Chapter 37

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Shana's birthday

The day started off great. I surprised Shana with breakfast in bed and gave her a pair of chocolate and white diamond earrings, which was more expensive than anything I've ever bought her. We spend the morning cuddling in bed and eating.

My phone buzzed a couple times but whoever it was they can wait because nothing is going to wreck this moment. My phone starts ringing, its sharp unsettling sound interrupted our solace.

Shana moans, "Ian, just answer it already."

I answered the phone went out to the balcony, "Hey Jon."

"Ian please come. I need your help. I did something really bad." There was panic in his voice.

"What is it now Jon?"

"Just come man, come." His voice more urgent.

"Jon? Jon!" He hangs up. Jon's voice sounded panicked, what did he got himself into this time? I hurried to my Bedroom and put on my clothes. I look at Shana who was in a fetal position on the bed, staring at the lamp. She had a glazed look in her eyes. I didn't want to leave her alone especially on her birthday, but Jon always did inevitable stupid things. The last time I got a call like this he was detained for swearing and using obscenities in public when he was in Dubai. It's not like he didn't know the laws, he did, but he did it anyway and I had to fly to Dubai to get him out.

"What's wrong?" Shana sits up.

"That was Jon. I think something must have happened he sounded panicked. He's probably in trouble."

"I'm coming with you."

"No, it'll only take a few minutes."

"I don't to be alone."

"Okay." She threw on some jeans, a black tee and that red jacket that I like and we left the building.

We finally got by Jon's place and outside look ordinary and nothing was out of place. I walk up to the door, knocked but no one answered. I open my phone and called him once more, no answer but I could hear his phone ringing from inside.

"Jon? Jon!" I banged on the door. When on one answered I used my spear key to unlock the door.

The house was quiet and clean, until groups of people came out of nowhere. "Surprise!" I gasped in shock; my heart must have jumped out of my chest and back into it in a beat of a second.

Jon stood at the front grinning. "Surprise. I got you guys, huh?"

"Jon what is all of this?"

"Isn't it obvious? It's a surprise party for Shana and I didn't tell you anything cause you can't keep a secret for shit."

"She might not be up for this." I whisper to him.

"No, It's lovely, Jon. Thank you. You really out did yourself and you even got a gold cake? How?"

"I have a friend of a friend...of a friend." He grins.

"Well thank you." She hugs Jon, something I thought I'll never see. "But I can't celebrate in these clothes, we have to go home and come back."

"Nonsense, I thought about that too and there's a second surprise for you in the guest room upstairs. Happy Birthday." She smiles and went upstairs.

That smile, the one I wanted to see for days now and it was all because of him. Never thought Jon would go out of his way for Shana, the two loathe each other the first time they met, then became friends and somehow Shana distance herself when she found out what happened between Jon and Camelia.

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