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      Well please, please can you keep my secret?


      Taehyung decided to walk jimin home. Jimin agreed since they haven't seen eachother for a while. They will catch up on things while walking home.

    "So where do you work now?" Taehyung asked jimin. Jimin yawned as he replied "A bakery."

    Taehyung nodded as he started humming. Jimin giggled "Why are you humming" he asked the taller boy.

    Taehyung gave a smile to Jimin "It's nice.. walking with you" he said as jimin nodded. He didn't know what it meant but he decided not to ask.

     "Is jungkook contacting you?" He asked jimin. Jimin raised his brow as he looked at the floor while walking.

    "Yes.. but barely" he sighed. Taehyung decided to say something that might trigger jimin. "I know jungkook is loyal and great to you..and I don't want to make false assumptions but.." he stopped talking.

    Jimin stopped walking as he looked at Taehyung curious "Tell me" he said in a low voice as he swallowed. Taehyung sighed "What if he's cheating on you.." he said as jimin shook his head immediately "He would never do that" his voice got louder.

    Taehyung scoffed "What makes you so sure? You aren't seeing him much, he says he is busy, he won't tell you where his job is and he isn't contacting you much..what if he is occupied with someone? What is he's forgetting you huh? What if... he's cheating on you" jimin stayed mute. He was unable to reply. He took a deep breathe and looked at the boy.

    "But he's jungkook. Not any other guy..Im tired we can catch up later..I have to go now" jimin said as he quickly started walking faster.

   Taehyung grinned as he watched the shorter boy leave. "Let's see about that" he said to himself.

    Jimin arrived home as he quickly went to his room and started calling jungkook.

    Sorry, the person you are trying to call is not answering, leave a massage after the beep.

     "Dammit!" Jimin threw his phone on the bed as he furiously took off his clothes to change. He bit his lip and glared at the phone angry. He was sick of hearing that voice mail over and over again.

    He decided to make his phone silent and put it away from him. He was still thinking about what Taehyung said. He knew he shouldn't be suspicious of Jungkook. But Taehyung really played with his mind.

   "Jungkook won't do that..why would he? He's not the type to just do that..if he stops loving me he would tell me..right?" He started mumbling as he hugged the pillow and closed his eyes tightly thinking about it over and over again.

    Jimin saw jungkook..he was with someone.. it was a beautiful girl. Jimin gulped as he walked closer to them. Jungkook was laughing with the girl and making some physical contact with her. Jimin ran to them "Jungkook!" He yelled as jungkook ignored the boy. Jimin started tearing up as jungkook ignored him. "J-Jungkook" he stuttured. Jungkook rolled his eyes and finally answered the boy "What" he said in an irritated voice. The girl looked at the boy "You know this boy?" She asked jungkook. Jungkook  scoffed and nodded. "Pathetic" she said and laughed. Jungkook laughed with her. "Jungkook why are you like that" he started crying. "I never loved you now go" jungkook said. "Jungkook NO NO PLEASE-"

     "NO!" Jimin yelled as he got up in the middle of the night. He looked around and saw he was having a nightmare. He started breathing heavily as he grabbed a water bottle to drink some water. He was sweating and crying in his sleep.

    "Jungkook.." He mumbled as he went to his phone and saw no messages or phone calls from him. It was 3 am in the night.

    He sighed as he decided to text the boy.

      jungkook are you asleep?
3:32 am

If you see this please reply
3:36 am

I just need one text from you that's all
3:45 am

I don't care if its even a dot please reply
3:55 am

Jungkook hello!!
3:57 am

  Jimin sighed as he threw his phone again. He shoved his face into the pillow trying to sleep.

    Meanwhile jungkook was still working at the gas station. They don't close at all. He sighed as he rubbed his eyes. His body felt weak. He needed sleep. His eyes felt like they were burning. His back hurt.

    "Jungkook your shift just ended I'll take care of it from here" a girl that works with jungkook said.

   Jungkook nodded as he left to change from his clothes. His phone was in his locker. He tried opening his phone but it had no battery. "Fuck" he hissed as he took of his clothes to change and go outside.

       He arrived at his apartment. Put his phone on charge then threw himself on bed to sleep. He haven't gotten sleep since 26 hours. He slept quickly as he started snoring loudly from being tired.


    After 5 hours he got up for his next job. He yawned as he stretched his body. He reached for his phone and his eyes widened.

      28 missed calls.
      5 unopened texts.

        I just cleaned the whole house and I feel so tired 💤

    I can't believe Namjoon lost his passport again 😂😂 they were about to fight him

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