Chapter 5

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I know that I should have taken some time off from work since I was discharged from the hospital yesterday, but I just couldn't stay at home and do nothing. Work was all I had and work was all I did...and I didn't want my employees to think something was wrong with me. I tried to do some paperwork but little flashes of Shana in my mind starts to provoke my thoughts. Her eyes, her mesmerizing smile, and her tantalizing walk. I couldn't get her out of my head...and I liked it.

It's been a week since I've drunk any alcohol or even thought about it. Meeting Shana somehow made me not want to drink at all.


"Come in."

Lian opens the door and handed me some more papers. "These are the monthly expenses that you requested, Mr. Somers."

"I'll take a look at them later."

Her eyes were puffy and it looks like she's been crying. I notice she rubs her arm like it hurts and there were some bruises on her wrists. "Lian...? Are you...?" I wanted to ask her if she was okay but, I didn't want her to think I was prying or being a nosy boss. I clear my throat. "Please--uh. Please close the door when you leave." She nods and leaves. I do not pry in my employee's personal lives unless it's affecting their work and this wasn't affecting her work.

Later that day, Jon and I went to Joe's café. As usual, we took a seat by the window. He was talking about some girl who stood him up for prom when he was in high school. Emily the waitress is serving the table next to us. Jon stops talking and stares at her as she bent over and picks up a napkin off the floor. She looks over her shoulder and gave him a sultry look. "Wow. Dude, she's so hot." He said, staring at her. At that very moment, I saw Shana walking on the sidewalk outside. "Yeah, she's really hot." It felt like Deja vu. She's wearing the same red jacket with earbuds in her ear, sporting that beautiful smile.

"Anyways," Jon continues. "This girl had the nerve to tell me that I wasn't rich enough for me to go prom with her. So, I snatched the corsage off her wrist and told her-"

"Yeah yeah. Jon, you told me that story a million times already. I'll be right back. okay?" I cut him off,

"Hey, where are you going?"

I rushed out of the café and ran to catch up with Shana. I touch her shoulder. She turns around and took out her earbuds. She greets me with that big beautiful smile. "Ian? Hi."

"Hi. You remembered my name."

"Yes, who could forget about you? So, what are you doing here?"

"I'm on a coffee break with my friend, Jon." I point at Jon in the café as he waves at us. "You're welcome to join us if you want."

"No, I can't. I'm actually in a bit of a hurry. Maybe next time?"

"Sure. Maybe next time without my friend there?"

"You mean on a date?"

"Uh, exactly." I place my hands in my pocket. I've asked girls out before. Why was I so damn nervous this time?

"I'll be glad to go on a date with you." Her eyes shift to Jon inside the Café now knocking on the window. "Wait a minute, I think I know him." She narrows her eyes, "yeah, your friend's  the Milky Way guy?"

I laugh, "The who?" I've heard girls called Jon many things before but this was new.

"The milky way guy. It's a thing... I was working at this grocery store; i think you remember it. Well, he would always come in just to buy milky way bars. It's funny because he always hit on me and uses the same line every time the 'are you related to Beyoncé' line And the funny thing is...I don't think he realizes that I'm the same girl each time." She laughs.

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