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Well please, please can you keep my secret?


Jimin finished work. He closed the shop and started walking home. He was thinking about Jungkook, He decided to text him because he was worried.

Jimin : Jungkook are you alright?

Jungkook : OH lok its jmin

Jimin : Jungkook are you drunk?

Jungkook : NoO im nt drink

Jimin : Oh my god where are you?

Jungkook : SEa

Jimin : Be more specific!

Jungkook : watER

Jimin : Jungkook do you see any signs next to you?

Jungkook : Yas

Jimin : okay.... what does it say

Jungkook : Park BISAN

Jimin : Don't move! stay there.


hello jungkook!


*not seen*

Jimin ran as fast as he can, The park was close to his work. He entered it and ran to the benches next to the sea to look for jungkook.

Fuck where you...

"JUNGKOOK," He yelled as he kept checking every bench. Then he saw someone passed out on a bench. "Oh my god," he ran there.

He knelt down and shook him. "Jungkook, get to your senses jungkook."

He saw a tear run down on his cheek. His eyes softened "Jungkookie.. why are you crying?" He wiped away his tear using his thumb.

He got up and held jungkook's head up. Sitting on the bench then putting his head on his lap. He patted his back "Shh it's going to be okay," he whispered. Jungkook got up as he heard that "No! It's not.. IT'S NOT!" He sobbed.

Jimin hugged jungkook "I'll try my best to fix it.." jungkook hid his face in jimin's chest, sobbing in his warmth.

"I-I'm getting sick of t-this," jungkook sobbed. Jimin patted jungkook's back "Sick of what?" he asked.

Jungkook rose up "My f-father.." he sniffed still tears running down his cheeks. Jimin held jungkook's shoulders "What did he do?" he asked softly.

"H-He hates m-me," he sobbed again on jimin's chest. Jimin hugged jungkook "How can someone hate you, it's impossible," he caressed jungkook's hair.

"N-No! All my family hates me, I'm d-disgusting to them," he stopped crying and looked at jimin "D-Do I bother you? Do you h-hate me?" He asked.

Jimin shook his head instantly "No! How can you say that?" Jimin started tearing up. Jungkook chuckled while sniffing, "Why are you crying?" Jimin giggled, "Because I hate seeing you sad," jungkook smiled and kissed jimin's forehead.

"You are so precious jimin," he mumbled and held his hands.

Why does his family hate him, why does his father hate him, why is he crying so badly. I had many questions but I knew today wasn't the right time to ask him. He'll tell me eventually... But today I want to make him forget his pain.

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