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Well please, please can you keep my secret?


"Welcome back, Ma'am." Jimin looked at the beautiful young woman who just walked in. She had blonde long hair, ocean eyes and a maroon dress on. The boys that were in the cafe were all looking at her.

The girl was Aoi, she was a net idol. She was famous because of her cute looks on the internet, she was also the boss's niece.

"Follow me to your seat," Jimin smiled but the girl glared at him annoyed. Jimin got confused he thought he did something wrong. But he just thought she is having a bad day, that's all.

"Don't tell me what to do," The girl scoffed and went to the area were only employees are allowed. Jimin wasn't expecting her to be rude to him. He followed her quickly, "Ma'am you are not allowed here!" He held her wrist. The girl glared at him again.

"Let go, I am allowed," the girl clenched her teeth. Yeri came and saw the two fighting, "AOI!" she yelled making jimin flinch.

"Y-You know her?" He let go of her wrist and faced Yeri. "Yeah I'm sorry I forgot to tell you she was visiting me. She is my niece," Yeri walked to her and pinched Aoi's ear.

"AH!" She yelled.

"You should have told him you know me!" Yeri disciplined her.

"Let go!" Aoi whined.

"Sorry Jimin, I'll handle it from here you can get back to work."

Jimin nodded and left the two. He went back serving customers until he heard someone come in. His lips made an O shape as he saw Jungkook. Jungkook looked fancy today. He was wearing a white shirt with a black blazer that has some fancy design on the collar and black tight jeans.

      "I'm back Jiminie," He winked at the older boy

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"I'm back Jiminie," He winked at the older boy.

Jimin shook his head. He needed to do his work and stop staring, "Welcome home, Master" Jungkook smiled at the boy.

Aoi saw Jungkook. She was amazed by him, she wanted him, her eyes were on him only. She grabbed Yeri "WHO IS THAT? The guy oozes sex appeal," her eyes shined. "Aoi, I'm sorry but he is jimin's-" Aoi eyes widened "They are dating?!" she asked.

"They are not on that stage yet but-"

"I'll make him mine," she interrupted Yeri.

"BOSS!" Yuna came in dashing looking for Yeri. Yeri looked at her "What happened?" Yuna kept stuttering she couldn't answer. "CALM DOWN YUNA" She held her hands. "Our ch-chef he- is ... injured he went to the hospital.. we can't cook without him," she was freaking out.

"Is everything okay boss?" Jimin came in as he heard yuna freaking out. "Jimin can you cook?" Jimin laughed awkwardly.. "Ramen only.." he scratched his nape.

"I can help," Jungkook followed Jimin and stood next to him.

"YOU?" Yeri asked shocked.

"I may not look like it but I can cook," Jungkook smiled cockily.

"Thank you so much! I'll pay you too-"

"No! I don't want your money boss, instead tomorrow give Jimin a day off. But pay him for the hours I'll work in today," he held jimin's shoulders and rested his chin on jimin's head.

"What? No, who said I want a day off-"

"Okay Jimin you have a day off tomorrow!" Yeri claimed.

"But I never agreed-"

"Okay, I'm going to the kitchen," Jungkook walked there.

"Can someone hear me out!"

"Jimin go take orders!" Yeri shooed him away.

Jimin sighed. His opinion wasn't heard. It was nice finally having a day off but it didn't feel right to him.

Jimin watched Jungkook take off his blazer and throw it on a chair. He rolled up his sleeves and wore an apron. He washed his hands and began to cook.

Aoi kept watching jungkook. She was planning on making him hers. She'll do anything. She walked next to him, "You cook quite well, can you cook me something?" she spoke confidently.

"Sure... go order like a normal customer." Jungkook scoffed.

"Aoi don't take it personally, he's usually like that to everyone," Jimin patted Aoi's head. "How cruel Jiminie.. I don't treat you like that though," Jungkook pinched Jimin's cheek.

Aoi kept staring at them bickering. She didn't like it at all.

After a couple of hours another chef came to replace jungkook. Jungkook sighed relieved and stepped outside of the kitchen. He was going to walk to his seat, "How about we sit together," Aoi held jungkook's shirt.

"No, thanks." Jungkook said blankly.

Aoi got annoyed and went back to the employee only section. "Oh, Aoi the boss went out for a while she'll get back soon." Jimin claimed.

"It's not your business," Aoi scoffed.

"You hate me right?" Jimin asked the girl.

"Oh you FINALLY get it!" Aoi started laughing.

"I'll just leave you be," Jimin shook his head and went back to work.

"WAIT! I have a question.." Aoi yelled making jimin turn around and wait.

"How can you feel comfortable doing this.." she asked.

"You mean.. me in a dress, well I hated it but I kinda have to do it because I need money and this place pays well, and the people hear are all perverted they like seeing me in a maid dress so I haven't had any problems with it.. but why do you ask?" Jimin tilted his head.

"Pft, lame." Aoi scoffed and left.

What is her problem. Jimin thought.


FACE YOURSELF HAS 4 NEW TRACKS!!! I can't wait for the album >.< just 23 more days!!

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