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        Well please, please can you keep my secret?


       Jimin giggled "You know I have to go home jungkookie" jimin turned around and got on his toes to reach jungkook's forehead and kiss it gently. He pulled back and cupped jungkook's cheek "But I'll see you tomorrow" he assured the younger.

    Jungkook sighed "In the future you won't have to leave because it will be your home" jungkook whispered into jimin's ear. Jimin started blushing as he grew hotter "J-Jungkook.." He stuttured as jungkook pulled out from the hug and smiled and the boy.

    "Now go home you have work tomorrow!" Jungkook chuckled as Jimin wore his shoes and opened the door, he waved one last time to Jungkook then left.

    Jungkook then got back to his laptop to search for jobs or businesses, he needed something good and successful that he can handle well. Hoping he will have an idea soon.

    Jimin arrived home as he quietly came in knowing that Mira and his mother are sleeping. He silently walked to his room. He then fell back to his bed resting as he heard a knock on his door. He held his head up as he saw his mother.

    His mother walked in as jimin got up and sat down "Did I wake you up?" Jimin asked worried as the mother shook her head and sat on the bed next to Jungkook.

    "I want to talk to you about something" the mother said as jimin began to worry "Mom...are you sick?" Jimin asked as he held both of his mother's hands. The mother shook her head.

   "You are graduating soon.. I am working to send you to college. Before you say no, I want you to go to college you are too good of a student and don't worry about the money I have some" the mother smiled.

    Jimin shook his head as he squeezed his mom's hands "No mom, I don't need college its too expensive. I don't want you to work. I want you to rest so please do so" jimin worried for his mother. She was very fragile. Hid father never supported them and he worked for his mom. He doesn't want her to get sick. Mira is too young to work. He wants happiness for the two women in his family.

     The mother sighed "Jimin hear me out, I want you to be happy-" Jimin shook his head "Mom I am happy! I'm working in a bakery and I really like baking. Maybe I could be a baker in the future" jimin giggled as he got an idea. Jimin's mother sighed "You brat! I want the best for you" she hit jimin softly.

    Jimin giggled as he hugged his mother "And I want you to rest! Now go sleep nothing will change my mind" jimin insisted as his mother glared at him and went back to sleep.

    Jimin threw his head back on the pillow and stared at the ceiling "If my baking gets better..Maybe Jungkook and I can own a business" he mumbled to himself as he started getting excited about the idea.

   He knew starting a business can be risky. You have to put a lot of money into it. There is no guarantee it will be successful, but he had hope. Maybe, just maybe he'll get lucky.

    He closed his eyes trying to rest as he wore jungkook's hoodie. He loved the scent of it. He just loved everything about jungkook. He had no plans on leaving him. He wanted to be in his future because he loves him so much.

     The next day Jimin went to the bakery in the early morning. He wanted to practice a lot. He wanted his cakes to taste atleast acceptable.

     While jungkook was meeting with a professional buissiness manager. He wanted to learn from him about businesses. He was going to open one but not yet its for the future.

    "So you're telling me that I shouldn't open a business and risk it" jungkook said as he sipped his coffee.

    The guy nodded "Yes, you are going you don't know how to manage it" the professional said as he ate his croissant.

    Jungkook scoffed "I'm not meeting you for nothing, you are here to help" jungkook made an ugly face after sipping the bitter coffee. He asked for sugar from the waiter.

    The professional nodded "I think you should work in some kind of company, you know your future is important if something is stopping it-"

    Jungkook hit the table desk with his palm "Did my parents hire you" he scoffed as he couldn't believe they won't leave him alone. "I could sue you for not keeping your management a secret and for giving out false information for your client" jungkook raised a brow as he glared at the boy.

     The boy apologized "I'm sorry, they threatened to ruin my career and I have two sons I can't have my career get ruined." The guy bowed down multiple times.

   Jungkook sighed "Just don't show me infront of me" he stood up as he threw money on the table for the coffee and for the guys croissant.

    The guy bowed again as jungkook left the cafe.

    "I can't believe them.." He said to himself. He decided to go to jimin's job. He wanted to see the boy from the early morning to get his mood better.

     Jimin was hard at work working as the owner watched out for him. Jimin stopped and looked at the owner. "Boss.. why did you lie to me?" He said as he felt sad.

    The owner looked at jimin with confusion "What did I lie about?" She asked as she got closer to her employee.

    Jimin sighed as he put his hands in the apron pockets "you said I was good. You said my cake was good but it wasn't! It was too sugary" he pouted.

    The owner patted jimin's back "I said you are talented! And I've worked in this for 50 years I'm pretty sure I can tell the difference between too sugary and good" she chuckled.

     Jimin bit his lip nervously "But it was I tasted it" he whined as the owner tried his mix.

    "It's not, you are just missing something." She smiled and went to greet a customer.

   "But wait! What am I missing?" He asked as he followed her.

    "It's your cake, if you make a new flavor you will be successful and people will love it and come pay for it! You just need to try until you get satisfied with the flavor" she chuckled as she opened the door for the customer.

    "Why is your employee slacking off huh? He needs to work and stop chatting" jungkook said as he got in.


         It's too early for school

       Don't forget to vote please ♡

     I'd like to thank you for 3k reads!!!



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