Beautiful memories will wait for you part 3

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Inside the kitchen, hot steam rises from the pot.

Sauce......she fails again. Although she tries to follow Oh Jong's recipe, she's never cooked anything this complicated.

She's making sauce for the first in her life.

Maybe because she feels distracted, she fails again and again, recooking the sauce again and again.

She feels defeated.

Recipe from demons....are so hard to cook. She pours away the failed sauce and sits on the sofa feeling depressed.

It's getting late.

She should go back to him soon.....

But......don't know why, she feels really down.

Although, when he's served with tteoboki, he will still eat them happily.

But, what is this deep sense of self blame? What is this heavy feeling?

Her tears fall onto the coffee table unknowningly.

Love......that feeling is oozing from her heart.

This feeling is much stronger than before.

What should she do?

How can she show him her feelings?

Someone as strong as him is wounded. Watching him forcing himself to stay awake for her and then goes back into deep sleep everyday breaks her heart.

What can she do for him......?

She feels so helpless and useless.

Her tears stream down her face.

"............Seon Mi ah......."

Who's that??

"Seon Mi ah....don't cry."

She lifts her head in surprise.

An orb of gentle light appears next to her......Grandma.

"Did you forget, that food is all about the heart and feelings?"

Grandma's voice is light and warm.


"I'm sure, he will definitely be able to tell, Seon Mi's love for him."

Her beloved grandma's soul says to her gently. She's always there, protecting her.


"So, what books did you buy yesterday?"

He slept till the evening and woke up just before dinner. When he wakes up, she's already been sent back by Oh Jong.

Strangely, he's in a good mood. He sits infront of the table, waiting.

"Well......I just had a look. I didn' anything."

He sits infront of the dinning table. There's a bowl of rice and a bowl of tteoboki. Very simple and plain. He crosses his arms: "I'm starting to slightly miss my Oh Jong's cooking......Jin Seon Mi, did you have fun yesterday? Did you meet the movie guy behind my back and that's why you're too distracted to cook today?"

What is this taste........?

" think that 8 years later, Jonathan is happy to see the deceased Jin Seon Mi?......" She feels distracted. She scoops a spoonful of the failed sauce, but with great debate, she puts them back into the pot.

Grandma's lying.

She can't do it after all.

"Wah~......Eversince you started cooking, I can feel myself losing weight." He says in exaggeration. "The tteokboki is nice but this is too plain. No one in the world will marry you except me-----"

She takes out the sauce cooked by Oh Jong and serves it on the table, sulking.

He eats happily while throwing out compliments one after another.

"You're not going to eat?" He asks in confusion.

"Before you woke up, I ate already.......I'm......I'm going to take a stroll outside."

Her feelings are in a mess. But, truthfully, she is full.

For the entire afternoon, she's tasting those failed sauces she cooked.....

This is just something little. But why?.......Why is there dull aches in her heart.

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