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It has been three years after the entire incident.

That incident was a rollercoaster of emotion. A horrifying ride of reality. The absolute fright of a lifetime. It was like a dream hiding behind the reality, and uncovering it was very dangerous, but it paid off.

It started with a malfunction within my time-machine. The confusion got ahead of me. I thought the time-machine teleported me to another realm, but it turns out, the more advanced civilizations did it. I was their test monkey, their experiment, their toy. They transported the other me from that dimension to mine. I thought everything was okay until I met a girl named Blake. She told me everything I needed to know and she helped me every step of the way.

It was not an easy task. Transversing around the cosmos. Doing different experiments just to get back home, while the other me wreaked havoc in my original world. Going back to my world was the topmost priority, it was my main goal, but hindrances were also present.

Blake's co-worker and brother, Travis, tried to get me imprisoned. Unfortunate for them, I escaped with Blake. It was an easier task than expected, thanks to my Assistant.

We came back to the laboratory. Trying to finish up everything we needed, we were ambushed. Leaving us with no other choice, we escaped once more, but to another universe this time.

It didn't take long.

I was home.

However, the damage was already done.

As we were sneaking around the vicinity, we met up with my former colleague, Dr. Williams. After a few persuading and a lot of truth inducing vaccines, he gave us his help.

We ambushed the team of searchers and used their chopper to pursue our plan, destroying Jack V2's base.

Dr. Williams revealed the truth to us. Every single one.

We hid the chopper from the sight of the base, the base's nukes will give us the opportunity to blow up that destroyer's home.

We infiltrated the place. Just as we were about to launch the nukes, he ambushed us. The guards also got in our way. Jack V2 managed to escape, but he left one of his equipment. I tried to hold the guards back off while Blake tried to configure Jack V2's portal to let us escape.

We had a little time to recover from our wounds, but he came back once again.

We soon realized that anything we throw at him, he can counter. Any further attacks were useless.

This was until we thought of an idea. An idea which might get us all killed. Getting help from Travis. We had no other choice. It was either get help from him or die. Blake had a plan though, one that will guarantee us his assistance.

Jack V2 attacked us. I was poisoned and I was knocked out. However, my two teammates didn't give up just yet. Dr. Williams started to make an antidote while Blake distracted Jack V2.

Moments later, just in the nick of time, Travis did it. He killed Jack V2. With him gone, everything can be normal again.

But, how?

The time machine!

All of those are behind us now. Seriously, it's all behind us. It was as if the entire event didn't even happen. After we came back to the point in time before this all happened, we stopped it from ever happening at all. Does it make sense? No? Oh well. The important thing is the world is peaceful. All of the mess that Jack V2 did was erased!

But this entire mission left me with one vital thing that will help us in the near future.

The Multiverse is a reality.

Dimensions outside this universe are possible.

Time traveling is possible.

Civilizations that are more advanced than we exist.

All of mankind's imaginations are all becoming the truth. Thankfully, the Assistant recorded every single moment, every single event that we faced. It was like a dream, a mystery, leading to a vaster knowledge of the universe.

All of the theories the scientists thought of are being revealed to us as true. They were right all along, we just didn't have the sufficient technology to prove it.

The media now knows everything. We've been to a lot of interviews, a lot of laboratories, a lot of television shows. Some people thought everything we said was fake, but we do indeed have the proof. We gained billions of dollars, we were famous. The three of us were awarded as the first three people who traveled through space and time.

'Is there anything wrong, Blake?' Dr. Williams asked. We were all sitting down on the sofa while watching the television showcasing us in the interview we went on earlier. I do notice that Blake is dozing off or thinking of something.

'I just wonder how my universe is at the moment. Were they affected by the time paradox in this dimension? Or are they still the same. I also wonder what the advanced civils are going to do about this.' Blake said. Worry was evident on her face. What she said got me to think about it as well. A lot of what-ifs are flooding in my mind.

'Look. My research team is in the beta version of their invention. It allows us to see the state of something based on the certain conditions we assign it. To boost their authenticity, they used our research. We can use that to hypothesize what happened to your original dimension, Blake.' Dr. Williams said.

'I mean, no offense, but that's all just a hypothesis. Not really proven.' I said. They both glared at me with deadly eyes.

'Let's just go. Let's grab something to drink on the way.' Blake said while preparing all her things. I turned off the tv.

'To adventure!'


Two Different Worlds; A Space Travelling StoryWhere stories live. Discover now