Chapter 30 - Link

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A portal appeared out of nowhere in front of us. It's Jack V2. I guess there is no more need to pursuing him because he is already in front of us. The question is why? Why go near me at all? If I seem to get weak when we're in direct contact, why bother to face us by himself? Does he not experience weakness the same way I do?

'I can't have you stay in this dimension for too long. You need to be eliminated immediately.' I heard voice travel through the portal which startled me. The portal is open but he is not going through. What's wrong?

'Face us, you coward!' Blake taunted him. She managed to stand up and pulled out a gun. This court is going to be a battlefield about any minute now. We need to take this fight somewhere else.

'Guys, we can't face him here yet. I have a plan, just follow what I do.' I whispered. Jack V2 seems to eavesdropped at our conversation which is not much of a big deal for me. I plan on using my Ghost Phase to get outside of this building and take this fight in an open field. I can't let this place be destroyed, that's for sure.

I activated the Ghost Phase and grabbed them. Time for an escape. We started to run while figuring out which way the exit is. I looked back before we phased through the first wall and saw Jack V2 exit the portal and closed it after.

'Where exactly are we going?' Blake asked me while running. I hope she doesn't feel pain from her knees because we're not stopping until we're outside.

'We can't fight there, the entire building will literally be destroyed. We should fight outside in an open field, but which way?' I said.

'I know this school. There's a very wide-open field just west of where we are. Let's go.' Dr. Williams said and pulled us towards his direction. I wonder if Jack V2 is following us.

We managed to get passed through every wall we encountered and we're now in the open.

'You think you can escape? You can't.' I heard a voice come from behind us. Right after we phased through the last wall, the strong thrust of air pushed us off our feet and onto the grass. The Ghost Phase has been severed.

'Pitiful technology you got there. It doesn't matter now, really. It's time to say your goodbyes, Jack.' he said. The way he said my name literally gave me the chills. He plans on killing me so he can be unstoppable here.

Dr. Williams threw some kind of serum which spread everywhere on Jack V2. It managed to stun him, but we all know that won't last long. We started running again.

'Why is he even trying to do all his plans in this dimension, Blake? Can't he do it in your dimension?' I asked while running away. I know, I know, it sounded rude, but in times like this, we need proper reasoning.

'He can't. Our dimension was actually visited by people from other dimensions, just like how you did it, except for the way they got in. No one was switched in places, but their bodies were transported in our dimension. Mankind from this other place was far more advanced than us, their powers are unimaginable.' she said. I was shocked. I did not know about this. This is the reason she came back home.

'Why did I not see them when I was there?' I asked.

'Because they wanted to see how you would interact with other dimensions. The machine you used in the first place was actually a time machine. It was a complete coincidence that you were switched with Jack V2. He was their test subject. You are their victim. I'm sorry I wasn't able to tell you this earlier. I was only able to realize it now. This all links up.' Blake said while trying to look back on Jack V2. The time machine is not a portal to another dimension after all. Perhaps it will work when we manage to find it.

'No time for any further discussions. We can solve your conflicts later.' Dr. Williams said as he grabs our attention.

'Time to say goodbye, Jack.' he said with a grin on his face. We managed to reach the middle of the field. We looked back at Jack V2 immediately and saw him with this weird looking blade. He was pointing it towards my direction. Is he planning on killing me with that? He was running for us.

Blake activated the Thrust Gun which pushed him back. Jack V2 took out a gun of his own and started blasting at us. It was a Blaster. We tried our best to dodge every strike, but we were eventually overwhelmed. Dr. Williams got hit on his shoulders. I guess I don't have any other option.

'Assistant, make a defensive wall in front of us.' I said. It immediately went into action mode. It didn't take more than five seconds before the wall was built. Now, we need to know how to counter-attack.

Blake peeked out of the wall and started shooting with a... laser? What? Dr. Williams is tending to his wounds, which looks like a 2nd-degree burn. Jack V2's target is me. This means if I die, he will be invulnerable forever. He will no longer deteriorate. nor stopped, nor killed. I've never felt so precious like this before.

'Don't be afraid, coward. Get out of hiding. Don't make this process any harder than it should be.' I can hear him say with an evil laugh following it. This guy is demented, I am sure about that.

'How can we attack him effectively and not risk my life?' I asked them.

'We can't. Whatever we throw at him, he can counter. There's no way of defeating him. He is far more evolved and smarter than we are.' Blake said. All hope is lost now. All we can do is delay the inevitable.

'Wait. You said there are other mankind far more evolved in your dimension, right? Why not let them kill Jack V2?' Dr. Williams suggested. Blake backed off from the side of the wall and faced us. Her eyes were going around like she's trying to think of something. I guess Dr. Williams' plan is possible, but how? We need to buy more time. We need to distract Jack V2 for now.

Out of nowhere, in the middle of our discussion, Jack V2 jumped above the big wall and aimed his blade on our necks. He caught us off guard, but then again, we were carelessly talking to each other.

'No.' Blake said. She threw the teleporter we used earlier on his body and it teleported him away from us. I'm not sure where, but at least we have time.

'I kept this just in case the time comes when I needed to go back home.' Blake said as she pulls out this weird-looking device.

'What is that?' I asked.

'It's a link between the mine and your dimension. I can literally contact them with this. I can signal them to fire up a laser to hit Jack V2 which will instantly kill him.' Blake said as she stood up.

'Why didn't you use that earlier?' Dr. Williams said.

'This is my last option, contacting them means allowing them to know this dimension's location. I thought we could find another way, but this is the only way.'

'What are they going to do after they discover this dimension?' I asked.

'No one knows. Probably an experiment lab where people are their test subjects.' Blake answered. This final decision will be risky. Is it worth killing one person for the price of being enslaved? 

Two Different Worlds; A Space Travelling StoryWhere stories live. Discover now