Predestined fate part 6

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Tearfully, she starts to regain consciousness.

The moon hangs high on in the sky and her thinly dressed body shivers from the cold.

Her mind suddenly clears, where is this place ???

She's been here the mountain from her dream.

When was she brought here?

This is not a dream.....not a dream.

She's no longer in her house. She's actually here in the real mountain in person.

The area is lit up by a fire torch. She lies on the ground with her hands bound. There is someone who is zombie-like standing above her.

She reeks of rotten flesh and it's revolting. She's the priestess from the dream.


She's holding a wooden box with her rotten hands. Her dark and rotten eyes stare into Seon Mi's eyes.

"Do you know what I want to do?.......I've sealed your voice. You can't call out to your guardian. And, if you forcefully break free from my spell, all the power will backlash into you. Ah, by the way, if you saw the dream I showed you, then, you should be well aware that you can't escape from here even if you use your blood. Because, this very mountain, was a prison built for Samjang."

Her heart shudders in fear. She tries to speak but her tongue is numb.

"Jin Seon Mi, I didn't plan on meeting you so soon but my body is already its limit. You are the only Samjang that is resurrected after death. I didn't expect that that person would love you so the point where he keeps part of your body. Thanks to that, it saved me a lot of effort."

Hong-Ling sprinkles some ashes into the air.

Suddenly, she finally understands what that is.....

Tears well up in her eyes, silently falling down her face.

She finally understands why he left home so suddenly.

Because he doesn't want her to know......

"Well, well. What should I do?" That person cackles eerily.

"This body of mine was cursed by my guardian. The pain I suffer is unbearable. Then I thought, how about I make another body for myself? Although this method is a bit complicated, but all I need is your bones and ashes, your blood, and.......the blood from the heart of your most beloved great sage Son Oh Gong."

Her eyes widen in fear.

So, Hong-Ling is going after his life !!

Was she captured here as a bait to lure him?

Son Oh Gong......


Hong-Ling leans over, raising a blade high above her head. She sudden sits up taking Hong-Ling by surprise. Hong-Ling falls to the ground. She quickly got up and start running away.

The night is pitch black, the moon is red like blood just like that night in the dream.

Hong-Ling watches the escaping figure. She waves her hand, black shadows start to slither on the ground.

She thought that when she's no longer human, she wouldn't be afraid anymore.

But she can smell her own scent, the blood of lotus.......

She cannot bleed. Right now, her blood cannot break through this barrier.

She continues to run blindly. All she sees are trees and the red moon in the sky.

She saw a flight of stairs ahead and decides to climb up. She can see some light but the surrounding remains eerily quiet. When she looks back, the path she came from is already obscured by thick fogs.

There is something slithering on the floor. There are.......snakes!!

The air is damp and cold. She's still wearing her thin pajamas. Her feet are bleeding, attracting all the snakes. She has no choice but to run forward up the stairs. She can faintly see the temple she saw in her dream. When she's crossing the bridge before the temple, she steps onto a broken tile. The tile gave away under her feet and she fell into the chilling water.

Memories suddenly rush into her mind.

All she can see is blood !!

The sound of crying, blood and a pair of red bells.......and the burning fire.

She struggles and tries to swim.

Just a couple of days ago, he was teaching her how to swim. His face with adorned with affection and smiles. Unlike now, everything is bottomless and pitch black.


She's a demon, even when she's drowning, she's not going to die.

But......this is no good. If he saw her like this, he's going to get angry.

He can't come here........

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