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       Well please, please can you keep my secret?

         The next morning jimin was in the student council room doing some work. His legs were still sore from what happened a while ago with jungkook. It was an early morning and he was tired.

    Knock knock..

      A beautiful girl knocked on the door, she slowly opened it and peeked through the door. "Excuse me" she said as she went in.

      Jimin looked at the girl and smiled. She had short hair that was blonde that had round lips, she was tall and skinny. She walked in and smiled.

    "Are you new?" Jimin asked as he walked up to her and offered his hand for a shake.

    The girl looked at his hand and gave him a handshake "Yes, I'm jeongyeon" she gave his hand a squeeze.

     Jimin took his hand back "Ahh its great having a new student here!" He said as he rubbed his eyes because he was tired.

    "Umm I'm sorry to ask this but.. Can you give me a tour of the school? I don't know where any of of my classes are" the girl giggled.

    Jimin nodded as he sighed. He led the way as they exited the classroom. The girl was about to trip but then held on jimin's arm and wrapped it near her chest.

     As that was happening jungkook was walking down the hallway as he saw the girl get too close to Jimin. Jungkook frowned What the fuck? He thought.

      Jimin tried to move his hand but the girl kept grabbing on to it "Can I hold it? I think I sprained my ankle" she fake hissed.

     "S-Sure" jimin stuttured as he felt uncomfortable. The girl smiled and held him close.

      Meanwhile jungkook scoffed "Wow I can't believe my eyes why isn't he letting go?" He bit his lip aggressively. He decided to follow them to see where they were going.

     Jimin decided to take her to the nurse since she 'sprained her ankle' but she didn't know that. He walked her there and she frowned "Why?" She asked irritated.

     Jimin tilted his head "You are hurt" he naively said. She bit her lip then decided to grab jimin's wrist and pull him in a corner.

   As jungkook saw that he ran towards them. The girl pinned jimin on the wall "Can't you see I'm interested" she said irritated. Jimin couldn't push her back, he didn't have that much power since he was still in pain.

      "Sorry I have a boyfriend" jimin said as he tried to get his hands back. The girl scoffed "You can have me too, we can always meet in secret" she said as she got closer.

     "No I can't do that, I love my boyfriend" Jimin whined trying to get his hands back as she suddenly fell down.

      "AHH" She whined as she fell.

      "I don't hit girls, but I can kick them" jungkook said as he looked at her. He kicked her with his shoe. He wasn't aggressive she was just fragile.

   Jimin felt happy yet scared. He was happy jungkook saved him but scared since he knew jungkook gets jealous and mad really easily.

    Jungkook held jimin's wrist as he looked at the girl with disgust in his face "I think you are at the wrong place,you shouldn't be at school, you should be in the whore motel."
     The girl opened her mouth in shock as jungkook grinned and walked away with jimin. Jimin didn't dare to speak. He kept following the younger boy.

      Jungkook then stopped and looked at jimin. He gave him a glare then started walking again. Jimin swallowed as he dared to say something to break the ice.

    "J-Jungkook" he stuttured. Jungkook ignored it and kept dragging the boy. He went outside of school as jimin noticed he tried to stop him. "Wait Jungkook school will start soon-" he stopped talking as jungkook glared at him.

     Jungkook took him to his apartment and left him at the doorway. He sat on the couch as jimin kept awkwardly staring at him.

    "Umm.." Jimin mumbled as he scratched his nape. Jungkook sighed "What are you doing come sit down."

     Jimin quietly came and sat down a little far away from jungkook. Then he scooted closer. Then he scooted closer again. He played with the tip of jungkook's shirt and started twirling it. He pouted "Junkookie talk to me."

     Jungkook sighed and looked at jimin "Why didn't you let go" he spoke with a harsh voice. Jimin gulped and kept trying to act cute for forgiveness "she told me she sprained her ankle.. I swear I wasn't trying to do anything jungkookie!" Jimin pouted even more.

    Jungkook rolled his eyes "I know that Jimin. But you let her touch you. And you let her take advantage of you!" He said as he took jimin's hand away from his shirt.

     Jimin sighed as he stood up and sat on jungkook's lap trying his hardest to act cute "Jungkookie~ I'm sorry.. please forgive me" he said as he cupped jungkook's face and started to blow kisses.

    Jungkook shook his head "No" he looked away. Jimin sighed and started kissing jungkook's neck "Jungkookie" he whispered as he bit his ear.

    Jungkook gulped as he was starting to give in. He was going to close his eyes but he shook his head and moved away "No Jimin!" He said.

    Jimin pouted "I'll do anything jungkookie!~" He seductively said. Making jungkook raise a brow.

    Jungkook smirked "Really anything?~" He looked at jimin. Jimin nodded as he played with Jungkook's back hair.

    Jimin smiled and nodded as he bit his lip "Yes anything."

    "Then be my personal maid for a day~" Jungkook smirked.



     Don't forget to vote everyone ^^



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