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       Well please, please can you keep my secret?


     Jungkook's eyes widened. It's been almost  a year since his father contacted him. He was never expecting a phone call from him. He never even dreamt about it.

      Jimin stopped kissing the boy and just stared at him. Signalling him if he should give him privacy with his phone call. But jungkook didn't let him go. "Stay here" he mouthed that as he waited for his father to reply.

      "Jungkook, we need to talk"

       "I missed you too dad.."
       "If you can come tomorrow to my house that would be great"

      "How are you father.."

      "Come in the morning"

      "It's nice finally hearing your voice.."

      "Don't be late"

      His father hung up. Jungkook teared up. He felt his throat was getting choked. Jimin held the boys wrist and took him somewhere. The boy wanted to cry but he couldn't since jimin kept dragging him somewhere.

    "Jimin I want to go home.." Jungkook stopped as he swallowed. His voice was hitched. Jimin shook his head "Just follow me" he opened his palm infront of jungkook. Jungkook sighed and held it.

     A while later Jungkook realized where they are going. But there is no way.. right? "Jimin...why are we going to your house?" Jungkook frowned as he recognized the way.

     Jimin smiled at the younger. "I want to introduce you to my family" jimin chuckled. Jungkook gulped as he started panicking. "What?? Now? I'm not prepared.. I can't even think well-" Jimin hushed the boy as he shook his head "Do it for me" jimin whispered.

     Why would Jimin bring him to meet his family when he felt like crying. Did he do the right thing. Will jungkook get better after?

     Jimin dragged jungkook to his front door as he looked at jungkook and squeezed his hand "You're going to be alright" he smiled as jungkook nodded nervously.

     Jimin opened the door with the key he had. He opened the door as he saw his mother peeking from the other door to see who was it. "I'm home" jimin yelled as he made jungkook get in first.

     Mira came quickly hearing Jimin. Jungkook and Jimin took off their shoes as jungkook felt nervous.

     "Who is that?" Mira asked as she looked at the handsome young boy. Jimin smiled proudly "My lover" Jiimin giggled. Jungkook was left flustered, he didn't think Jimin would be that straight forward.

     His mom came to the front door and smiled at the two young boys. "MOM! Jimin has a boyfriend" Mira said as jimin giggled. The mom looked at jungkook as he quickly bowed "H-Hello, I'm Jungkook.. His boyfriend" he was so polite that made jimin hit his back while laughing.

    Jimin's mom smiled widely as she suddenly hugged the boy "So I've thought" she smiled. Jungkook never expected to be warmly welcomed. It made him happy.

     "Well I'm going to cook, you guys can rest for now" she said as she patted jimin's back and went to the kitchen. Mira kept staring at  jungkook. Jungkook looked at her as he raised a brow. "You guys look good together"  she winked and went to help her mom.

    Jimin chuckled as he took Jungkook to his room. He opened his door room and sat on the bed tired while jungkook looked around the room seeing pictures of young jimin that made him happy.

    "Jungkookie come here" jimin said as he opened his arms on the bed. Jungkook giggled as he hit jimin's thigh "We are at your house" he scolded him. Jimin sighed as he got up.

      He closed the door as he made jungkook sit on his desk chair. He straddled him on his lap as jungkook giggled "Jimin calm down" jimin smirked and shook his head. "It's been a while since I had alone time with you" he held jungkook's nape as he was getting closer to kiss him the door opened.

    "Mom said to-" Mira stood there as she blinked continuously. Jungkook pushed jimin off his lap to the floor.
     "AH!" Jimin yelled as he got up as rubbed his butt. "Mom said to come after 15 minutes.." mira left and closed the door.

      "Seriously?!" Jimin frowned as jungkook nodded "She must be traumatized this poor soul" jungkook said dramatically.

      "Wow I can't believe you, you aren't even worried about the boy you just pushed" jimin scoffed and sat on the bed. He crossed his arms and pouted.

     Jungkook sighed "Sorry I pushed you off, I panicked!" Jungkook apologized and sat on the bed next to Jimin.

     "It's not like we are sinning, we were going to kiss that's all" jimin whined. Jungkook held the boy in his arms "But you got on top of me.." He claimed as jimin rolled his eyes.

     "Well whatever" he pouted and looked away. Jungkook laughed and cupped jimin's face "How about we continue this later" he winked as jimin blushed and nodded.

     After a while the boys got out of the room and went to the dining room. Jimin's house wasn't that fancy but jungkook didn't mind it. Jungkook knew about his father situation. He never really got into details with him with it but soon jimin will have to tell him.

    Jungkook and Jimin sat next to eachother and Mira and his mom sat across of them. His mom cooked many things. The food smelled so good. "It's been such a long time since I've eaten home food" jungkook claimed as he waited for jimin's mom to start eating so they can start.

     "Well I don't know what happened but you are always welcome to come eat here" jimin's mom commented.

        Y'all I should be studying for my math text 💀

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