Chapter 1 - Outcome of my mistake

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I am writing this in my notebook just in case someone, a one out of a million finds me and wants to know where I've been, so if that happens to be you, great! Okay, I don't know where I am or even what this place is, but I have one clue. This is the outcome of my experiment back home, you know when we all believed that Time Travelling wasn't true? Guess what! It is!

It's such a fond and weird experience, I have the feeling that I am currently looking at my house, but in another time. You see, I made a machine that allowed me to travel through time. What's worrying me is that at a one-time module, only one version of me exist but at the moment, there's two of me existing. That shouldn't happen otherwise one of us will deteriorate, one of us meaning me because I'm the outcast.

The machine might be broken, I might be stuck here forever and I might as well just give up, but what if Time Travelling can be used to save lives? To prevent accidents? To correct the mistakes that affected the future? I have to get back and tell this story, but how? I should start by asking around. I see a woman looking at me with this odd look. People say that the eyes are the window to the soul and I can determine that hers is not a good one, she looks terrified.

I approach her but she stepped away. She might know something about me and I have to find that out.

'Excuse me? Can I ask you a few things?' I asked. I tried to display that I'm a nice guy, which I am and that I'm not going to hurt her. She looks at me like she knows me, and I do too, she looks familiar.

'No! You! It was you!' she shouted, I'm a bit shocked at what is happening.

'What was me? What are you talking about?' I asked, trying not to intimidate her even more than she is.

'You killed my daughter and husband while I was gone!' she shouted back. Okay, now, I am confused as a cow eating fake grass. She is accusing me of something. 'You may look different, have a cleaner body, a better look but I can see through you! You're the one who murdered my family!' she continued shouting.

'I don't know what you're saying. Please tell me what's happening?' as a scientist from back at my place, I made an intelligent system that allows me to ask questions and have a clear answer. I personally call that my Assistant. It booted up finally and talked. 'We are in Beverly Hills, California. We are near your house. Time, 3:06 in the afternoon. Date, June 5, 2018.' I was shocked at this statement.

This is when I realized, I didn't travel through time, but what is happening around here? I should've thought everything through but I didn't know that my machine would work. I have a thought that because I didn't travel through time, I might've traveled through space. This is a long shot but confirming it will allow me to get a clearer picture of what is happening. 'Can you give me a vaster information? More scientific and complex information?' I ask.

'The world is revolving the same, 23 hours and 56 minutes. The moon is in orbit. We are currently experiencing 25° Celsius.'

'Stop.' I interrupted. 'Tell me if we're in the same universe from 2 hours ago.' I asked. It started loading. It doesn't normally happen but when I ask very deliberate and complicated questions, it does that. It's normal, kinda. 'No Sir. We are in another complete dimension.' my jaw dropped, this can't be happening. I am in a different place. I didn't travel time, I traveled space.

This means that I still have a double, I have someone to talk to but as I finish lingering and gathering information about this place, I noticed the woman called someone.

'Sorry about that short halt of talking. Who did you call?' I asked, still trying to look nice.

'I tried to call your phone, it didn't work. You see, you contacted me before so I had your number. What's confusing is that you're in front of me but the system doesn't work. You might really be a different person.' she says. I'm a bit relieved.

'Let me get things clear, okay? I am a scientist from another place, another universe. My plan was to travel through time but as you heard from my Assistant, that wasn't the case. I am stuck here in this universe. Do you know where my double is?' I tried to stay calm despite having to remind me of my mistakes.

'I understand. I'm a fellow scientist. My name is Blake, by the way, I really didn't think Time Traveling is real, not to mention space. That explains why I saw you glowing before you changed look. You swapped with your other self. You're here and your other self is on your homeworld, this doesn't make anything good.' she said. The last line she said startled me.

'Doesn't make anything good? What do you mean?' I firmly asked.

'As you've heard, your double killed my daughter and husband which means he's a murderer. As a theory of the Multiverse, what your other you is different from yourself. You're a scientist back at your place and you're a criminal here. Your people might not have an idea that the guy they are talking to is not you.' she said. That complete thought gave me shivers. That criminal might give me a bad reputation. I already seem to have a bad reputation here because I am allegedly a criminal.

I really shouldn't have made this. My other me might bring chaos in my home, but there's nothing I can do now. This place might not have the materials needed to make a machine back.

'Not to give you more reasons to be stressed out, but that other you is a scientist criminal who made plagues of sickness. The plague was spread around an entire continent, making the entirety of Antartica is sick, some died. I was the one who tried to stop you, sorry, the other you, but you killed my family when I wasn't home. The other you placed poison in our food and my family ate it before me, killing them immediately due to food poisoning.' Blake said. I lent her open ears and it did stress me out.

'Oh well, we have nothing we can do now. My name is Jack, by the way.' I said.

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