Chapter 16 - Surprised

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We are currently hovering just above its thin atmosphere, slowly but surely going lower and lower. To be honest, from this view, I can see a lot of green things that seems to be moving. Maybe perhaps plant life? I don't think life should be existing here. Then again, I am in a different dimension.

'We're only 800 km before we hit the surface, shouldn't we be preparing or at least, brace ourselves?' I asked. Seemingly, I sound like a coward, but most times like this makes me a hero. Why? We might be attacked by meat-eating food for all we know!

'This planet was nuked with poisonous gas which were set to kill the plant-looking creatures down there.' she responded. So it was true that this planet has life. Why though? I started to read the details about this planet and well, on my behalf, I was surprised.

'How was it possible for this planet to have life Shouldn't the thin atmosphere be enough to kill them?' I asked.

'The government had a bright idea to test the capabilities of plants when it comes to surviving on other planets. They ended up digging through the entire surface of Cerberus so they decided to finish them off. Most of them are gone, but I believe otherwise.' she explained in a calm manner. Why do I feel like the other planets also has plants in them? Logically thinking, plants can convert Carbon Dioxide to Oxygen which is essential to living in other planets.

'Why do you believe so otherwise?' I asked. Maybe she spotted something wrong with this.

'They are repopulating, they weren't this many back then.' she answered my question. We are on the 300 km mark, she sure does take the landing slow. Better not to judge, I don't really know how strong the gravity is here.

'How are they repopulating? Does this planet have water?' I asked. Surely, if there is, why do they even bother planting?

'The plants were taught to create water by combining Hydrogen and Oxygen through the sun also known as Combustion.' she said. They teach plants? I will stop questioning or I will start losing my mind.

'Okay. It seems like we are only 50 km before we land. Should we be worried? The plants might not be dormant.' I asked.

'Don't be paranoid!' she said. 'If they are going to attack us, they should've done it now.' she said. As she finished saying that, I saw a whip made of vines charging towards our direction. It pulled us down, but the thrusters pushed us up.

'You just had to say that. I'll prepare the weapons.' I said. Okay, these plants are dangerous, but then again, they are just plants.

'Okay. It's a better idea to leave the ship hovering here and we go down. The plants might destroy the ship if we land it down there. Plus, the built-in shield will break with the number of those plants.' she suggested. She did make a lot of sense, but I still have to attack the plants.

I activated the heated knife and with a controller, slashed it towards the vines, causing it to burn down. Good thing we have cameras all around the ship so I can see where they are.

'I am going to start to elevate, keep slashing those vines off.' Blake said. I can already tell that this vine issue won't end soon. This will be worse if we will be going down there.

'Blake, how do we get the Magnet down there with all these plants? We've only been able to deal with the vines, this camera shows that there are huge Venus Flytraps down there, which by the way, I don't think they only trap flies now if you know what I mean.' I said. I hope she gets that I think we will be eaten by those things.

'I don't think our robots can handle the Magnet since it is magnetic, you know? It can hinder the metallic parts of the machines. I brought a small container that can block out the Magnetic Force of it. Now, we just need to get to it.' she said. Good thing I know where it's at.

'You know, we didn't hover on a bad spot, we're just above where its at.' I said. According to my sources and the X-ray systems, they are nearly beneath us.

'Really? Great, we should take caution. It might suck as in.' she said.

'Good thinking. We should split this ship into two, one will be grabbing the Magnet while the other will defend against these vines.' I said. I hope this ship can do that.

'Good thing this ship can do that. We should expose a highly conductive metal so the magnet will come straight to us. We might need to approach it since we are 250 km above the surface and although it is strong, its not controlled yet.' she suggested. She might be on to something, and I have just the right material for that.

'I brought one chunk of Cobalt. It was a spare, I brought it just in case.' I said. You never know when you need it, you know?

'Okay, I'll start shifting this ship into two. I will do the slicing job while you try to grab it.' she said.

'On it.'

The ship started shifting into two, effectively splitting up without breaking a single segment. She has the blade while I have the giant gripping tool. With the microphones active, we can communicate with eachother.

'Are you ready?' I heard her asked.


I brought out the Cobalt outside but there wasn't any movement. I went lower while Blake is preparing the blades and heating it up. Still nothing. We went down 10 km. Nothing, except for the vines that are trying to grab us. We went down another 15 km and there was still nothing, just more vines trying to eat us.

It was when we went lower over 50 km more that I spotted some movement, however, there are more vines, and that green fog. It looks like poisonous gas from the nuke Blake told me about. We went down another 10 km and there it is. I can see cracks forming on the surface where the vines aren't present. After a few moments of waiting as Blake slices the vines, it reached the surface.

I feel nervous as it floats upward.

'Can you make it go faster? I'm starting to struggle here. There are too many of them!' she said.

'Use a flamethrower or something!' I suggested.

She pulled back the blades and revealed the flamethrower. I hope she is careful of where to direct it at. I don't want that magnet to burn. After more moments of waiting and killing, its just 10 km down. I decided to go near it as well so we will be faster, but Blake wasn't happy about it.

I heard a clang. The Magnet managed to attach to the Cobalt which signifies the success of our mission.

'Jack! Go up!' I heard Blake shouted through the microphone, that ruined my small party. I look down and I saw a flower, rising up towards me. It was beautiful with stunning glare.

'Jack! Listen to me! Do not look at that flower, it will hypnotize you and eat you!' I heard Blake say but I was too fascinated by it.

It started to open its mouth, I can see teeth and beautiful petals around the mouth. I heard Blake shout through the microphone and I started seeing blue flame coming from her ship. She was burning it down.

The flower was stunned, how did it even manage to go up this high? Blake replaced the flamethrower with a gripping tool and pulled me out.

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