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Well please, please can you keep my secret?

Today's theme at Maid latte is cat ears!

The waitresses had to wear cat ears with their usual outfit. They can't refuse to wear them since the cafe has themes almost everyday.

Jimin was wearing white and pink cat ears that matched his pink fluffy hair. He didn't like wearing it, he thought it looked stupid. But Yeri and Yuna told him he looked too cute in them. They kept smiling at him.

"W-Welcome home, Master," Jimin stuttered.

Jungkook grinned and slid his hands in his pocket "I love cat ears," he claimed as he stared at Jimin.

This pisses me off.. He keeps trying to annoy me. I wish I could just punch him.

Jungkook ignored jimin's glare and walked away to a seat and sat in it "Jimin-ah can I order now."

Jimin went up to him and bent down "I told you to stop coming here right after school! If someone else happens to see me like this my reputation will be ruined- Jungkook are you listening?!"

Jungkook kept looking at the cat ears. It was really cute seeing jimin like that. "Y-Yeah I am, and besides look at these guys they love this place."

Jungkook pointed at Hoseok, Taehyung and Yoongi. They started coming to the café everyday, they loved the place. They became fanboys of Jimin. They adored him.

"I am thankful you are keeping this a secret.. But If you tell anyone my reputation-"

"The reason why I'm not telling anybody is because I don't want people to take away my secret entertainment," he smirked.

This lil' perverted shit keeps calling me his entertainment.. Why is he having fun with this? Why does he keep annoying me!

"Why is this entertaining to you?" Jimin put his hands on his hips.

"Hmmm it's a secret," he grinned.

Jimin frowned "No tell me!" He demanded.

"How about..... I show you" Jungkook cupped jimin's waist while he's sitting and pulled him. Jungkook's head was near Jimin's lower body.

"W-what are you doing" Jiminnstuttered. He couldn't move away since Jungkook was strong. He held him firmly.

Jungkook moved his other hand to Jimin's nape. He pulled his head down to the menu on the desk. He pointed at the menu.

"Because I want an omelet." He claimed.

"O-okay now m-move your hand."

Omelet my ass. He comes here to annoy me and did he really have to do that, he pulled me just to show me the menu.

Jungkook moved his hands and smiled innocently.


Jimin went out the back door to throw out the trash "Ah, this customer is really annoying," he sighed.

"What customer?" Jungkook appeared.

"How did you even get here- nevermind if you're looking to kill time go somewhere else,"!he sighed.

"Can't you just give me some attention!" Jungkook pouted.

Jimin ignored him and opened the trash can cover. He bent down to get the trash to put it in the can.

Secret Maid  | Jikook |Where stories live. Discover now