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Well please, please can you keep my secret?


Jin and Jimin went outside. There was an old sandbag from the boxing cub laying on the stairs blocking the way. That's why Jin asked Jimin to remove it since he's strong.

Jungkook was walking by and saw them talking, it caught his attention.

"Well it needs to be moved, stand back a little," Jimin said as he grabbed it from the chain and threw it on his back, then he kicked it next to the boxing club room. The boxing club heard a noise and opened the door.

"What happened?" they asked.

"You fools put this thing up at once!" Jimin shouted. "Yes president!" They gulped and immediately took it somewhere else.

"Jimin you are so great I knew I could rely on you!" Jin said hugging Jimin. "It was no big deal, it was lighter than tossing a person around," Jimin smiled.

Jin's friend came and gave Jimin a daisy for helping them. Jimin smiled and blushed looking at the rose.

"Huh is that Jungkook staring at us," Jin looked at jungkook. Jimin felt nervous and turned around "W-What are you looking at!" Jimin shouted.

"Hmph" Jungkook scoffed putting his hands in his pocket and walking away.

"Jungkook is really handsome." Jin smiled and winked at Jimin.

"I just don't know what everyone sees in him." Jimin shrugged.


After school Jimin went to work. The cafe Jimin worked in was called Maid Latte. It wasn't that far away from school.

"Welcome home Master-" Jimin froze shocked seeing Jungkook walking in from the front door. Jungkook smirked as he saw the president.

"I dont get it.. what does he want." Jimin just froze there. "Oh my he's handsome," Yuna whispered.

"Ah, found you!" Jungkook said blankly.

"Is he making fun of me? Testing my resolve? challenging me? It's a challenge isn't it, Fine you son of a bitch! PREPARE YOURSELF!" Jimin's anger rose up.

He suddenly changed and became smiley. "Welcome back, Master!" Jungkook stared at him.

"Pft" Jungkook scoffed he couldn't control his laughter, he covered his mouth with one hand.

"What an insult!" Jimin thought.


"I'm so sorry for the wait" Jimin bowed and gave jungkook his coffee. Jungkook didn't even drink his coffe, he kept staring and jimin and made it obvious, Jimin walked away feeling the stare.

"IS HE YOUR BOYFRIEND? I'M SO JEALOUS HE KEEPS STARING AT YOU" Yeri asked with excitement. "Hell no he isn't" jimin replied. Yeri frowned in disappointment.


The next day,

"He's backing me into a corner psychologically, and he's enjoying it. He had just one cup of coffee and sat there for a fucking hour. Ugh I'm tired of this already. I feel drained," Jimin thought.

Jungkook was sitting in class doing his homework, "Huh Jungkook you stayed behind? Jackson said. "Yeah" jungkook replied.

Jungkook stared at the window and saw Jimin outside, he stared at him. "Hey jungkook you have been staring at jimin for 5 min, You were never interested in anyone's life before, are you now?" Jackson asked as Jungkook smirked.


"He's here AGAIN, doesn't he know he's attracting attention?" Jimin thought. Jungkook was sitting eating icecream happily. Yeri and yuna were gossiping "Omg that handsome guy is here again!"

"Yeah, but he only stares at Jimin."

Yeri walked up to Jimin "He's here again, he must like you!" Jimin's eyes widened. "Those worried looking eyes are so adorable" Yeri commented. "Huh worried?" Jimin questioned.

He took a glance at Jungkook he suddenly started blushing. Jungkook kept staring at jimin, he sent him a wink. "He must be crazy," Jimin shook his head and Yeri fangirled.


Stomp stomp..

Jimin was walking down the hallway. "He was just staring to get me annoyed, he isn't worried. He doesn't like me." "Jimin-ah! Look here you came in second out of all the school that's great!" Jin dragged Jimin by his wrist to show him.

"Second? Who's first" Jimin pushed jin out of the way.

First : Jeon Jungkook

"No fucking way." he mumbled.

He stared at it then walked away without saying a word.

Jimin walked back to class and opened the door. Taehyung, Hoseok, and Yoongi's eyes widened. "Hide it!" Taehyung whispered.

"What's with that smutty book?!" Jimin asked.

"I-I'ts manga anthology, it's not smutty it only has some bikini pictures that's all." Hoseok said as he gave the book to Taehyung.

Jimin walked up to them and grabbed the book from Taehyung "Confiscated!" he said.

"Yah that's not fair girls have it too!" Yoongi looked at him "Inequality!" he yelled.

"Fine I'll take them from girls too, it's not appropriate to have it in school. From now on you should tell me what books you want and I'll bring them both girls and boys." Jimin said.

A girl in the back gasped "B-But won't it be a lot on you Jimin."

"It's my duty as a president." Jimin said as he walked out of class.


Jimin stayed after school to work on the book work and some other things such as budget. He coughed multiple times. He was really busy.

Jungkook walked in the class and stood by the door, hands in his pocket "Are you actually a masochist?" he said. Jimin flinched "W-what are YOU doing here?" Jungkook ignored his question "You seem to enjoy really punishing yourself" he looked away. "I mean if you want a punishment that bad you should tell me." he smirked.

"P-Punishment," Jimin stuttered. Jungkook chuckled, he thought Jimin was cute. "You are overworking yourself!" he stated.

"No! I'm not, and why do you care you only enjoy annoying me."

Jungkook felt a bit hurt. He was just trying to help him. He hated that Jimin didn't like him. Jungkook sighed "Stupid ass," he said and walked away.

"Did he just call me stupid ass?! Gosh that evil bunny lil shit!" he scoffed.


Ahhh guys writing this actually makes me happy ^^ I hope you enjoyed it AND JHOPE DROPPED AIRPLANE MV TODAY AND I'M SHOOK !! o.O

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