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     Well please, please can you keep my secret?


      Jungkook smirked as jimin unbuckled the younger's belt. He got on his knees and pulled down jungkook's pants and underwear.

     Jimin held jungkook's member as jungkook closed his eyes. Jimin rubbed his thumb in circular motions on the tip of jungkook's member. "J-Jimin~" jungkook whined as jimin teased his member. Jimin smirked there was already pre-cum on jungkook's member.

     He licked the tip of jungkook's member making jungkook hold jimin's hair softly. Jimin played with his tongue on the tip. "Ahh~" jungkook moaned.

    He then put jungkook's length into his mouth as held jungkook's hips. Jungkook gulped as jimin started bobbing his head back and forth slowly. "F-faster" jungkook said as Jimin didn't obey back.

    Jungkook pushed his hips forward making jimin swallow most of his pre-cum. "Mmm~" jimin moaned on jungkook's member, jungkook bit his lip as he did that.

     Jimin started going faster as he held jungkook's hips to help. "Ahh jimin~" jungkook swallowed. His lips were sucking all the pre-cum. Jungkook's legs were shivering. They were losing their strength.

   Jimin decided to go slower to tease the younger. Jungkook grew impatient "Ah jimin go faster~" he whined as jimin smirked as he squeezed jungkook's ass. "Ahh-mm~" jungkook moaned.

    Jungkook was reaching his climax. He didn't want to cum yet so held jimin up and took off his shirt. He held jimin against the wall as he took off his pants and underwear. "If it hurts tell me" jungkook said as he held one of jimin's legs up and pushed his member into jimin without lube.

     "AH JUNGKOOK-" Jimin whimpered as jungkook kissed him. "Mmm~" jimin wrapped his hands around jungkook's neck as he took jungkook's hard raw thrusts.

   "Fuck jungkook harder~" jimin mewled. Jungkook started going deeper into jimin. He thrusted rough into the boy as jimin started scratching jungkook's back leaving marks. "Ahh~" jimin groaned as he held jimin's thigh tighter.

     Jungkook started cupping jimin's member as he was thrusting into him. "OH YES~" Jimin moaned as he threw his head back to the wall and bit his lip. Jungkook was controlling the boy and Jimin didn't hate it.

      "I'M CLOSE" Jimin yelled as jungkook kissed the boys neck "Me too baby" jungkook said between the kisses. "JUNGKOO- Ahh~" jimin came on jungkook's chest and lower body. Jungkook hit jimin's sweet spot which made him cum inside of jimin "Ahh jiminie~" he sighed as he took out his member.

    Jimin then licked jungkook's chest cleaning it from the cum. "You're so sexy~" jungkook commented on jimin. Jimin licked his lips and bit jungkook's buttom lip "Jungkookie I love you" jimin said. Jungkook giggled and kissed the boys forehead "I love you too" he gently caressed jimin's sweaty hair exposing his forehead.

    Jimin smiled "Let's go shower" he said as he dragged jungkook to the bathroom.

     After the two boys showered jimin wore jungkook's big blue hoodie with black underwear underneath. Jungkook was shirtless as he only wore grey sweatpants.

     Jungkook was on the bed. He had his laptop on his lap as he was searching stuff online. Jimin's head was on jungkook's other lap as he was resting on it. Jimin wanted more attention but jungkook was on the laptop.

     "Mm jungkookie give me attention" jimin whined as he started playing with jungkook's bangs. Jungkook removed jimin's hand. "Yah! So you only fuck me then ignore me?" Jimin pouted. Jungkook sighed "Jimin you know it's not that, but I'm searching important stuff" he patted jimin's head.

    Jimin got up annoyed "But I want attention!" He said as he closed jungkook's laptop. Jungkook sighed as he held jimin and started tickling him. "Ya hahahaha S-Stop ahahahhaha" jimin couldn't stop laughing.

     "I won't you said you wanted attention" jungkook chuckled seeing the boy laughing uncotrollably. "NOT HAHHAHA LIKE T-THIS AHAHHAGA" He whined as jimin stopped and wrapped jimin in a blanket. Jimin's head only was outside the blanket. The rest was covered.

     "Yah jungkook I can't move, unwrap me!" Jimin demanded as jungkook ignored him and opened the laptop. "JUNGKOOK" jimin pouted. Jungkook looked at the boy and shook his head "This is the only way you'll let me work" he chuckled.

    Jimin sighed "work on what?" He asked. Jungkook tilted the screen so jimin can see. He read what was on the screen "Buissness ownership?" He asked as he looked at jungkook. Jungkook nodded then unwrapped jimin letting the boy free.

      "It didn't go well with my parents. I need to survive because my aunt will kick me out soon.." Jungkook sighed as jimin looked at jungkook with empathy in his eyes. "Im sorry-" jungkook interrupted jimin "No don't be, I'm happy. I just need to find a job" jungkook smiled.

    Jimin started to look with jungkook on his phone. He wanted to help him. Jungkook made him very happy. He wanted to help him with his future, and he wanted to be with him in the future too. They just needed some ideas of good jobs.

    Jimin needed to go home since it was getting late. "Jungkookie I have to go now" Jimin spoke. Jungkook hugged the boy tightly and didn't let him go.

    "Jungkook-ah! I need to go but I'll see you tomorrow" Jimin giggled as the boy kept hugging him.

    "You have to let go" jimin said as he patted jungkook's back. Jungkook sighed.

    "What can I do so you won't have to leave me in the future?" Jungkook said in a serious tone.


     I just watched the first ep of Burn the Stage and omg I'm emo ㅜㅜ

    The last chapter for some reason didn't publish all of it. It only published half of It so please go back and read it if you only read half 🤓💖

     Don't forget to vote 💋

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