Chapter 21 - Back Home

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The space craft exits the loophole, positioned just outside the Earth's atmosphere. The space craft is far enough where gravity has a weak force on them, but they have to prepare for landing.

'Blake? Hey, are you okay? Ouch, I'm having a headache.' I said to Blake, who is currently in the process of waking up as well. I can see the planet Earth from the monitors in here. I'm hoping that we're in the correct dimension.

'What just happened? I feel a sharp pain in my head.' Blake said. 'Woah, is that what I think it is?' she added as she sees the monitor screen.

'Yes. We just have to land this thing. If all goes well, we should be expecting minimal trouble as we go down.' I replied. I started propelling the craft close to the planet, but I saw Blake's concerned look.

'What is it?' I asked.

'What if we see the other you? What will happen? The result of your encounter will change the entire course of Astronomy. It will be revolutional.' she replied with a faded bright smile. Almost as if she's saying something good, but this something has a bad aspect to it.

'Then why do you seem sad?' I asked.

'There's a possibility that one of you will disintegrate. It is natural that the other you will fade away when you interact, but what if you fade too? There's also a concern where people might mistake you as the bad guy, because you exactly look alike. Not just alike, you two are completely the same people!' she said. All concerns are true. I'm still not sure what I will do once I go out of this space craft on the surface of the Earth.

'I'll think about how I will deal with this mess while we go down. We can't rush this process, otherwise we're going to be set on fire.' I briefly replied. We're now inside the Earth's atmosphere. Gravity will get stronger the more we approach the surface, which means we have to exert more and more force upward as we go down. The jets will act as a resistance so we won't crash land.

'What if we just hide for a moment and spy on the other you? The last time we checked up on him was back at the laboratory, we're completely outdated.' she said.

'I think we have bigger problems to worry about.' I replied as I start to see an image on the screen of a battlefield. Is there a war happening right now? The other me must've messed this world up big time. We have to fix this problem as soon as possible.

'500 meters above the ground.' the Assistant said after a few minutes.

'I'm monitoring the war and it seems like it's between Russia and USA. It's a battle about nuclear bombs and both sides has fired 5 incredibly massive bombs with a radius of 250 meters as the minimal and 725 meters as the maximum on the opposing country's territories.' she said as she finished up researching and gathering data about the situation.

'What?! Did the nuclear bombs hit any places near civilizations? This is not good.' I asked. Wars with nuclear bombs are not going to end well. This is might be the start of World War III if we won't stop it now.

'According to my sources, the nukes were only fired on the battlefield; both on land and on the ocean. Not a lot of lives were lost, the nukes were only fired to destroy buildings and structures that are valuable and important to the opposing countries.' Blake responded back as we land on the beach.

Suddenly, a big blast came out of no where. Me and Blake looked at eachother in disbelief as we try to search for the source of the blast.

'That would be the 6th nuke fired by Russia. Surely there must be a reason why they fired here.' she suggested. There are a lot of possibilities, I doubt it's because of our arrival.

'That must be where America keeps its weaponry. Not sure though. Wait, is that a big tidal wave?' I said as I see a massive wave approaching the shore. We're currently near the ocean and this might be dangerous.

'Send an Assistant to spy on that area while we try to find a safer place to stay.' Blake suggested. I patrolled out a water resistant bot to go for an expedition.

We start running away from the shore. The space craft folds itself to a compact piece, suitable to fit in Blake's pocket. I remember this place, are we in San Andreas? I look around the place but it seems abandoned. Where did everyone go?

'My sources says that a warning was sent out stating the impact of a nuclear bomb near the ocean. Must be why they evacuated.' Blake said. I'm starting to question where she's getting her sources.

'Where are you getting your information?' I asked. For a second, she was speechless, almost as if she's trying to make up an answer.

'I hacked the satellite roaming around Earth when we were in space. They don't suspect a thing. I wonder if astronauts are also taking part in this war? Might be the USA's source of Intel.' she responded after a while. I wonder what took her so long to answer that, but whatever.

We walked around the place, trying to figure out where everyone is. We went inside a building, perhaps 45 stories tall. Out of nowhere, I see a battalion of soldiers with tanks a few meters away. I motioned for Blake to hide and stay silent. We're currently in a building, staring at them on a window.

Suddenly, I can see a soldier motion to his comrades about our presence. Not good.

'Find somewhere to hide, I think they're going to shoot at us!' I said to Blake in a panic, but I'm trying to make myself calm so I can think clearer.

'We need to get out of here.' Blake said. We stood up and tried to run to the exit. Blake continued running beside me but we later realize that someone is outside. Blake pulled me to a corner to hide.

Five soldier comes inside, weapon in hand ready to shoot. I motioned to Blake to stay silent. We held our spot there, trying to be unnoticed and -

My thoughts were interrupted as a noise can be clearly heard from outside. Blake looked at me, lipped and motioned that it's the Assistant. The soldiers also noticed its presence. This is not the right time to go back. I sighed and prepared myself to ambush these soldiers, Blake did the same. We prepared the guns from that other dimension.

Blake used the Tesla Gun to shock and render the two soldiers unconscious. As I was sneaking around the third soldier, the Assistant went to me and revealed my position.

'Drop your gun and hold your hands up!' the soldier demanded. 'Wow, what a surprise. Dr. Jack the scientist who started this war. Now I can get my revenge. Do you know how many lives were lost because of you?!' the soldier said. His voice was familliar.

'Are you Dr. William? Its me!' I said.

'I know its you. You deserve to be tortured, but first, go to sleep.' Dr. William said. He was with me when I conducted the travel I had ages ago which sent me to another dimension.

'What are you doing? Don't! I have a lot to explain.' I replied.

'I don't wanna hear it.' he said back. Why is he even a soldier? Is that a Russian Uniform he is wearing? The questions in my head were cut as he points a gun at me.


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