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          Well please, please can you keep my secret?


        Jimin got a call from Jin while he was working, He told him to come quickly. Jimin ran to the place Jin told him to come to.

     "Jimin, over here" Jin yelled as jimin ran up to him.

      Jimin put his hands on his knees while he panted "Who did they fight?" he asked.

      Jin sighed and looked down "A student from Elite high school" He answered.

      "This school is super elite, with nothing but rich kids, that's the one place you don't want to get involved with."

      Jimin sighed as he went up to the students from the other school.  "YOU TWO! What's sort of trouble are you raising out here in the streets?!" He yelled at the students that go to his school.

    "Prez.. what are you doing here.." The boy gulped.

     "And who are you?" The boy from the elite school asked as he crossed his arms. He had a red cheek. 

     "I'm Jimin, school President of our high school, have our students done something?" He asked.

    The elite boy scoffed "Yes, they hit me, it was completely one sided." 

     Jimin frowned and looked back at the two boys "Is that true?" He asked them.

     The two boys didn't answer. "It seems you should apologize." The guy scoffed.

     "Don't screw with us! Why should we apologize to you?!" 

        Jimin hit the 2 boys "If you hit him, you should apologize!"

        The boys sniffed "YOU'RE the one who's hitting people!" 

         The elite boy hissed "We will be waiting at our school for the apology, If you don't, we will have a problem with the entire school." 

       They walked off as the 2 boys had no plans for apologizing. Jimin sighed All my hard work will go away, I tried making our school's image good but if they don't, no one would come to our school anymore. He thought. 

        The next day Jimin decided to go their school with the 2 boys, Jungkook tagged along saying he's bored. Jimin let he come.

     "Why is he here" The boy scoffed.

    Jungkook smiled "I won't let Jimin go there alone" he said as jimin shot a glare at him and whispered "Shh they don't know about us."


    Jimin hushed jungkook as he began blushing "Omg, stop!" he tried covering his mouth. Jungkook held jimin's hands "IF I WASN'T CLEAR ENOUGH HE IS MY BOYFRIEND OKAY!" 

     Jimin blushed "Jungkookie~ it's embarrassing" Jimin hid his face with his hands, Jungkook giggled and hugged him "You have too many fanboys, I needed to make it clear." 

     "Okay you two stop, we're not going on a date" The 2 boys rolled their eyes.

       "That day, we were looking at a chess game from a window of a shop, we kept talking on how we want to play it. Then we heard a noise and it was the elite asshole. He said that his family owned the shop. He called us 'lowlifes' for liking it, then he called us insects. That's why I punched him" The boy said. 

     Jimin kept thinking on what he'd do. He was dazed. 

     After a while they arrived at the Elite High school, "You've finally came to apologize huh, this time more people came..Is this the student council class." The boy asked.  

    "No, this is my field trip" Jungkook blankly said.

    Jimin pinched jungkook's ass from the back "It's not the time for jokes" he whispered to him.

   Jungkook just smiled.

      The elite boy scoffed "Well, I'm waiting for the apology." he crossed his arms.

      "Calling them insects or any other words is wrong, I WANT to hear an apology from you, assailing them with words violent enough that made them want to hit you. I demand an apology!" Jimin said as he stepped closer the elite guy.

    The boy scoffed "I have an idea.. How about we settle this with a chess match" 

     "I don't know how to play chess" Jimin mumbled. The 2 boys nodded "Us too" they sighed.

    "Then I'll play, loser apologizes" Jungkook smirked.

     They began playing, the elite boy started. "Ah and I forgot to mention, this year I placed fourth in a national worldwide tournament" The elite boy said.

    Jungkook played his turn as he looked at the boy and said "So?" 

    "So, I'll go easy on you" the boy scoffed.

   "Hah, don't worry about me, and if I win I want you to say that our president is not an insect but a butterfly" he smiled happily.

    Jimin blushed "W-What are you talking about" he mumbled. 

    The 2 boys looked at him "What about us" they asked each other.  

      After a while of playing ..

    Jungkook smirked "Checkmate."

     The elite boy was shocked he never though jungkook would beat him "That's my bab- I mean haha jungkook good job" Jimin cleared his throat. 

    Jungkook winked at Jimin making his blush as he looked at the elite boy "go ahead, do what you have to do now."

    The elite boy got up "S-Sorry" he said to the 2 boys. Jungkook glared at him "AND?" he said. The elite boy sighed "Jimin you are a b-butterfly."

    Jungkook got up and went to him, he yanked his shirt and punched his face "Don't flirt with him."

    "WTF but you told me-"

     "Yes that was a part of our deal but I won't let you flirt." he glared at him.

     Jungkook pushed the guy off as they walked off the school.

       The 2 boys walked off as Jungkook held Jimin's hand. Jimin looked at Jungkook and smiled, he got on his toes and patted Jungkook's head "Well done Jungkookie" he said as Jungkook began to tear up.

     Jimin got confused on why Jungkook started to tear up, he stopped walking and held jungkook's both hands "Are you okay? Why are you crying" Jimin said softly.

     "I-In my whole life, no one ever said that I d-did well" jungkook sniffed.

      Jimin's heart got broken, he held jungkook in his arms and rested his head on his shoulders.

      "Do you want to talk about it" jimin asked.


     Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I was extremely busy >.<

     Did you hear the preview of the song 'Don't leave me' it's sooooo good!!

     Did you hear the preview of the song 'Don't leave me' it's sooooo good!!

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