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        Well please, please can you keep my secret?


         "WHAT? JIMIN HELLO?" Jungkook's eyes widened as he started calling jimin again. But he didn't answer. "Why would he say that" jungkook started tearing up. He couldnt leave his job but he had to see jimin.

     "Are you okay?" His friend Taemin the waiter asked. Jungkook looked at him with teary eyes "Please cover for me I need to I NEED TO GO" he held the boy's hands.

   Taemin nodded as he worried for Jungkook.

    Meanwhile jimin started sobbing in the kitchen as he didn't believe what he just did. Taehyung couldn't enter the kitchen, he waited outside.

    The owner smelled something burning so she went to the kitchen and saw the cake that was baking is burned. "Oh gosh!" She said as she quickly turned off the oven. She looked down and saw jimin crying in the corner.

     "Jimin.. Are you okay?" She asked softly. Jimin nodded as he wiped his tears and stood up "Yea I am so sorry for burning the cake! You can take that off from my pay check.. I'll go wash my face and go back to work" he said as he left. The owner sighed as she worried for her worker.

    She went outside and saw Taehyung waiting "If you won't buy anything then please leave" she said as the Taehyung sighed "Okay..tell Jimin I said bye" he exited the shop.

     Jimin dried his face but it kept being wet because of his own tears. "What have I done.." He said regrettably. He held the sink as he crouched down sobbing again.

    Jungkook ran through the shop as the owner flinched from his roughness. "Oh jungkook" she said as he walked up to her quickly "Jimin?? Where is he" he said as he was rushing. She pointed to the kitchen.

    She let him go since she trusted jungkook in her kitchen. He ran to the kitchen but saw no one there. He heard sobbs coming out of the bathroom. He quickly knocked hard on the door "JIMIN?" He yelled.

     The crying stopped suddenly as jimin looked at the door "Jungkook.." He whispered as he wiped away his tears.

    "JIMIN ARE YOU THERE? OPEN THE DOOR" he yelled as he knocked roughly on the door.

    Jimin shook his head as he flinched "G-Go away" he said. Jungkook could hear his small sobbs as he kept knocking "I SWEAR to god if you don't open this door right now I'll fucking break it and you know that" he said demanding it right now. Jimin didn't want jungkook to be charged for breaking a door. He silently opened it slowly.

    Jungkook pushed the door open and took a look at jimin. His eyes were like crystals shining from the tears, his cheeks were wet from the tears.

    He sighed as he came closer to jimin. "Don't touch me! Stay back" jimin suddenly said. Jungkook flinched. "Jimin please tell me what happened why did you say that?" Jungkook said softly as he wanted to wipe jimin's tears away but he couldn't.

    Jimin wiped his tears and swallowed "You're cheating on me right.. I know it already don't lie" he said as jungkook frowned.

   "Jimin what the fuck are you talking about? Why would I cheat on you..how could you say that?" Jungkook was furious. He worked his ass of for Jimin to open a business with him. He wanted to be with him all day. He couldnt understand why Jimin said that. It made him angry thinking that he's working for him yet he comes and says he is cheating.

    "You are.. you won't tell me where your job is..you keep ignoring my texts and calls and who knows what you were doing maybe fucking someone" jimin stopped talking, he couldn't believe what was coming out of his own mouth.

    Jungkook started crying "I'm speechless" he scoffed as he wiped his tears aggressively. Jimin looked away. "Or I may be working my fucking ass off missing sleep just to surprise you and make you happy.. But no you doubted me and that .. that broke my heart" jungkook stormed out of the shop as he quickly ran to his job.

     Jimin started sobbing again "I'm stupid.." He whispered to himself. He started hitting his head "I'M STUPID, I'M STUPID" He yelled at himself and kicked the door.

    Jimin got out of the kitchen and went to the owner "I'd like to have the day off please.." He said as the owner nodded.

   Jimin decided go somewhere for fresh air. He went to the sea and bought a dozen soju bottles. He started drinking and crying.

    "Park fucking Jimin, you doubted your boyfriend the one that will do anything to make you happy.. you are very terrible, you don't deserve him" he talked to himself. He yelled at the sea.

    He took his phone and started calling jungkook. Jungkook didn't answer his phone calls.

   "JUNGKOOK" He yelled as he sobbed. He never thought that a small misunderstanding can lead to regretable decisions.

    The boy kept drinking a bottle after another. He kept calling jungkook. Then he got a text from him. He quickly opened it and it said this.

     My world 😍
     Don't misunderstand we never broke up and I won't ever.. I need time because I'm hurt. But you are still mine.
    12:18 pm


         I just need unnecessary drama in my life sorry😂

          Happy Easter everyone 🤓💖



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