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Well please, please can you keep my Secret?

Jimin worked at a maid cafe, simply the waitresses dress up as maids and call their customers 'Master'. The waitresses dress up in a white and black maid dress.

         It's for girls but, since Jimin's face looked feminine, the boss agreed to hire him

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It's for girls but, since Jimin's face looked feminine, the boss agreed to hire him. It pays more than normal cafes so that's why Jimin decided to work there.

He needed the money badly, he was desperate. His dress is longer than the other girls, he wore nude tights underneath it.

The customers knew jimin was a boy But, they didn't mind, they found him cute.

No one from his school knows though.


"Welcome home Master," Jimin said as a customer walked in. The customer smiled "It's always nice to see you" he said.

"This way please" yuna the waitress said to the customer, she assisted him to a seat.

"Jimin, I'm sorry for asking you to take over so suddenly" his boss said. The boss is a beautiful young lady that owns the shop and her name was Yeri.

"It's fine Yeri, the rent is going to be high this month so I'll need to work overtime anyways," Jimin said.

"Jimin" a customer called. Jimin smiled at the boss then walked over to the customer "Yes?" He said.

"Can I have an omelet rice please?" The customer asked.

"I'll bring one right away Master," Jimin bowed. The customer boy blushed over his cuteness.


Jimin was taking out the trash. He opened the back door of the shop and stepped outside, putting the bag of trash next to the door.

"Fuck I've worked here for a long time but I still can't get over how cringey calling people 'Master' is," He sighed.

Then he held the bag of trash and put it in the trash can near the door.

"Living is hard, I don't even have enough time to sleep these days," he mumbled.

"If someone from school were to see me like this then I'm ruined," he closed the trash can.


Jimin heard someone. His eyes widened as he saw a familiar face. He stared at the boy for a minute.

"What a surprise, If it isn't the prez"

Jimin's eyes widened, his mouth was open and he didn't know what to do.

"JEON JUNGKOOK!!" he yelled. He was shocked, he didn't expect jungkook seeing him like that.

Jimin ran inside, he couldn't believe his eyes. Everything he worked for will be ruined, he thought.

"My life is over, this is the worst situation ever, the whole school will now know about it. If they realize that the school president is a maid my reputation is gone." He laid on the floor.

"Time for a quick break" yuna walked in the room. She didnt realize Jimin was on the floor. She stepped at him.

"AHH, boss boss!! There is a strange looking something on the floor." she yelled.

The boss came in worried "What, what happened?!" She asked. She gasped "Jimin are you alright?" She went over to him.

"Oh it was jimin..." Yuna whispered shocked.

"You're excused from work you can go home and rest Jimin you seem exhausted," the boss patted Jimin's back.

"NO! I'm okay." Jimin sighed as he stood up.


"Thanks for the hard work!" The boss said as she closed up the shop.

Jimin was going to leave from the back door. He opened it and stepped outside.

"Oh you're dressed normally now," Jungkook said.

"W-What" jimin stuttered as he closed the back door. "W-What do you want?"

"Huh? Nothing really I just wanted to make sure that the maid was really our prez" he said as he started stretching and smirking.

Jimin gupled. "But why are you working at a place like this?" Jungkook asked.

"Let's go talk somewhere else" Jimin said as he held jungkook's wrist and dragged him.


Jimin and jungkook were sitting on a bench as he explained himself.

"Oh, family reasons.. Are things that rough?" He looked at Jimin. "Yeah.." Jimin looked down.


Jimin was sitting in his room studying, since he had to work all day, he didn't have the time to do his homework yet.

"I hope he doesn't say anything" mumbled as his cheek touched the book, his lips and cheek looked squished. He breathed softly as his eyes began to close to sleep.

"Please" he mumbled.

It's been 3 days since jungkook saw Jimin. Jimin was nervous, he felt like people in the hallway were talking about him. But they were not it was him imagining the worst in things.

"So I maid" a student said. Jimin stopped and widened his eyes. The student was confused but he kept talking to his friends "So I made this gift for my girlfriend I hope she likes it," he stuttered as Jimin was looking at them like he was crazy.

"Ohhh made" Jimin sighed as he walked away.

"Anyway that maid" another student said.

Jimin looked back suddenly and his eyes widened again. "T-that made in China t-shirt was actually pretty cool" the student stuttered he didn't know why jimin was looking at him like this.

"Ahh made," he sighed again in relief.

"What's up with the prez?" The student mumbled to his friend.

"I should stop over reacting, it's strange people don't know about it yet I thought jungkook came in and told everyone" he thought.

"Is he planning to blackmail me with that?" He thought as he pouted.

"Jiminie" Jin yelled as he walked up to him.

Jin was Jimin's bestfriend. He didn't know he worked at a maid restaurant though. It was a secret only for himself. But, jungkook is the only person now knows about it.

"Oh Jin" Jimin smiled. "I actually have a favor..." Jin said making him raise a brow.

"Sure, what is it?"


Y'all I wrote this at lunch >.< hope you like it so far^^

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