Chapter 25 - Sneak Attacked

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Saving other people from danger is an act of being a hero. Saving people's lives by sacrificing other people, is it really heroic? Or is it evil? In this situation, both consequences will lead to one side falling and the other succeeding to be safe, but which one should be saved? In an event where two massive groups of people are trying to hurt each other, which side should other people help? I wonder deeply.

We all get inside of the chopper, but a problem arises. 

'Does anyone of us know how to use this thing?' I asked the both of them as we try to get comfortable inside the chopper. Blake is distracted by the troops we ambushed earlier, and a sudden thought hit me. We have to get out of here before the gas is launched. No room for cramming now.

'I used to fly one of these things back then, for observing the land from up above. But I have gotten a little rusty over the years.' Dr. Williams told us. He was always curious if vertigo or the fear of height can be triggered in people by using chemical syringes, up until now, he wasn't able to do it.

'Just take a look at the cockpit. Familiarize yourself with the controls, but don't take too long.' Blake said as she points to the seats of the pilot.

'No need. This chopper got here by itself, it can surely go back by itself as well. Let me see the tablet's display. It controls the entire plane automatically.' Dr. Williams said and he pressed a button sticking on the wall and a tablet popped up. He displayed a look of distress after seeing whatever it is on the screen.

'We need their fingerprint and iris to be scanned here.' he said and pushed two other buttons beside the first button he pushed earlier. Two different things pops out and it looks like they are the devices that will scan the fingerprint and iris. 

'Only one or all of them?' I asked.

'We need their leader. The leader is the one with the gray band on his arm and colored light blue uniform.' he replied. We looked at the stunned soldiers and realized that the captain wasn't there. The captain must be hiding somwhere else.

'Jack! Look out!' Blake shouted. I look back and saw Blake manipulating a bullet which seems like its supposed to hit me. Someone wants me dead, but where did the bullet come from? You can see in which direction a projectile comes from as long as it's not a perfect sphere or square, just look at the angle of the bullet. I look the building where I think the markman who shot it the bullet was hiding.

'There he is. The leader is up there. Seems like he split up with the rest and did something else.' Dr. Williams said as he hides himself with the safety of the walls.

'Do we have to kill him?' Blake asked me while still in the stance she had when catching the bullet, preparing if he will shoot more.

'If he cooperates, no. If he doesn't, we might resort to immobilizing him. Killing him should be the last thing we'll do. We have to get to him fast before he contacts headquarters about us.' he said and pointed at our target.

'You two stay here. Just distract him. I'll go ambush him from behind with my invisibility.' I said.

'Well, what if he tries to escape? There's nothing stopping him from running away right now.' Blake said and it made sense. He might not be there by the time I get up that building.

'We'll keep him entertained. I can monitor where he is at with this.' he said and grabbed a pair of binoculars with his left hand.

'What's that supposed to be?' I asked. Using long distance scopes won't help a lot because of the obstruction of the walls. I hope he knows what he is doing.

'This is an X-ray pair of binoculars which will allow me to see him through walls.' he said. Every minute we waste, he's just planning an escape to get out of here, and we can't afford to lose him. He is our ticket to the headquarters.

'I'll go ahead and ambush him.' I said. I enabled my invisibility and started to sneak towards him.

I ran towards the building, both of them are keeping their eyes locked on the window where the leader was looking through. Dr. Williams was using his binoculars to monitor him.

'Report.' I whispered to my microphone to communicate with them.

'He is still there. He seems to be making a chemical bomb while hiding. He tried to shoot us but the Gravity Gun repeled them. Hurry up, he might be planning to throw it at us, he's just buying some time.' he replied. My next step is to get up this stairs wthout making a noise. I gently climb my way up, then suddenly.

'Jack! He knows your location. Watch out for...' Dr. Williams said in a panic, but I was unable to hear it all. Time slowed down, I can see a canister in front of me. This is it, it will explode on me and I'll die. I closed my eyes and lost all form of hope, I was waiting for my demise. After a few seconds, nothing happened. No explosion, no death, nothing. I look at the bomb and saw that my Assistant completely covered it up.

'Hello, sir. I'm back and fully rested.' the Assistant told me through my ear piece. It knows that I should not make noise. I wonder how he knows I'm here. Might be intuition because he noticed I wasn't with the two downstairs.

'Activate Mobile Taser.' I said and my watch morphed out a taser gun. I'm ready. Up until this point, I had to rely on this heavy Tesla. Finally I can give this to them and stop switching guns with Blake.

'Woah, Dr. Williams, are you okay? Let's hide back here!' I can hear Blake shout and the audio passed through my earpiece. When I finally reached the top, and found where he was, now's time. I can see him throwing out bombs at them so I had to rush. I took a step closer and an alarm sounded off. I fell for a cheap trap using wires. Dust was expelled from the ceiling which hit me and defined my structure through my transparent state. It was as if he knows my ability to shift transparecy.

'Hello there.' the leader said to me and smiled. He aimed his gun at me and shoots. Thanks to my reflexes, I was able to dodge it at the last second. That was incredibly close. Now to counterattack. I aimed my taser at him and shoots. It hits him directly through his body and he shaked with response to the electricity running through him.

'He's immobilized.' I said.

'Duck!' Dr. Williams shouted. I can hear he shout even withou the earpiece. I looked behind me and saw a beam of horizontal lasers closing in like a wall about to hit me. I grabbed our target and jumped off the building just in time.

'Assistant, shift!' I shouted and a part of the Assistant present in my wrist disconnected off and laid flat on the ground. It morphed into a soft and bouncy platform merely mili-seconds before we landed. I can see the them both running towards my direction in a hurry, but I'm fine. It's this guy I'm grabbing that should be the priority after all.

'Hey, are you okay? You scared us half to death there.' Blake said while running towards me.

'Your fast thinking skills are still sharp. Good for you.' Dr. Williams acknowledges my actions.

'Less talk about me. Let's get this guy's iris and fingerprint scanned so we can get out of here.' I said in response to their acknowledgements. We can't waste more time. The more we wait, the more time the other me is running around freely.

'I'll use the Gravity Gun to lift him up. You guys go ahead.' Blake said and we ran to the chopper.

She opened up his eye lids and tapped his finger on the scanner and we were ready to go. Now's the time we leave them here, I really hope they will be safe.

We started to lift off of the ground and started our jouney to the headquarters.

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