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Well please, please can you keep my secret?


"He trusts us with his secret that means we are special!" Taehyung told Hoseok and Yoongi. "That's because Jungkook threatened to take off all our clothes and make us go to school naked infront of everyone," Yoongi sighed.

"No, no! Jimin thinks we are special" Taehyung smiled.

"What's up with him?" Hoseok asked Yoongi. Yoongi shook his head "I don't know.." Taehyung showed his boxy smile "I have an idea! How about we show him that we are greatful for him trusting us and write him a letter!"

Yoongi frowned "But.. shouldn't he be the grateful one since we are not telling?" He questioned Taehyung. "Hm, How about this."

Yoongi and Hoseok's eyes widened, They never imagined this from Taehyung, "Taehyung this is beautiful.." Yoongi stated. "Yeah, I never knew you had this talent" Hoseok grabbed it.

Taehyung drew a sketch of Jimin. It was him with the maid outfit. He smiled as the two were admiring the sketch.

"Do you possibly like Jimin?" Hoseok asked.

Taehyung blushed "Not like... maybe love-"

Someone grabbed the sketch from Hoseok's hands. They looked up and saw Jungkook standing there.

"J-Jungkook," Taehyung stuttered.

Jungkook looked at the sketch and raised a brow, "It's decent enough, so I'll forgive it."

Taehyung sighed happily "I've been forgiven."

"For what?" Hoseok asked confused.

"Hey, since you are fanboys of Jimin, I have a question" He looked at the boys.

"And what is it?" Yoongi raised a brow.

"What color suits Jimin, or can best express him?" He looked at the boys and gave Taehyung's sketch back. "You have 10 seconds,"

"10, 9, 3, 2," Jungkook skipped numbers impatiently.

"AH!" The boys panicked.

"It has to be red! Red gives a sense of passion and strength." Yoongi claimed as he was imagining Jimin in red.

"I say P-Purple! Purple has a sense of aloofness and seductiveness. It's slightly grown up and mature." Taehyung said.

"I say black, black is the color for that tight body-" Jungkook kicked Hoseok's legs and slapped his neck. "Ahh it hurts!" Hoseok pouted.

"Imagine his body one more time and I'll break those legs and cut your tongue," He said as he left the boys.

"So mean" Hoseok sniffed.


Jimin was in the classroom making a plan for the student counsel event, Jungkook was sitting on the desk next to Jimin's and kept staring at him. Jimin tried ignoring him but he couldn't. He was nervous.

"What a-are you looking at?" Jimin rested the book on the desk and looked at him.

"Just observing you, wondering what color suits you the best," Jungkook grinned.

"I told you just choose anything I don't care."

"Then see-through it is!" Jungkook teased Jimin. "ASIDE FROM THAT, choose any color." Jimin frowned.


Jimin went to work and entered the locker room. He changed his clothes to the middle school uniform since today's concept of the younger brother/sister. Yuna curled his hair and applied blush and glossy lipstick on him. "Omg Jiminie you look so cute~" Jimin shook his head. "I hate it," he mumbled. The boss walked in, "Now go, your shift is starting!" Jimin nodded.

He heard someone come in so he had to go greet the customer, "Welcome home, Oppa~!" He smiled. The smile!disappeared as he saw Jungkook as the customer. Jungkook had heart eyes. He didn't expect Jimin to call him oppa or even wear blush.

"Call me that again," He demanded.

"Haha! Now come and take a seat," Jimin ignored that. He had to act friendly since Jungkook is a customer. Jungkook followed Jimin to his seat.

"Did you call me that because you were trying to make up for farting in-front of me the other day?" Jungkook sat in his seat and looked at Jimin. He was trying his best not to smile.

This lil' shit is getting on my nerves.

"C-come on Oppa! I never farted~" Jimin tried his best to fake smile.

Jimin left and got him water "H-here's some water."

Jungkook looked at the water, he shook his head and pouted "No~! This Oppa would like iced water." He said cutely.

Calling you oppa is torture to me. Calling a lil' piece of shit that annoys me, you are fucking younger than me yet I can't say no.

"W-what would you like to order?" Jimin clenched his teeth. Signalling Jungkook to stop his teasing.

"Hm, your Oppa wants some roast lobster and some red wine with it,"'Jungkook smirked.

"Haha stop your joking! We are a cafe not a restuarant," Jimin was on his limit.

"What do you mean you are the one joking. You even lied about farting too-"

"I TOLD YOU I NEVER DID THAT YOU PERVERTED SON OF A BITCH!" Jimin yanked jungkook by the collar of his shirt. He couldn't handle it . But as soon as he did it, he regretted it.

"Jimin you do not treat a customer like that!" Yeri came over and kept bowing to Jungkook "I'm sorry for this. I'll pay for your order today!"

Jungkook shook his head. "No I don't want that. I was treated so badly. I got called perverted and a bitch and now my shirt is ruined just because I complained about your worker farting in-front of me."

Jimin stood there with his head down. "I'm so sorry for that, what would you like me to do then?" Yeri asked Jungkook.

Jungkook smirked. He fake pouted "I'll just leave.." and stood up.

"Wait! O-Oppa~ I was wrong please for-.. give me I'll do anything," Jimin looked down. He knew he just gave himself to Jungkook by saying that. But he had to because he didn't want to upset his boss.

Jungkook looked back, he was dying because of Jimin. He never knew he would like it so much. He walked up to Jimin and put his hand on his shoulder. "Hmm I'll have to think about what I want from you," He whispered to his ear then went back to his seat. "Oh and I forgive Jimin so don't punish him..That will be my job," He smirked and looked at Yeri.

Yeri blushed "Of-course..."

What the fuck does that mean. Jimin thought.


I love this chapter xD Hope you guys enjoyed <3

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