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Well please, please can you keep my secret?


Jimin walked Jungkook out to the front gate. He wanted to walk him home but jungkook didn't allow it. "Thank you for bringing me here.. I actually had fun" jungkook was locking hands with Jimin.

Jimin moved jungkook's hand close to his heart "jungkookie..are you going to be okay tomorrow?" He asked as jungkook nodded "You showed me how a real parent is, thank you for that" he hugged jimin. Putting his chin on jimin's head "I'm so lucky for having you" he whispered. Jimin giggled on jungkook's chest "No I'm the lucky one!" Jimin looked up to Jungkook.

"Kiss kiss kiss kiss!"

The boys heard whisperes, they looked at the window and saw Mira chanting kiss.

Jimin looked annoyed at Mira "Do you mind?" He frowned. Mira shook her head "No I don't" she giggled as jimin sighed and let go of jungkook. "I'll be at the bakery tomorrow! If something happens I'm there Okay?" He said worried as jungkook nodded "okay, dont worry!" he said.


Jungkook P.O.V

It's been such a long time since I've seen my house, or atleast now his house.. It's the same nothing has changed. I push the bell from the front gate and wait till someone opens the door. There's a camera that can see who's ringing the bell. The door suddenly opened. I go in and there is a maid waiting inside to escourt me.

      "This way" she spoke as I followed her. The inside has changed a lot. None of our family pictures are up, at least none of my pictures. They really disowned me. She treated me like a guest not a family member. I followed her to the living room, she told me to wait there.

      I sat there until someone walked in. And it was my father. He walked in and sat across of me. I didn't utter a word and neither did he. Until my mother comes in running "Jungkook! My dear son" she hugged me. I didn't hug back. She dares to call me her son after throwing me out on the streets like that.

    I scoffed and removed her hands from me "Am I really your son?" I say as my father shot me a look. "Jungkook!" He yelled.

     I rolled my eyes "Oh you remember my name..hah.. I thought you forgot it since you disowned me" I shot back a glare. He hit his hand on the glass table.

    "I didn't invite you here to fight!" He said as mom sat next to him. "It's funny how you say 'invite'.." I whispered.

       Authors P.O.V

    The father cleared his throat as he looked at jungkook "Are you.. cured?" He said as jungkook's eyes widened leaving him speechless.

     "It's not a fucking disease! It's ME" jungkook teared up feeling anger.

    The mother began crying "Jungkook please I miss you" she cried. Jungkook scoffed "I'm glad you disowned me! Being here in this house talking to you is very toxic" jungkook said as he angrily got up "I'm leaving" he said.

     "Wait.." the father said. Jungkook stopped and turned back around. "Let's have lunch together" he spoke.

      Jungkook  thought about it. He'll give them a last chance or he'll leave forever. "Okay.." He said.

    The two parents and jungkook went and sat on the table. There was fancy food filling the table. But he liked yesterday's table more than today's. He missed jimin and wanted to hug him.

      "I get by your words that you still like guys." The father spoke as jungkook nodded casually. "I have a boyfriend" he claimed.

    The father stopped eating "Are you sure you are making the right decisions in your life?" The father sighed. Jungkook chuckled "My boyfriend by sure is the best thing that have happened to me in my life" he glared at his parents.

     His father sighed "if you come back you will work in the company" he said. Jungkook didn't eat one bite "You mean if I marry a girl I can work there" jungkook sarcastically said. His father nodded. Jungkook put down his chopsticks "I don't want your money or your decisions. I hope you don't contact me again, thanks for the food" he said as he put his hands in his pockets and left.

     The mother started sobbing but jungkook didn't care anymore. He wasn't going to deal with the toxicness in this family.


    Jimin was baking cupcakes. He was talented. He was wearing a white apron that was covered in some flour. He was icing the cake that he baked. He wanted to give it to Jungkook. He had velvet icing. He drew a heart on the cake and sprinkled some sprinkles on it. He smiled as he wrote with red icing 'JJ' in the heart. He wiped his sweat and started covering the cake in a box.

     "Jimin you are very talented! Your cakes taste very good" the owner said. The owner is an old lady that had white hair. She barely can read recipes now so she needed a worker.

    "Really? I think I'm okay but not great" jimin laughed awkwardly.

    "No you really are! Maybe you should buy this bakery" the lady laughed. Jimin giggled "I'd love that but I have no money" he sighed as he took off his apron. He bowed to the owner "I'll see you tomorrow" he said as he left.

      Jimin started walking to jungkook's apartment but he saw jungkook walking to the bakery's direction. He had a big smile. He ran to Jungkook with the box in his hand "Jungkookie" he yelled.

     Jungkook smiled widely and opened his arms for jimin. Jimin hugged the boy tightly

   "I missed you, so so much" jungkook spoke.


      Burn the stage is coming out tomorrow Omfg  💀

      Burn the stage is coming out tomorrow Omfg  💀

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