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        Well please, please can you keep my secret?


       "No, I'm hungry for you" Jimin said.

Jungkook gulped as he cleared his throat. "J-J-Jimin h-how can you say that so e-easily" he stuttered blushing.

Jimin giggled "I'm just saying the truth" he shrugged his shoulders.

Jungkook got more red, he flicked jimin's forehead "Stop playing around" he said.

"OUCH!" Jimin pouted and rubbed his forehead.

"Here you go" Ahjumma said as she gave them their 2 bowls of Ramen and the plate of Kimbap.

"Mmmmmm smell" jimin closed his eyes
And sniffed his bowl of ramen.

Jungkook giggled and patted his head "How can you be so cute and seductive at the same time?" He mumbled.

Jimin opened his eyes and gave jungkook
his chopsticks "Feed me~" he made puppy eyes so jungkook would agree.

"Ugh jiminie how can you control me like that" jungkook sighed as he took the chopsticks from jimin and started feeding him.

Jimin ate the bite and licked his lips "I always wanted my lover to feed me, I'm glad it's happening" he giggled.

Jungkook tilted his head "Really? THEN HERE EAT MORE" Jungkook started getting ambitious feeding him very fast. He wanted jimin happy.

Jimin giggled "Slow down I'll choke" he started coughing.

"Sorry" jungkook chuckled.

"I'd like to choke on something else" jimin bit his lip and put his hand on jungkook's thigh.

Jungkook started blushing "You are never allowed to drink again! You turn very dangerous Park Jimin" jungkook gulped.

Jimin giggled and opened his mouth signalling jungkook to feed him.


After they got done with eating. Jimin kept pouting wanting to go to jungkook's apartment.

"Ugh fine jimin but Nothing will happen okay you will sleep" jungkook made it clear to Jimin. It's not that he doesn't want anything sexually to happen. It's just that he wants to enjoy it with jimin being sober and not drunk.

Jimin smiled happily "Yay!" He said.

They arrived at jungkook's apartment. Jimin was sleeping on jungkook's back. Jungkook took him to his bed and gently put him there.

After that he took off his shoes and socks. He took off his pants to make him sleep in his underwear since his pants are uncomfttable. And started unbuttoning his shirt to change it to a comfortable shirt.

"This seems wrong" jungkook mumbled as he started taking it off jimin. Jimin woke up and saw him undressing his shirt. Jimin was still drunk.

"Mmm jungkookie how can you do that to a sleeping boy~" he smirked.

"I-Its not what you think! I'm changing you to a more comfortable shirt that's all" jungkook quickly explained himself.

Jimin shook his head "You even took off my pants.. how far did you want to go with a sleeping boy."

Jungkook felt flustered he didn't know what to say. It looked wrong but he only had innocent intentions... He had small perverted intentions too but he didn't want to admit it. "Since you're awake here dress yourself" he threw the shirt on jimin and got off the bed.

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