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        Well please, please can you keep my secret?


         Jimin made Jungkook sit on a bench and explain to him why he's crying. Jimin kept holding both of his hands while jungkook took a deep breath and started explaining. 

        "When I was young.. I found out that I'm different. I wasn't attracted to girls. I was attracted to boys." A tear ran down his cheek "I thought I was strange.. I decided to tell my parents because I thought I was sick.. I told them I like boys and my father slapped me.." He took another deep breath and continued. "My mother told me to get this out of my head if I ever wanted to make them proud or happy.. My father said he'll disown me. He said I'm lower than his shoes.."  

        He sobbed as he said that, making Jimin tear up as well. 

        "So, all my childhood they kept talking trash about me everyday no, every time they see me. I got hurt every single day.. They said that if I don't change back to normal that they'll throw me out.." 

      Jimin started crying as well as jungkook.

       Jungkook breathed heavily "And they did...but luckily my aunt kept me..she bought me an apartment, she hated me too but she didn't want me to be on the streets.." jungkook stopped as he hugged jimin, he wanted to sob in his chest.

      "J-Jungkook you are normal, they're just horrible, they are not wise. Just because they are your parents doesn't make them have the right to say horrible thing to you or even abuse you. That is harassment." Jimin was frustrate at the situation. 

        He cupped jungkook's face and made him look at him"You are perfect, amazing, talented, hard working, beautiful and I won't let anyone say anything bad to you." Jungkook smiled as he wiped his tears away. 

       Jimin kissed jungkook's forehead and hugged him "Thank you for coming in my life jungkook, you made it so much better." he whispered into his hear.

     "No thank you Jimin" jungkook replied as jimin giggled. 


       "Are you free next Friday?" Jin asked jimin, they were sitting in class eating lunch.

     "Why?" Jimin asked as he took a small bite out of his sandwich. 

     "I'm hosting a part at my place, since we are graduating this year we have to celebrate before we get too busy with the real world" Jin excitedly said as he ate sushi. 

     Jimin swallowed his bite "Umm I don't know" he replied as he stuck his tongue out and licked his lips.

     "Jungkook is coming" Jin smirked.

     Jimin coughed suddenly "What? really" he drank water.

     "So... you coming?" jin smiled widely.

    "Uhmm" he cleared his throat "I guess.." he mumbled.

     Jungkook came in the class and sat next to Jimin "You were going to a party and you didn't tell me about it?" Jimin raised a brow.

     "I am?" Jungkook asked confused.

     "Yes you will! I invite you to my party" Jin said. 

   "Wait, I thought you invited him already" Jimin frowned. Jin stuck his tongue out "Well both of you are coming and dress well please" he said and got up before they could decline.

     Jungkook grinned "So a party huh" he said.

    Jimin finished his sandwich as he wiped his lips again "Yea, It's been such a long time since I went to a party. Let's go Jungkookie!~" Jimin said happily.

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