Chapter 12 - Other Me

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Jack went downstairs to listen to his father's next instructions and Blake stayed upstairs. The Assistant started recording and Blake didn't stop looking. It was as if she was looking at Jack, but not him. Blake was able to track down and amplify the sound vibrations. High Definition X-ray enabled.

'It's either you give me all of your chemicals or you die! No other way around that.' Jack said, while holding a Plasma Blaster in his right hand, holding the guy's neck with the other.

'No! This is for experiments that doesn't concern you! You've changed, Jack. You're not the person I used to know before.' the girl said, seemingly trying to get out of his grip.

'Then this is where you're life will end.' Jack said menacingly. It was as if he was going to kill her but he noticed one fatal mistake.

'I'm the only one who can open the vault. Without me, you're not getting any of it.' she smirked. She was right, without her, the chemicals will remain untouched.

'Not if I do this...' Jack said. He pulled out a weird looking small sphere from his pocket. 'Tick tock tick tock, darlin'. Time for you to fall to your unconsciousness.' right then and there, Blake noticed what was happening. He wasn't going to kill her, he was going to hypnotize her by letting her unconscious mind do it.

The girl tried to close her eyes but Jack didn't let her. After a few seconds, she fell unconscious. 'Now, rise, and do what I command. I am in control of your mind now.' Jack said. The girl obeyed, without hesitation.

'Open the vault that contains the chemicals that I need.' Jack said, the girl couldn't resist his command. It was like the unconscious mind was taking over.

Blake stared at what was happening. She enabled the Dual Camera System, one was looking at Jack and the other was looking at the surrounding area. There's a lot of undisturbed buildings but with the X-ray view, she can see dead people and there was a laboratory just near his current location. She speculates that it's his base of operation. It had one dead body inside it. She tried to see what the vault has and then it hit her hard. The realization that what contains it should not be tampered with, or else, the world may end.

'Good. Now take out all of the Uranium out of there. All of it.' Jack said. The girl still couldn't fight the grip.

'There we go. Now, hide them in a bag and let's head to the exit.' Jack said. Excitement is filling up his eyes.

'You will never... get away with this.' the girl managed to say. The grip was still there, but it's starting to weaken.

'Go back to your unconscious mind!' Jack shouted, sphere back at her face.

Jack and the girl started walking to the exit, to find that a blockade was formed. The army was there, already prepared to attack.

'Drop the girl and the bag, Jack. Don't make us do this. You're an important scientist and think about what you're doing!' an agent said.

'Make me.' Jack said, smiling and teasing.

'You left me with no choice.' 




BANG! The shots fired, smoke bombs thrown, grenades launched. 

'Did you really think you can do that? Nope.' Jack's voice echoed through the corridor.

'What? He's still alive?' one solider asked.

'Think of who you're battling before you take action, puny soldiers. You never know what a person's capabilities are.' Jack said. The smoke started to disappear and he is once again, visible, the girl behind him.

Jack lifted his right hand, holding what looks like a Gravity Gun. It was his prime invention, a gun that holds a power that can disable the effect of gravity. He pointed the gun at the soldiers.

'Open fire!' a General said.

The bullets were stopped in front of him. The Gravity Gun can affect metal by making a Magnetic Field. The soldiers didn't stop firing, some stopped to reload while others tried to use grenades once more. He held another gun with another hand that seems like a Sonic Blaster. He shoots them the soldiers with it with tremending force, the sound of the wave echoing through out the entire facility.

'You know nothing compared to me. Those guns are pitiful. Make sure to use better equipment the next time you try to battle someone like me.' Jack said. He sticked an Atom Compressor to the guns and it shrinked. 

'What do you even plan to accomplish?' a soldier asked, out of breath.

'What do you think we use Uranium for, darlin'?' Jack responded with a happy glee crossing through his face.

The soldier's face shows the face of agony. He realizes that Uranium is used for... Nuclear Reactor.

Jack started walking back to his laboratory with his new forced companion like nothing happened. The army thought that he won't be such a struggle so they avoided the trouble of using tanks.

'Dang it. I need to make sure that whatever his plan is, won't happen. He needs to stop. NOW.' Blake thinks in her head. 

'Hey, Assistant?' Blake asked for it's attention.

'Yes, Blake?' it responded. It surprisingly knows her name.

'Can you make a lot of Healing Syringes with this place's healing pool. It can heal any wounds and injuries in an instant. It's just located at the first floor, first door before the staircase.' Blake said.

'Sure thing.' it responded. Suddenly, the Assistant shifts up a metal from its interior and created a robot and it was sent to the Healing Pool.

'Can you also give Jack a short summary of what is going on?' she asked.

'Sure thing.'

'Thanks a lot.'

'No problem.'

'So, what is your plan anyway?' the girl asked. She seems to be in control of her conscious mind but her actions are still controlled.

'Those doesn't conern you.' Jack responded. He holds up the sphere to her face again, but it looks different this time.

'Damn it! It's the Truth Sphere.' he shouted.

The girl found an idea about this. 'Answer my question truthfully.' she asked.

'I plan on starting a World War by sending a nuke to Asia through the USA's Military Base.' Jack said, he was unable to not answer it or lie.

'Back fired.' the girl winced at him but Jack glowed the Unconscious Sphere again.

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