Predestined fate part 2

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In the evening, he would relax with her on the beach.

Last time when he was trying to teach her how to swim, it slightly traumatized her and he never dared to scare her again. But she adores the sunset at the beach and he would gladly accompany her while watching her playing with the sand.

When she do something, she would focus on it with nothing else on her mind.

He understands that in her life time, she has never had any relaxing time. She would have to amour herself with layers and layers of protection. Her past self, would never exhibit vibrant emotions like this. She has never let her guard down. She never had a childhood friend, friend or parents. Therefore, she did not have a chance to experience a normal childhood like other normal human.

That's why, when she came back from the dead, she lives a simple life but she continues to try out things that she didn't get a chance to do while she was still a human.

He doesn't interrupt her and just watches on quietly.

Just like this, everything is perfect.

He used to say, whenever she's willing to marry him, he will accept her.

Maybe, he should wait for a bit longer........when she becomes happier, and when she learns how to face things more calmly when she encounters things and people from the past.

Then, he will make her the happiest woman in the world------ The bride of the great sage Son Oh Gong.


Today, he went out.

She's taking a nap on the sofa.

But she's having a really strange dream. She saw way back in time.

There's a pair of identical twin sister. One wears a white and one wears a red priestess robe. They stand on a solemn mountain as if they are guarding something.

The white robed priestess Bai-Ling is icy(Bai Ling means white bell), the red robed priestess Hong-Ling (Hong ling means red bell) is fiery. The only difference between them is their personality. Their appearance is identical.

They guard the mountain, surrounded by thick fog. The area is so intense to the point that even birds cannot fly in, repelling any living creatures from wanting to enter.

However, one day, divine calamity befell. For 7 continuous days, water flooded the earth and volcanoes erupted. After that, a wounded young man stumbled into the mountain.

The young man carries a sword. Except for his name, he has lost all of his memories.

The young man's name is Cang-Wu (It's pronounced Tsang Woo)

Bai-Ling saved that young man and let him recover inside the temple. She covers his eyes and face with a veil and said that she cannot be seen by other people.

And then one day, when she was changing his medicine, that veil fell.......

And then, the young man fell in love with the white robed priestess.

But, the red robed priestess who is hiding behind the temple's pillar also fell in love with this young man.


"Can you guess, the ending of this story?"

Seon Mi slightly opens her eyes. In her unfocused vision, she can see that someone is standing there as if they are looking at her.

But in her dazed mind, she cannot make out the face of the person. But strangly, she looks like someone from the dream.

That person sits down next to her. That person reaches out, touching her face slightly while wearing a white robe with a red long dress......The clothes of a priestess......

"Who.......who are you?" Her eyes are heavy as if she's weighed down by evil spirits.

"You.............have to me........."

That person reaches out to her. In her horror, that hand, looks like it belongs to a dead corpse, burnt and rotten.


She's starled and sits up immediately, nearly falling off the bed.

A smoke of light flashes through the air. A familiar arm catches her before she hits the ground.

Cold sweat coats her forehead. She looks at him hazily.

He frowns. He takes out his hand and wipes away her sweat.

"Did you have a bad dream?"


Her answer was weak and nearly inaudible.

His gaze hardens and scans around the room.

There's traces of someone else's scent.

They have barriers here, then.....who just visited?!

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