimin was at the salon re-dying his hair. It was still pink. He never changed it. He liked the color. He wanted jungkook to come with him but he told him that he suddenly had a shift in the gas station. Jimin had a day off so he took the opportunity to go to the Salon.

He was humming happily as he looked at the ring and kept playing with it. The stylist looked at him "You seem very happy," she said as jimin nodded.

"My fiance.. I just love him." Jimin giggled like an idiot as the stylist chuckled "I'm sure he loves you too," she said as she finished styling Jimin's hair.

Jimin looked at the mirror and smiled "Thank you! I love it," he giggled.

He got a text from jungkook that made him smile instantly.

My Fiance 😍
Baby come right now near the bakery something terrible happened!

Jimin frowned as he got up and ran there. He didn't go to the bakery. He was about to but then jungkook held his waist from the back.

Jimin flinched, "Jungkook what happened?!" He said worried. Jungkook chuckled as he turned him around. "Shh put this on," he put a blindfold on jimin.

Jimin was confused "W-What is happening?" He asked as he wore the blindfold. He suddenly stopped as he took it off, "Jungkook we can't have sex here!" He said as jungkook started laughing.

"Jimin, I know that you have a dirty imagination but come on! I won't fuck you on the street now put this on!" Jimin got embarrassed and covered his eyes again.

"Okay, now hold my hand. I'll take you somewhere," jimin held jungkook's hand as he slowly started walking. "Oh god are we going to hell?" Jimin said.

Jungkook scoffed "No baby, we aren't going to my bedroom," he sarcastically said as he led the boy to the shop. He made him stand between the rose petals.

"Okay, before I'll take off your blindfold I have to do this," jungkook said as he held jimin's chin up and kissed him. Jimin smiled through the kiss as he pushed the boy. "Jungkook I knew you had a kink for blindfolds," he giggled.

Jungkook scoffed as he took off jimin's blindfold. Jimin struggled to open his eyes but then he saw himself standing infront of the shop as he saw the new big sign and the flower petals.

He was speechless and he began tearing up. "J-Jungkook.." He stuttured as jungkook smiled widely and ran next to the door "Come!" He said.

Jimin shook his head "I can't I'm not turned on," he giggled. Jungkook took a second to understand the joke. "Aish jimin just come," he sighed. " I told you I'm not turned-" Jungkook hissed as jimin closed his mouth and ran next to Jungkook.

He got in and saw the balloons and petals. A big sign said 'Jungkook is the new boss' jimin scoffed, "A boss kink too?" He joked as jungkook wanted to hit the boy.

"All jokes aside, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU BOUGHT THIS!" Jimin started sobbing as jungkook chuckled and hugged the boy. Jimin sobbed on his chest "J-Jungkook you a-are the BEST!" Jungkook caressed the boy's head and nodded, "I know I am." Jimin giggled because of him and sniffed.

"You worked all this time for me, no.. for us," he sobbed again. Jungkook smiled as he kissed the boy's head, "You worked hard on making your new original recipe mochis and cookies, you deserve it!" He cupped jimin's face as he looked at it.

"Aigoo my baby boy shouldn't be crying on a happy day like this," he said as he wiped jimin's tears with his thumb. He cupped jimin's lips and kissed them.

"Jimin.. I love you," jungkook said as he started to tear up seeing Jimin so happy.

Jimin giggled "I love you too," he said as he kissed jungkook. "Why are you crying?" He chuckled. Jungkook sniffed "Because you are happy," he made jimin cry again.

"Jungkook, you are too precious," he cried.

"No Jimin! You are." The two boys hit their heads against eachother lightly as they cried in happiness.

~The end~

    This was Btsrolls and you just have finished reading Secret Maid | Jikook |


Oh my gosh y'all💖 this fanfic made me very happy. I enjoyed writing it so MUCH! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

I want to apologize for errors if I made any.. I'm still a beginner so bare with me ^^

I never thought this book would get that much votes and reads! I wake up everyday happy to read the comments and to see the reads!

Thank you for everyone who supported me throughout this book I am REALLY thankful. I hope you'd support me on my next one too!

I love you all.

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