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        Well please, please can you keep my secret?


      "Fuck!" Jungkook hissed as he grabbed his phone quickly and checked all the texts from jimin. He felt guilt rush through him since he didn't check his phone last night and just went to sleep. He decided to call the boy quickly.

    Ring Ring~

      He tapped his foot as he waited for his hyung to answer.

    "Sorry the person you are trying to call is not available-" jungkook closed the call and quickly changed his clothes. He was going to be late for work. He decided to leave a message for jimin.

Baby I'm so sorry I couldn't answer you! I slept and my phone was out of battery..please don't be mad at me..I'm Just extremely busy with work.. please remember that I love you. ❤
9:09 am

      He left the house and went to work. At that time jimin was already in the bakery working. His phone was far away from him and he was busy baking. Trying to come up with a new recipe.

     His hair color was fading.. He wanted to re-dye his hair. He wants to go with Jungkook but he can't even talk to the boy or even see him.

    He was sitting watching the oven, staring at it with a sad expression. The owner noticed that the boy these days is not himself. He used to laugh and make jokes with the customers. Now he doesn't even smile that much. If he does, it looks fake.

   "Jimin you can't be sad forever" the boss commented as jimin frowned at what she said.

    "I'm not sad" he faked smile and adjusted his apron. The owner laughed "I know I have a bad eye sight but I can sense if someone is sad" she said as jimin's smile dissapeared. Jimin sighed "I'm sorry.. It's just stuff is going on" he bit his lip.

    The owner nodded as she patted jimin's shoulder "Maybe stop thinking about all the negative things that are happening and think about the positive that is coming after it" she said as she went leaving jimin alone in the kitchen.

    Jimin didn't understand what she said. He didn't even try to think about it. He kept thinking on how jungkook ignored him last night.

    A customer came in as jimin heard the bell from the kitchen. He quickly got out to greet the customer then he saw Taehyung.

   Taehyung came in happily as he greeted jimin with a big smile "Hi Jiminie! I found your bakery" he said. Jimin got goosebumps because of the nickname Taehyung called him. He didn't like it at all he only wanted Jungkook to call him that. But he decided to let it slide since Taehyung is his friend.

     "You did..haha.." Jimin said as Taehyung nodded and sat on one of the tables. "So did Jungkook contact you" he said without being ashamed on asking about private things. Jimin felt uncomfortable "I didn't check.." he said as he went to check his phone.

    Taehyung watched jimin's lips form a smile after checking the phone. "He sent a text!" He said to Taehyung happily. Taehyung scoffed "He didn't call though" he said.

   Jimin shook his head "He actually did but my phone was on silent" jimin opened the message as he read it. "Let me see that" Taehyung grabbed the phone from jimin's hands as jimin frowned.

    "Oh jimin.." Taehyung said as he shook his head dissapointed. Jimin looked at the boy "W-what?" He stuttured. Taehyung faked sympathy "He is 100% cheating on you.." He faked disappointed tone.

    Jimin shook his head in disbelief "NO stop saying that!" Jimin got angry. Taehyung looked at jimin seriously "Okay look at the text.. it says that his phone was out of battery.. do u actually believe that and He "slept" no one sleeps without checking their phone and look "he says please don't be mad" there must be a reason for you to be mad then and of course he ended it with the cliche "remeber I love you" that means he knows you are doubting him and he wants to seem less suspicious" Taehyung frowned as he gave the phone back to Jimin shaking his head.

   Jimin just stared at the text. He didn't want to believe it. But for some reason all this made sense to Jimin. It's like Taehyung brainwashed the boy.

    Jimin started tearing up "he is.. h-he is.." He swallowed as Taehyung pulled him for a hug. Jimin sobbed on his chest as Taehyung grinned. "You should end it before he does" Taehyung said.

    Jimin pulled from the hug "M-Me? I can't do that" he sniffed as his eyes were red. Taehyung shook his head "No jimin, you can" Taehyung provoked jimin. Jimin swallowed as he sat on a chair with no energy.

   Taehyung hissed "I should have guessed" he mumbled wanting to catch jimin's attention. Jimin looked up "Guessed what..?" He asked.

    Taehyung looked down as he was sad "Jungkook was only dating you because you dressed up as a maid" he said in a dissapointed tone.

   Jimin shook his head "What no!" He whined as he began to tear up again.

   Taehyung hushed the boy "they fired you right? After that jungkook started to stop seeing you that much.." He said.

     Tears started dripping from his eyes on to his cheeks. He dropped his phone on the ground as he stared at it. Suddenly there was a phone call from jungkook.

      My world 😍 is calling..

     His eyes widened as Taehyung took the phone. "No give it back!" Jimin shouted. Taehyung nodded "I will..but be strong and end it" he said as he answered the call and put it on speaker.

    "Jiminie!! I miss you~" jungkook said as he sighed relieved jimin answered.

   Taehyung held jimin's hand as he nodded to him.

    "Jungkook.. let's break up" jimin hung up.


       I intentionally did a cliff hanger >:]

          I may write 3rd chapter today :) so vote ^^

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