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        Well please, please can you keep my secret?


        Jimin sobbed more after he read it. He held his chest feeling suffocated. His heart hurts. He felt guilt all over his body. He couldn't stop the tears. He didn't care about the people who were passing and looking at him.

    The fact that Jungkook texted him that he shouldn't worry made jimin realize how stupid he was. Even though jungkook was hurt he texted jimin so he wont worry, he texted him saying they're still together, he texted him that he'll never break up with him. Yet he kept thinking about how immature he was assuming false things.

     "Ugh why did I listen to Taehyung" jimin smashed the bottle on the ground. Some pieces flew to his cheek and gave it a small scratch next to his eye.

   "That would have been bad if it came on my eye.." Jimin whispered as he opened a new bottle.

     His eyes were puffy of how much he cried. His nose was red and his cheeks were pink because of drinking. He got the hiccups.

    He stared at the water for a while. He got up and jumped the fence and got closer to the water. He dumped his head in the water for a quick 30 seconds and took it out. He was breathless and now his head was wet. He wasn't planning on doing anything he just wanted something to wake him up.

    He then started walking back home but he suddenly found himself near jungkook's building. He sighed as he got in the building and sat next to the door waiting for the younger to come home. He was half drunk so he couldn't think that much.

     After 6 hours jungkook finished his shift. He decided to go back home to rest for an hour then go to the gas station for his second job. He sighed as he started heading home. He kept regretting on how he left jimin hurt.

     He got into the building and on the elevator. As he went to his apartment door his eyes widened as he saw jimin sleeping there. He had a scratch next to his eye and his hair was kind of wet.

    "Oh Jimin.." He sighed as he kneeld down and shook the boy. "Wake up" he said softly.

      Jimin opened his eyes as he saw jungkook. He started crying "I'M SORRY JUNGKOOK" He sobbed as jungkook was surprised by the sudden emotion.

    He got closer and sat next to him on the ground. He smelled alcohol "Ah jimin did you drink" he said as jimin nodded and wiped his tears.

    The two boys sat next to eachother on the ground silently. Jungkook sighed as he looked at jimin "You thought that just because I was busy" he asked. Jimin gulped and shook his head.

   "Actually someone made me doubt you..." he whispered but jungkook heard it. Jungkook raised a brow "WHAT? Who" he asked as jimin flinched.

    "T-Taehyung" he stuttured as jungkook hit his fist on the ground loudly making jimin flinch again. "I'm sorry-" Jungkook hushed the boy and looked away.

   "Lets go inside" he said coldy as he got up and unlocked his door. He left it open for jimin to come in as he entered.

   Jimin hesitantly entered as jungkook went to the closet and got a towel. He went back to Jimin as he saw him stand next to the door awkwardly. He sighed and held his wrist and pulled him to sit down on the couch. He threw the towel on his head and started moving it to dry his hair.

    He got up as jimin watched him go and get a first aid kit. He sat next to Jimin and started applying a cream on jimin's scratch. Jimin hissed as jungkook held his chin so he would stop moving. Jimin observed the boy as he put a bandaid on his cheek.

   "I'm sorry" jimin said as jungkook caressed jimin's cheek "Stop saying that" jungkook said, Jimin shook his head. "No I am, I don't deserve you" jimin started tearing up.

   Jungkook bit his lip and hugged jimin "Jimin if you would stop doubting me we would be happy.. if you would stop doubting yourself we will live happily" he said, he caressed jimin's back head. Jimin cried onto jungkook's chest "I love you so much.. I really do.." jungkook chuckled as he pushed the boy so he can look at his face.

    "I love you too Park Jimin" he said and leaned in to kiss the boy softly. It was a deep kiss. They wanted to feel eachother. It had been a long time since they kissed. Jungkook pulled away and gently pecked jimin's bandaid.

    "What happened?" He asked as he looked into jimin's eyes worried. Jimin sighed "A piece of glass bottle scratched it.." He said as jungkook shook his head "Please don't get hurt, just think every time you hurt yourself you are hurting me twice as more" he said as he kissed jimin's back hand.

    Jimin nodded and threw away the towel that was on his head. "What about your hair?" Jungkook asked.

    Jimin looked away "Umm... It kinda got wet because I washed my face" he lied as jungkook glared at the boy knowing it was a lie. Jimin sighed "I dipped my hair in the sea" he said as jungkook shook jimin "are you crazy?!" He said.

    Jimin chuckled "I just wanted something cold on my face that's all I swear" he said as he pulled jungkook into a hug again.

   "Jimin..give me Taehyung's number" he said as jimin pulled from the hug quickly.

   "Why?" He asked. Jungkook stuck his tongue in his cheek.

   "I need to have a little talk with him" he clenched his jaw.


          It's 12 am and I'm tired ;-;

   I couldn't leave you guys today sad so I updated for the 4th time today ☆.☆

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