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Well please, please can you keep my secret?


Jungkook and Jimin entered the movie room, the movie didn't start yet. It had commercials playing. Jimin looked at the number on his ticket to find the seats. "Oh we are on the back row.. why?" Jimin looked at Jungkook.

"Oh really that's weird, I never planned on getting seats on the last row." Jungkook smirked and walked over there. Jimin saw the couple seat. He looked at Jungkook and tilted his head. Jungkook smiled and shrugged his shoulders cutely.

"But we're not a couple..." Jimin mumbled. Jungkook ignored it and sipped on his cola. He sat and made himself comfortable, he patted the seat next to him "What are you waiting for?" he asked.

"You took most of the space there is only small space left for me." Jimin whined as he tried to squeeze himself next to Jungkook. "I'm big," Jungkook chuckled making jimin raise his brow.

"What's the name of the movie anyway?" Jimin asked as he munched on some popcorn. "You'll find out," Jungkook looked at Jimin eating the popcorn. Jimin felt him staring and looked at him "What?" he said with a blank expression.

"Your cola is still in my hand!" Jungkook pointed at it. Jimin cleared his hand and took it, "Ah, since there is no arm rest I have no where to put this," Jimin put the cola between his thighs.

The lights suddenly turned off. The movie started. Jimin was watching the scary introduction. He squinted his eyes, he didn't want them fully open since he was scared. Twenty minutes into the movie, jimin held jungkook's shirt unaware of his actions. He was scared. Jungkook giggled at the boy.

"You can sit on my lap if you are that scared," Jungkook whispered to Jimin's ear. Jimin shook his head. "I can handle- AH!" A jump scare, scared him. He burried his face in jungkook's neck. He didn't care at the moment he was scared.

Jungkook couldn't stop smiling. "Here here," he patted his shoulder. Jimin rose up and started watching again. He grabbed his cola to sip on it but there was another jump scare which made him drop the cola on his lap.

"Shit I'm wet," Jimin whispered. "Because of me?" Jungkook whispered back. Jimin hit jungkook's shoulder. He stood up "I'm going to the bathroom to clean my pants," Jungkook stood up with him and followed him.

Jimin entered the bathroom and grabbed napkins to dry off his pants. Jungkook grabbed some too to help him. Jimin didn't let him though, so jungkook ended up watching him clean it by himself.

"I mean my house is close from here.. I can just give you pants," Jungkook claimed. Jimin shook his head almost instantly. "N-No, I'm good," he replied.

"So... do you want to go back?" Jungkook hesitantly asked. "I think I want to go home.." Jimin replied making jungkook fake smile. "Sure." He replied.


"Namjoon, I told you the deadline for the report on the school festival was today, didn't I?" Jimin spoke to Namjoon on the phone while he was working.

"Yes, but there is a lot of paper work, So many of the clubs turned things in right before the deadline... Wait there's even more!" Namjoon whined.

"Ugh fine, just collect everything and I'll do it later."

"Ah, Jimin-ah thank you!"

"Tell those idiots who didn't turn in their things that I'll punish them!" Jimin hung up.

Jungkook heard his conversation "This won't do babyboy, things like 'I'll punish you' are exciting and you shouldn't say them," Jungkook winked at him.

"W-What... and how many times do I tell you that you can't come in the dressing room!" Jimin tried kicking jungkook's leg.

Jungkook dodged it "But the door was left open, how careless," he flicked jimin's forehead.

"Ouch!" Jimin pouted.

Yeri walked in with a small box in her hands "Oh you're here again Jungkook," she smiled.

Jimin looked at the boss "What's in it?" he asked curiously.

Jimin looked in the box he saw batons, teasers, spicy eye sprays "Personal protection items?" Jimin asked.

"Well, have you heard that stalkers have been going after people who work in cosplay cafes recently, there seems to be quite a lot of it unfortunately so yeah, Jimin you should carry one just in case.. here." She handed a teaser to Jimin.

Jimin shook his head "Oh just give them to the girls first and I'll take what's left, I'm strong so-" Jimin got cut off by jungkook "You think you're fine just because you're strong?"

Jimin looked at jungkook "Yes, I'm fine," making jungkook cross his hands. "Oh right! Jimin you did boxing right?" Yeri asked.

"Yeah haha! If a stalker shows up I'll take care of him," Jimin laughed.



Jimin punished the students that didn't turn in their work. He flipped them. "Ouch," a student whined.

"Next time turn in your work before the deadline!" He nagged.

Jungkook stared at him "Excellent, wow, so strong," he said sarcastically.

Jimin looked at him "What are you doing here?" he frowned.

jungkook stared more "BLEH!" He put out his tongue then walked away.

What is his problem, he is constantly pissing me off...


JUNGKOOK BLESSED US WITH HIS COVER TODAY ... Since today is white day in Korea.. Boys gift the girls chocolate since the girls gift the boys in V day.. But Jungkook gifted us a cover oml.. this boy is so soft I can't..

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