Chapter 16

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Hours after I came clean to Shana about my diagnosis, she hasn't left our room, not even for breakfast. She claims that she wasn't feeling well due to the hangover but I knew that she wasn't coping with the news too well. Every time I went in to check up on her, she always promised that she's fine. Jon told me to give her time but I wanted the old Shana back, the one who always had a smile on her face and the one who always had a positive attitude towards life and all its mishaps.

After carrying breakfast to Shana, I joined Jon and Camelia at the dining table for a late breakfast. I would've joined Shana but she wanted to be alone. She didn't tell me, but I just felt it.

"Dude, could you stop shaking your leg? It feels like there's an earthquake and you know how much I'm afraid of earthquakes." Jon said chewing a piece of bacon.

"I'm sorry. I'm just worried that Shana might be considering leaving me."

"What? You're crazy. She loves you. I told you already give her some time, she'll come around."

Suddenly, I felt two arms wrap around my chest from behind and the softness of her hair brushing up against my ear. It used to be her smile melting all my worries away but that hug just sent me to cloud nine.

"Are you alright?" I ask, turning and looking into her eyes. She seems fine, but already? Not too long ago she was in the bedroom sulking, now she looks like the old Shana; smiling and cheerful.

"I'm fine. We'll get through this together. I love you." She looks at Jon and Camelia who were gawking at us, and then she whispers in my ear. "Do they know?"

"Yeah, they know."

Camelia gets out of her seat and tenderly rubs Shana's shoulder. "Don't worry Shana we are right here for you."

Even though those words were meant for Shana, it was good to know that I have friends and a great girlfriend to depend on. The phone rings, making me jump. I usually don't answer unknown calls but this one somehow felt different.

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Ian?" A low female voice said, sobbing.

"Yeah, who is this?"

"It's Ashley." She said a little louder. I immediately got up and walked out to the balcony. I didn't want Shana to know that it was Ashley on the phone. Even though I was on the balcony I could still see Shana taking little glimpses of me from inside the kitchen. She then picks up my plate and replaces it with another.

What is she doing?

"Hello? Ian? I really need to see you." Ashley's crying voice said on the phone. I don't' know why this woman won't leave me alone.

"Ashley, when are you going to get it through your thick skull? We are no longer together. I don't want anything to do with you! Look, I'm blocking this number."

"But I--" I hung up before she could say anything else. I went back inside, Jon and Camelia were gone but Shana was still in the kitchen. I take my seat at the bar about to finish my bacon, it was gone. There was a bowl of oatmeal and fruits looking back at me.

"What's this?" I ask Shana.


"Yeah, I know, but what is it doing here?"

"I read somewhere that eating healthy could help with the cancer. I'm putting you on a healthy diet from now on."

It's great that Shana was coming around to the fact I have cancer. It's great that she took the time out to prepare stuff like this for me, but no bacon? That's ridiculous but for now, I smiled. "Okay, that's nice. Hey, are you okay?"

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