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        Well please, please can you keep my secret?


       Jimin chuckled as he saw jungkook get in the shop. The owner looked at jimin "Do you know him?" She asked.

    Jimin nodded "Yes he's my stalker" jimin hid his smile. Jungkook's eyes widened "NO Dont misunderstand! I'm his boyfriend" the owner laughed and nodded "You guys look cute together"  she commented as jungkook hit jimin's ass.

     Jimin pouted as he went back to work. Jungkook giggled as he sat down on one of the tables. Owner sat next to Jungkook. "How old are you?" She asked curiously.

    Jungkook smiled at the owner "I'm 18" the owner nodded happily. "Jungkook if you are interested you should buy this bakery, you and Jimin can manage it" the owner chuckled.

    Jungkook raised his brow "Why are you selling the bakery?" He asked as he took a look on jimin in the back round baking.

    "I'm old, I can't manage it..but I want to sell it to someone passionate. You and Jimin look young passionate boys that's why I asked" she patted jungkook's back as she went back to work.

    Jungkook kept thinking about it as he stared at the floor. Own this bakery.. He thought.

     Jungkook decided to go to the kitchen to be next to Jimin. Jimin giggled "you can't be here" he whined as he slightly pushed jungkook with his hip. Jungkook shook his head as he back hugged his lover. "Jimin should I buy this bakery?" He whispered into his ear as he tightened his grib on jimin's waist.

     Jimin blushed, he felt seduced by the younger. "Jungkook I'm not that good at baking.." Jimin said as he tried baking as jungkook hugged him. Jimin kissed the boy's shoulder as he shook his head "You are very good" he said in a low voice as he rested his chin on jimin's shoulder.

     Jimin swallowed as he felt his heart beating "Don't lie to me" he pouted as he mixed his mix.

   "Stop flirting in my kitchen!" The owner said as jungkook quickly stepped back from jimin.

    "Sorry" jungkook scratched his nape as jimin giggled. "Go out you're not suppose to be here" he pushed jungkook and bowed to the owner.

  The owner laughed "So are you going to order anything?" She asked jungkook. Jungkook nodded "how expensive is this shop?" He asked as the owner left to get something from the cabinet. She showed him a paper that has the shop price and the bills that you'll get every month.

    She handed to Jungkook. Jungkook saw it and opened it. His eyes widened as he sighed "I only have half of this amount" he mumbled. The owner nodded "Hmm maybe I'll give you a discount" she thought. Jungkook sighed again "Yes but I'll still need more money.." He bit his lip.

     "You know you don't have to buy it" she patted jungkook's back. Jungkook started at the paper and took a picture of it. He handed the paper back "I'll think about it" he said.

   Jimin came with a cupcake in his hand "Jungkookie this is for you" he giggled. Jungkook smiled widely "It looks good." He exaggerated.

         Jimin gave it to him as he waited for him to taste it. Jungkook took a bite but there was no reaction. "SO?" Jimin asked scared.

    "It doesn't taste bad but there is something missing.." He tilted his head as jimin sighed. "Ugh I tried everything! This is harder than I thought" he rubbed his eyes as he was getting tired. Jungkook caressed jimin's arm "Don't worry about it, you'll get better" he said.

    Jimin nodded "It's just that I need something to put in it, so it can be special so People will like it" he claimed as jungkook started thinking.

    "Maybe peanut butter?" Jungkook commented as jimin frowned "Yea I'm pretty sure it exits though" jimin stretched his arms.

   Jungkook chuckled "Yea I know that but add something into it so it becomes special" jungkook held jimin's hands "You can do it.. I know you can" he assured him as jimin nodded.

    "You work on that, I have to go find a job" jungkook said as Jimin tilted his head "Right now?" He tilted his head. Jungkook nodded "Yes! I need it for something" he didn't want to tell jimin about it. He wanted it to be a surprise for him.

    He wants to open a business with jimin. Being with him all day is everything he wants. And he decided to at least have two jobs so he can pay for that shop.

     He got a job in a gas station and he was a  cook in bangtan burger. He cooked burgers on the day and worked at the gas station  at night. He was surely tired since he's a human. But not everything comes easy. He knew he had to work hard for the good things in life.

      It's been a two week since the two has seen eachother. Jungkook was busy all day he could only text jimin on his breaks. Jimin was busy trying to bake something special.

     Jimin didn't know why jungkook worked two jobs. He didn't like it since he couldn't see the younger boy at all. He missed him yet he only can text him. He knew jungkook needed money but he didn't know for what.

     "I miss my jungkookie.." Jimin pouted as he walked home at night from his work. He decided to text jungkook. He wanted to go to his work yet jungkook never told him where he works at. That made jimin sad.

     "Is that Jimin??" A boy yelled as jimin looked back at the boy who called him.

    "Taehyung-ah!" He giggled as Taehyung ran to him. "It's been a while" he said as jimin nodded.

   "Yes since its been holiday from school I couldn't see you" jimin said. Taehyung was curious "Why did you quit your job?" He asked curiously.

    Jimin explained the situation as Taehyung listened to the boy. "Where is Jungkook by the way?" He asked.

    Jimin shrugged his shoulders "I don't know.." He mumbled.


        I don't know when I'm ending this😂

    Please vote I update at school >.<


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