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         Well please, please can you keep my secret?

      "I miss you too" jimin giggled. Jimin looked at the boy and sighed "How was It?" He asked hesitantly. Jungkook took a big breathe "I'll explain to you in my apartment" he said.

     As the two boys arrived at jungkook's apartment jungkook sat on the couch relaxing while jimin secretly went to the kitchen as he opened the cake box and put the cake on a big plate. He got some soju with it and called for jungkook.

     "Jungkookie come here for a second" he yelled. Jungkook sighed "Why" he asked. Jimin hissed "Aish just come" he said annoyed. Jungkook didn't want to anger jimin so he got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen.

     He entered it and saw jimin holding a cake. He got confused "But it's not my birthday" he mumbled trying to see why jungkook brought a cake.

     Jimin giggled "I know that" he claimed. Jungkook tilted his head and got closer to Jimin. "It's not our anniversary too..." He kept thinking why.

    His eyes widened suddenly "Are we possibly.. celebrating.. NOT FUCKING ANYMORE" he opened his mouth and took the cake from jimin and put it on the table. He held jimin's hands "Jimin I'M SORRY I didn't mean to make fun of you" he whined.

      Jimin bursted in laughter as he held his stomach. Jungkook kept looking at him confused. Jimin held jungkook's shoulders for support so he won't fall from laughter. "Ahh jungkookie" he sighed relieved.

      Jungkook kept looking at the boy weird. Jimin looked at jungkook "I brought a cake because my first day in the bakery was successful so I especially baked you one to taste it" he chuckled trying not to laugh again.

    Jungkook scoffed "Yea I knew that" he sniffed and looked away. Jimin smiled "Look I made you a heart" jimin proudly said.

     Jungkook looked at it and smiled widely "I love it!" He said. Jimin pinched jungkook's cheeks "My baby is cute" he said. Jungkook sighed "Sure.." Jungkook sarcastically said.

     Jungkook got a knife from the drawer and gave it to Jimin to cut pieces of the cake. Jimin took the knife and started cutting. Jungkook looked at the boy imagined that they are celebrating their 8 year marriage anniversary, he smiled like an idiot.

    Jimin looked at the boy "Why are you smiling" he asked curiously. Jungkook's smile dissapeared "I wasn't smiling" he shook his head. Jimin decided not to question the boy.

     "Here you go honey~" jimin giggled as he gave jungkook a piece of the cake. Jungkook blushed "H-honey?" He stuttured. Jimin nodded "I want to call you that" Jimin said as he sat down next to Jungkook on the kitchen table.

    "Call me whatever you want" jungkook cleared his throat and tried a bite from the cake. The cake was too sugary. Jungkook swallowed it and tried his best to swallow his own saliva with it too. Jimin smiled "So? How is it?" He asked with puppy eyes.

     "This is the best cake I've ever tasted in my whole life, it's too perfect. I can't get enough" jungkook buffered as jimin smiled happily.

     Jimin went to wash his hands. Jungkook took this opportunity and chugged a whole bottle of water quickly as he didn't look then threw it away.

    "Jungkook this is all yours" jimin said as he put the cake in the fridge. "G-Great" he said as he glared at the cake. "Finsih your piece" jimin said as he sat down to stare at the boy eat. Jungkook kept eyeing jimin "Are you going to watch me" he asked. Jimin nodded happily.

   Jungkook prayed to god that he won't have a sugar attack and die from it as he took another piece. He swallowed it. "Jimin I think I want another snack" jungkook said as he put down his fork. Jimin tilted his head "What?" He asked.

     Jungkook took jimin and put him on his lap "It's a very special unique one" He smirked. Jimin giggled "It's not available now" he flicked jungkook's forehead. Jungkook pouted.

    "Fine" jimin sighed as he cupped jungkook's cheeks and gave him a kiss. He was about to pull away but jungkook held his waist and pulled him. "Mmm~" jimin moaned in the kiss.

    Jungkook held jimin's waist tightly as he was passionate with his kiss. Jimin could taste the cake on jungkook's lips.

     Jimin pulled away for breathe "The cake is too sweet" jimin pouted. Jungkook shook his head quickly "WHAT? No its perfect" jungkook gulped.

     Jimin sighed as he pushed jungkook's arms from his waist and took a bite from jungkook's piece. He spit it out as soon as he ate it "Jungkook! You should have told me the truth" he whined.

     "The truth that it's perfect..... maybe for me only" he chuckled as Jimin hit him playfully. "I'm gonna shove this whole cake in your mouth" he grabbed the cake and hit it on jungkook's face. "YA!" Jungkook yelled as jimin ran away.

    "Come back!" Jungkook chased him as he quickly held him and turned him around. He shoved his face that was full of cake on jimin's neck. "Stop that tickles!" Jimin giggled as his neck was full of cake and icing.

    Jungkook pulled away and kissed the older. Jimin's lips were covered in cake as jungkook tried to wipe his face on jimin. "Try me again" jungkook giggled.

    Jimin licked the icing from his lips "Mmm~" he teased jungkook. "Ya are you seducing me" jungkook chucked as jimin put his index finger on jungkook's cheek and got some cake on it, after that he licked it seductively. "Tasty~" he said.

    Jungkook grinned "I'll show you whats tasty" he pulled jimin and kissed his neck. "Jungkook ah~" jimin moaned as jungkook licked the icing that was on his neck. "Jung-mm~" he held jungkook's waist.

     Jungkook pulled away "Stop moaning you're making me hard" jungkook said seductively.

   Jimin smirked as he opened jungkook's zipper "I'll help you with that then" he smirked.


        Last run ep was too dirty for me xD


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