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Well please, please can you keep my secret?


Jimin frowned, "Jungkook.. don't hurt him," he said as he looked at jungkook and cupped his face.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and sighed, "Jimin don't try defending him.. he caused this," the boy took jimin's hands off of his face and walked away. He opened a water bottle and started chugging it.

Jimin went up to him as he sat down on a chair, "I'm not.. it's just that he probably didn't want to cause this.." he mumbled.

Jungkook rolled his eyes as he squeezed the water bottle making jimin flinch. "Don't make me laugh, you said he made you doubt me," he threw the water bottle on the counter.

Jimin got up and held jungkook's hands "Well.. he did, fine I'll give you his number," jimin got his phone out of his pocket. Jungkook snatched the phone and sent Taehyung's number to himself. He gave the phone back to Jimin and held his hands.

"Jimin.. you probably want attention.. but just wait a while." Jungkook kissed jimin's forehead. Jimin giggled "What was the surprise? You never told me," Jimin's pupils got bigger.

Jungkook patted jimin's head, "It's called a surprise for a reason baby," he left to put his shoes on. He needed to go to the gas station to work. "You can stay here and sleep.. though I'll be late," jimin nodded as he pouted.

Jungkook sighed and hugged the boy "Baby, I missed you so much and all I want to do is taste you all night but.. maybe not today hmm?" He pulled from the hug and winked at jimin.

Jimin blushed, "That's not why I wanted to stay over.." he buffered as jungkook giggled, "Sure sure." He sarcastically agreed and left the house.

Jimin stayed over and changed his clothes into jungkook's big pajamas. He sat on the bed as he played with jungkook's laptop.

Meanwhile jungkook wasn't planning on going to work. He was going to have a little talk with Taehyung. He dialed the number as he pressed call waiting for him to answer.

"Hello? Who is this?" Taehyung said.

"Jungkook, let's meet right now." Jungkook demanded as he hung up and sent the address to Taehyung.

Taehyung agreed to go as he started to leave his house. He started going where jungkook said to meet.

Taehyung got there first. He put his hands in his pocket as he waited in the shady alley. It was already night.

Jungkook got there. He saw Taehyung and walked up to him.

"Jungkook, long time no se- AH!" Jungkook held his collar as he punched his jaw. Making the boy scream in pain.

"WHAT THE FUC- AH!" Jungkook punched his stomach as Taehyung cupped it in pain.

"You piece of trash!" Jungkook said as he held the boy up to kick him in the stomach.

"STOP!" Taehyung yelled as jungkook chuckled, "Try messing with jimin again and you're dead you bitch," he punched Taehyung making his nose bleed. He left as his fists were red.

"Fucking asshole." Taehyung mumbled as he touched his nose and saw the blood. His cheeks were red.

Jungkook then went back home. Jimin heard him get in and got surprised. He got off the bed quickly to see the boy. "Jungkook you are already back!" Jimin said as jungkook hid his hands behind his back.

"Mm! I forgot I don't have a shift today.. so I can spend the day with you," jungkook smiled as he quickly went to the bathroom to clean off the blood on his fists.

Jimin got so happy. He waited for jungkook to get out of the bathroom so they can cuddle together. He missed cuddling with him so much.

He sat on the bed and started to see what they can watch together. Jungkook got out as he took off his shirt infront of jimin and sat next to his on the bed. "Are we watching a movie?" He asked. Jimin nodded and looked for one.

Jungkook scoffed, "You know whenever we 'watch a movie' we end up doing something else," he put his hand on jimin's thigh. Jimin blushed as he quickly took jungkook's hand off of his thigh.

"This time we will, okay! I'm tired." Jimin said as jungkook played with jimin's shirt "You can sit back while I do the work," he winked as jimin chuckled, "Jungkook we are watching a movie."

Jungkook sighed as he nodded. He starting mumbling to himself and complain on how mean jimin is. Jimin heard it all and smiled at the pouting boy.

"Jungkook, I just want to hug you to sleep," he caressed jungkook's hair. Jungkook wet his lips, "I want to pleasure you," he smirked as jimin's cheeks were red.

"Stop!~" Jimin giggled as he put his head on jungkook's chest and started the movie. Jungkook closed his eyes as the movie began. He was tired too.

Ten minutes into the movie and jimin heard snoring. He looked up and saw jungkook in deep sleep. "This brat wanted to pleasure me while he can't even watch a movie," he chuckled as he closed the movie and covered jungkook with a blanket.

He hugged him and closed his eyes. They were both tired. Jungkook learned that a relationship isn't only about affection and physical contact. It's about caring and taking responsibility. He never thought he'll work that much for a person. He never thought he'll ever fight for the person he loves.

Jimin couldn't sleep so started tracing his hand on jungkook's arm seductively. He played with his abs too as he saw jungkook sleeping innocently.

"If only you didn't sleep so fast.." Jimin sighed.


My story reached 4k!! I am very thankful for everyone 💖

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