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         Well please, please can you keep my secret?


      Jimin's eyes widened as be opened his mouth in shock. He gulped and stood up. "What do you mean?!" He whined.

     Jungkook pouted "You said you'll do anything.. I guess you dont want me to forgive you" he fake sighed and looked away.

     Jimin stumbbed his feet on the ground "Ugh Jungkookie pick something else, don't you want something else huh?" Jimin held jungkook's shoulders trying to act cute.

     Jungkook shook his head and crossed his arms "I guess jimin doesn't love me enough" he sighed as he looked away.

    Jimin sighed "Fine....but You will forgive me right?" He asked.

     Jungkook smiled "Let's see if you do as I say" he grinned.

     Jimin rolled his eyes "Okay.. now what do you want me to do" he crossed his arms.

     Jungkook smirked as he stood up "Wait here" he said as he went to a closet and took out a pink maid outfit and brought it to Jimin.

    Jimin frowned as he took it "Why do you have that? When did you buy it?" He said confused "Did you plan this?" He bit his lip.

     "I had this for a long time, I just waited for the perfect time to give it to you" jungkook chuckled as he made jimin take off his clothes infront of him and put it on. He even gave him a very long choker with it.

      "This is embarassing I can't believe you are doing this to me" jimin whined as he was blushing from embarrassment. Jungkook stood there with a wide smile.

     "It's not jiminie! Anyway you can't call me jungkook today" jungkook smirked as he sat on the couch and watched jimin put on the maid outfit.
      "Then what?" Jimin tilted his head as he struggled to zip the dress from behind. Jungkook saw that and got up to help him."Hmm..guess Baby boy" before he zipped up the dress he started to trace his index finger on jimin's back drawing random things.

    Jimin got goosebumps up his spine "B-Baby?" He stuttured as jungkook shook his head and blew air on jimin's ear making him blush. "No.. guess again" he said.

      "Master?" He asked as felt jungkook started kissing his back making him slowly close his eyes.

    Jungkook pinched jimin's thigh from the back and shook his head "No, you know it you are just playing innocent" he said as he started to rub jimin's thigh.

     Jimin gulped "Is it D-Daddy?" He asked as jungkook stopped and zipped his dress up. "Good job" he patted jimin's butt and sat on the couch.

      Jimin didn't like the dress. But he needed to do it since jungkook wanted him to. "Now what" jimin sighed.

    Jungkook hissed "Don't give me attitude baby boy, you will be punished" he stood up "Follow me" he said as he went to the kitchen.

      Jimin followed the younger boy without saying anything. Jungkook sat on the counter and smiled happily "Cook for me" he said as his legs dangled from the counter.

   Jimin chuckled "Is that what you wanted" he said as he stood there "So what do you want me to cook" he asked.

     Jungkook giggled "Hmmm a snack" jungkook said.

    Jimin shook his head "Jungkook I can't cook you, choose something else" he made jungkook laugh so hard "Omg so cheesy" he shrugged.

     Jimin giggled "Hmm a cake?" He asked jungkook. Jungkook nodded happily "Yes with whipped cream" jimin nodded as he started to take out the baking recipe.

    Jungkook got bored and kept sighing "Jimin stop cooking" he said as he got off the counter and back hugged jimin. Jimin giggled "Jungkook I'm baking, not cooking" he rolled his eyes.

     Jungkook slapped jimin's ass "I said don't give me attitude" making jimin flinch. Jungkook took the baking recipe from jimin and put it on the counter. He then held jimin and put him on the counter. Jimin swallowed "J-Jungkook-" he stopped as he realized he called his name.

    Jungkook shook his head in disappointment "I guess you want to be punished huh? Calling me by my name" he made jimin wrap his legs around jungkook.

     "Sorry I forgot.." Jimin mumbled as he saw jungkook rub his thigh. Jimin felt tingles in his body as jungkook smirked knowing every touch affected jimin. Every single touch.

    He held jimin's hips and scooted him closer as he was sitting. "That's too bad, but now you will be punished, very very hard" he said as he grabbed jimin's nape and pulled him into a kiss.

    Jimin instantly wrapped his hands around jungkook's neck. Jungkook stopped the kiss and held both of his wrists "This is not called a punishment for nothing" he said in a deep voice as he took out the choker that was on jimin's neck and wrapped it around jimin's wrists.

    "But jungkookie-" he whined as jungkook cupped jimin's member underneath the dress making jimin gasp. "I m-m-mean daddy" he said as jungkook nodded happily and kept cupping jimin's member. Playing with the tip of it with his thumb.

    Jimin gulped as he wanted to touch jungkook so badly but he couldn't. "That's too late now.. you will he punished" jungkook then bit jimin's lip as he sticked his tongue in. "Mmm~" jimin moaned as jungkook bit his lip again.

     "You are not allowed to moan baby boy" jimin's eyes widened as he swallowed "h-how I don't think I can do that.." he asked.

    Jungkook shrugged his shoulders "Every moan you make I'll be rougher on you" he said as he grabbed jimin's hips tightly.


     Cliff hanger >:)

       Don't forget to vote please <3



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