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    Well please, please can you keep my secret?

       Jimin was cleaning the last table before closing up the shop. Jungkook wasn't there so Jimin assumed he went home.

     "Ahh I'm tired" jimin sighed as he stretched his hands.

    He finished as he went outside and locked the door. He started walking in the cold dark night as he saw a car pull up next to him.

     The window rolled down. It was jungkook smiling "Get in" he winked. Jimin tilted his head as he opened the door "When did you get a car" he said and put one of his legs in the car. He sat and closed the door after sitting.

    Jungkook shrugged "I always had it" he said as he put his hand on jimin's thigh giving it a squeeze.

     Jimin blushed "Y-You never told me you had one" he stuttured as he tried not reacting to jungkook's touch.

   Jungkook smirked looking at jimin slowly closing his eyes "Are you tired?" He said in a deep voice.

    Jimin closed his eyes and nodded "Yes I am" he said as he rested his head on the chair. He opened his eyes and looked at jungkook.

      Jungkook suddenly leaned in close to Jimin. Jimin gulped "J-Jungkook" he said as he closed his eyes and got his lips together for a kiss.

    Jungkook grinned as he looked at jimin. He leaned in and buckled his seat belt "Your seatbelt" he whispered making jimin open his eyes and blush embarrassed "I thought.." He swallowed.

    Jungkook then started driving "We're going to my apartment" he said as he drove with one hand. The other was still on jimin's thigh.

     "Mmm okay" he said as he closed his eyes wanting sleep.

     After they arrived jungkook told Jimin to go sleep but he declined "I was sleepy in the car but now I'm not" he giggled. Jungkook held jimin's hand taking him to sleep "But you're tired" he said.

     Jimin shook his head "Let's watch a movie" he stopped jungkook. Jungkook sighed as nodded "Fine" he said.

    Jimin giggled as he cutely went to sit on the couch. He patted the seat next to him. "Here here" he said making jungkook chuckle.

    "Let's change first" he said. Jimin shook his head "later, now I want to watch the movie" getting up and grabbing jungkook. Making him sit down on the couch. He sat
on his lap. "Let's watch" he giggled.

     Jungkook blushed "Baby you are suffocating me" he said sarcastically making jimin laugh "With my love" he said making jungkook giggle.

     Jungkook grabbed the remote and started to see what movie they'll watch. "What do you want to watch jiminie" he asked as he looked at jimin.

    Jimin put his hands around jungkook's neck. "How about we do something else" He said seductively as he put his thumb on jungkook's bottom lip.

    Jungkook smirked "You're tired" he whispered. Jimin shook his head "I want to complete what we couldn't do in the cafe" he said as he kissed jungkook's jaw. Jungkook swallowed as he closed his eyes "Jimmie how can you be so seductive" he put his hands on jimin's hips making jimin straddle his lap.

    "I want you jungkookie, now" he whispered as he started grinding on jungkook's lap.

    "So demanding~" jungkook smirked as he cupped jimin's face and roughly kissed him. Jimin started taking off jungkook's shirt impatiently wanting him. Jungkook smirked and broke off the kiss to take his shirt off.

    He kissed him again and slid his tongue in, Jimin breathed heavily as he let jungkook play with his tongue inside his mouth. Jungkook held jimin's nape and started kissing his neck.

     "Mhmm~" jimin moaned as jungkook sucked on his neck. He played with jimin's thighs while kissing the older's neck.

     Jungkook stopped and held jimin up bridal style to his bed. "Jimin there's no going back from here." He said as he put Jimin in the middle of the bed.

    "Yes I know, now come and kiss me" he said as he pulled jungkook on the bed. Jungkook smirked "You're so needy~" he said as he started undressing jimin. He took off his shirt and started to play with his nipples. "Ah-mm~" jimin moaned as jungkook started kissing him again.

    "You're so sensitive jimin~" he said between the kiss. He pulled from the kiss and started licking jimin areola. Jimin bit his lip and held jungkook's hair. "J-Jungkookie~"  his heart started beating faster.

      As jungkook was playing with his nipples, Jimin held jungkook's belt and started to take it off. He took it off and open ed the zipper and the button. "Slow down~ we have all night" jungkook whispered. But jimin didn't stop he opened jungkook's pants trying to take them off him.

    Jungkook chuckled and stood up to take his pants off. Jimin took his pants off too and stared at jungkook seductively looking at his body. His eyes were full of lust.

     "Jungkookie your underwear too, take it off~" jimin said as he licked his lips.


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