Chapter 13 - Progress

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'Jack! Jack! We have a big trouble in our hands!' I hear Blake shouted to me. I mean, what big trouble can it be? I'm a bit busy working on a machine here but whatever, this better be worth wasting time on.


'Hurry up!'

'What is it? Did you break the Assistant?' I said, while walking through the corridors. If this is about my other me then this is not going to be brilliant.

'I want you to calm down when I say this, don't freak out. Don't even think about having suicidal thoughts, okay?' Blake said to me. This really is going to be a big trouble like what she says. I sit down on a chair in front of her.

'I started spying on the other you and guess what, he plans on nuking Asia to start a World War.' her breath was panting, she is panicking and I am too. Oh dear.

'What?! This is not good! I need to go there as fast as possible!' I shouted.

'I don't really get it now. Why was he transported to your dimension when you transported here? Shouldn't it only work on you while the other you stays here?' Blake asked. It's a difficult question to answer, but I remembered why.

'One of my colleague added a circuit that does that. It prevents me from dissipating because there's a known theory that if I were to look at my other me, I'll die.' I recall.

'Well, it certainly did more bad than good if you ask me.' she said. 'Lets go back to work, the sooner you finish the machine, the better.' she added.

'And by the way!' she shouted while I started walking back, 'We have an estimated time of 4 weeks to do this before he finishes his Nuke Project!' 

'Got it!'

I've been listening to my father's recording and I really couldn't believe how clear he explained it despite being sick and all, you know? He said something along the lines of 'A machine that works just like a Tardis, but it's not fictional.' which doesn't make sense but the components used do. I really think I can get this done within 2 weeks time by myself which means I can deal with the whole Nuke thing.

Wondered why I didn't act all shocked and freaky? Because she said so. I wonder if she's thinking about that now, probably not because of all the work we've been doing. All I need now is to find and absorb a Solar Flare from the sun, a negative power enriched highly-electrified Cobalt Bar, a dwarf planet, a Solar Storm, a strong magnet that can affect the Magnetic Field of other planets and lastly, a loop hole. I mean, where did my dad get these idea from? He did say that he managed to make and use it but it's a little hard to gather the materials.

Do they even have Cobalt Bars here?

First thing is first. Don't panic, it's the number one rule if you're in a stressful situation. Time to go to Mercury or basically whatever planet is closest to the sun here. I walked upstairs to Blake to see her working hard on spying that bad guy, she even has a Voice-Inputting device that allows her to input words through speaking. 

'Hey, Blake? I was wondering if this place has a planet called Mercury, or just tell me the closest planet to the sun here.' I ask her. She didn't seem to notice me at first but, surprise, surprise, she heard me.

'What?' she looks concerned, 'Oh, the planet is called Persephone. Why do you need to know that?' she asked.

'I need Solar Flare from the sun, do you also have a remote-controlled space ship here?' I ask her. 'Even a space ship, I can just auto-pilot it with the Assistant.' I continued.

'I only have a space ship, really. It's located downstairs, you just need to open up the pistons to open up an exit. Do you want me to help you out?' she asked.

'Yeah, sure. The Assistant can do a good job of watching while you're gone. Actually, Shape and Create a figure that can operate a space ship near the sun, Assistant.' I said. My Assistant has been updated by thousands of engineers, scientists, and architects. Surprising? Not really. The Assistant was actually sent to me as a gift by my dad, before it happened.

The Assistant did its thing, formed a figure and turned it as an extension of itself. Guess what the best part is?! In only 5 mins. Insane right? Well, perhaps for my father's standards, it would seem slow but whatever.

'Let's go now. We don't have much time to waste.' Blake said.

'No need to walk. I can give you guys a ride, you just need to tell me where to go.' the Assistant said. Did I forget to mention that it advances and updates by itself? The AI of this thing is way more advanced than any civilization, it may even be scary. No need to worry though, my father told me a word that I can use to deactivate it entirely.

'Really? Okay, go on.' I said. It transformed immediately and here we are, sitting ontop of it.

'Can you shape a stirring wheel so I can just guide where we go?' Blake asked.

'Yes, ma'am. Whatever you say.' it responded. Convenient, right?

We're driving my Assistant down to where the space ship is with Blake's guidance. Thinking about it makes me believe that I've only seen 5% of this entire place.

'We're here.' Blake said when we arrived. I can tell because I can see the space ship. There's 3; 2 small once and a big one. 

'I'll need one of the small ones please.' I said.

'Sure. Go on.' Blake responded.

'Okay, Assistant. I want you to scan and learn every detail about this ship and when you're ready, tell me. You're going to need to go to the sun and absorb four Solar Flares. I want you to be "Melt-Proof" and stay a live. You're going to be storing it with this Lapis Lazuli, charged in smoldering heat. It has a connected Solar Battery so you'll get to store four flares in one battery. Any questions?' I discussed briefly.

'None, sir.' it responded.

'Great, now tell me when you're ready.' I said. It didn't answer back and went straight to business. I thanked Blake for sending me here and told her that she can go back now. I need to work on the other things needed now while it's doing the work.

'All done for preparation.' it said and it surprised me, really.

'Okay, prepare for blast off. Give me the estimated time of return.'

'Estimated time of return is ten days. Two days if done with the help of a Precise Gravity Absorber.' it said.

A Precise Gravity Absorber is basically a device that allows you to absorb a gravitational force of a celestial object and allow it to pull you into it directly, for example, the sun.

'Sure. Here, use this.' I said, throwing the PGA to it.

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