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        Well please, please can you keep my secret?


         "W-Why?" Jimin asked. He was flustered by the question.

     Vernon smirked "Its so loud here, and we both don't seem to like loud places" he explained.

     "Yea but.... I'm waiting for my boyfriend" Jimin thought he'll make it clear he has a boyfriend and is coming.

     Vernon scoffed "It doesn't seem he's coming so soon, and besides we will just talk .. okay?" He smiled as he stood up wanting Jimin to stand up with him.

     Jimin sighed "Fine..." he said as Vernon brought 2 more drinks in his hands.

      "Let's go" Vernon said as they both climbed up the stairs.

       Jimin thought it was wrong. But then he knew he won't do anything with that guy because he won't allow it, and made it clear he has a boyfriend.

        The two entered a room. There were a couple of people in the room which made jimin sigh in relief. They sat across from eachother in chairs. The room was much more quiet than downstairs. Maybe it was right to move upstairs.

         "So Jimin, from 0 to 10 how likely do you want to talk to me" he asked as he gave the 2 drinks to Jimin. He brought them to give both of them to Jimin.

       As Jimin sipped from his drink "Hmmm a 3 haha" he said as he was getting slowly drunk and not realizing what he is saying.

       "You're too honest jimin, I'm hurt" the guy shook his head in disappointment.

        "Hahaha I think I'm drunk...I should stop drinking" Jimin put his drink on the desk near him as he rubbed his eyes.

        "No you're not! Come on drink more! We're at a party" Vernon handed Jimin a drink.

       "I think I'm good" jimin said as his cheeks were slowly turning pink.

       "One more!" Vernon insisted.

       Jimin couldn't deny anymore and accepted it. He drank it one shot. "That's it" he said as he rubbed his eyes.

      "Jimin.. I'll kiss you" Vernon said as he began to lean closer to Jimin.

       Jimin shook his head as he weakly pushed him. He was already drunk. "Nooo only jungkookie can" he said cutley.

       "Shhh you don't know what's good for you" as he pinned jimin to the couch and straddled him.

       "Now don't shout okay" Vernon leaned.

      Jimin shook his head "No No jungkook" he shouted for help.

      Vernon covered his mouth "I said don't make a sound" he hissed.

      Jungkook came in running as he punched Vernon's face. "You asshole" he punched him again and straddled him on the floor. Punching him over and over again. His fists were bloody.

     "Jungkookie is here~" jimin said as he smiled cutely.

     Jin came in running and held jungkook "That's enough jungkook" he said as he held his hands back.
      "Let me go!" Jungkook demanded.

      "Don't or he'll take it to the court" him warned him.

        "That bitch was about to harass him. NO. He already did" as he spit on him.
      Vernon was on the floor. His nose was spilling blood. Cheeks were bloody. He couldn't get up. "Bastard" he mumbled.

      Jungkook held Jimin "Let's go" he said as jimin was out of it. He was so drunk.

    "Mmm jungkookie only you can touch me~" he said and cupped jungkook's face.

     "Jimin get to your senses" jungkook carried jimin on his back. He held his hips. And jimin put his arms around jungkook's neck.

     "I'm getting carried~" he giggled.

      "I can't even leave you for an hour" he sighed as he walked out of the house.

      "Jungkookie~" Jimin said.

      "Hmm?" Jungkook hummed in response.

      "Only you can kiss me okay!" He pouted then giggled. He hugged jungkook's neck.

       "Yes Jimin. You're mine only" jungkook smiled.

      "Where are we going?" Jimin asked as he began to kiss jungkook's neck from behind.

      Jungkook suddenly blushed "J-Jimin you're d-drunk" he stuttered. Jimin didn't stop kissing the younger boy from behind.

       "Ahh~ jimin stop" he moaned as he stopped walking.

       "I need you~" jimin whispered in his ear seductively.

       'Jungkook calm down he is drunk, don't do anything and just keep walking. It's so hard to resist but.. I need to' he thought.

      "Jimin I'm taking you home" he said as he started walking again.

       "Let's go to your apartment..Tomorrow we have no school" jimin started playing with jungkook's hair.

       Jungkook gulped "Jimin calm down please before I lose it" he sighed.

       Jimin bit his lip "If you take me home today I'll never sleepover in your place" jimin pouted. He didn't know what he was saying since he was drunk.

      Jungkook rolled his eyes "You're gonna regret saying that tomorrow."

      Jimin started kicking his feet "Diminie is hungry~ Diminie wants food" he started cutely saying.

      "Diminie.. seriously?" Jungkook chuckled. "Fine we will go eat then I'll take you home okay?"

     He went to a nearby small restaurant. An old lady was running the shop. Jungkook made jimin sit next to him.

     "Ahjumma, can we please have 2 cups of ramen and some kimbap" he yelled as jimin started to put the spoon in his mouth imagining the food.

      "Diminie loves jungkookie" He said as he started giggling over nothing.

       "L-Loves?" Jungkook didn't know if he just said that because he's drunk or because he means it.

     "Diminie wants Jungkookie to kiss him here" he pointed at his right cheek. Jungkook giggled and kissed him there. Jimin then pointed at his left cheek, jungkook obeyed and kissed it. Jimin smirked and pointed at his lips "A looooooong one here" he said.

        "Fine but that's it no more" jungkook said as he cupped jimin's cheeks and gave him a long soft and gentle kiss.

      Jimin held jungkook's neck making him kiss him more. "Jimin~" jungkook said in between the kiss trying to stop it.

     Jimin giggled as he stopped and leaned back "Jungkookie I'm hungry" jimin said as he gazed at jungkook.

     "The food will come in a couple of minutes" jungkook smiled.

     "No, I'm hungry for you" he told Jungkook.


          I really hate school >.< 


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