Chapter 8 - Rescuing Blake

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I can see some Spray Potions on the shelf, are they witches? I took the pocket-sized ones, a few of them. At this point, I won't even be freaked out if people here have 2 brains and 10 hearts. I went out of the room with that annoying Interrogation Chair. Mr. Chair, I hope we never meet again.

Okay, what do we have here? A long black hallway full of doors, typical. I need some idea of where I am, if people are here, and if CCTV Cameras exist here. I also need to find Blake and find out if that Travis is still around, a lot of things in my to-do list, better do some of them soon. 

I can hear two footsteps from where I am, I'm in the outside of this Elevator-like Door, from now on, let's call it the side-door. I whispered to my Assistant, 'Activate Invisibility.' just in time before they spot me.

'We should go back to the party now, how did you drag me into this?' I hear the girl say.

'Because Adam, Tyler, and the boss haven't come back yet. They should've been done way ahead ago.' the guy responded. They are probably talking about those guys who interrogated me, accusing me of something I didn't do.

'Just let them do their jobs, they'll be fine! Let's not waste this party, after all, it was set to celebrate the capturing of Jack Smith.' the girl responded back. Did they hold a party to celebrate my capture? What a brilliant place. I should probably suggest that when I get back home.

'You're right. Let's go back, I do like the food and I'm starving. They are probably beating the crap out of him for everything he has done.' the guy responded back. Beating the crap out of me? Seems like it happened the other way around. They went back the way they came and I followed them as silently as I can. I think they are going back to this Great Hall thing, I need to see the outside of this place.

Alright, this is going to be challenging. They're in front of an Elevator, waiting for it to come to the floor. How do I get in without getting noticed? I have two choices, either I go in and hope they won't discover I'm in it with them or I go down the long staircase. You know what? Who cares about getting caught, I already got caught anyway and I'm already sick of stairs. 

Let's just hope for the best. The Elevator went to our floor and I went in first, they followed after. Luckily, this floor can fit the three of us. It's not that big or too small, it's in the middle. I can see that we were just on the 5th Floor, headed to the 2nd.

For every floor that we pass through, I get more nervous than the last. They're not talking, they are staring at each other for some reason. Like, their body and face are directed to each other, what a weird phenomenon this is. I wonder what they are doing. 

Suddenly, the guy touched the girl on the face, leaning her into his face. The girl didn't hesitate or back off, she wants what is happening. One second, they are staring, the other, oh dear. They are making out, in front of me! So this is what a third-wheel feels! This is so uncomfortable and weird, they don't even know I'm here with them.

Gladly, the Elevator Doors opened. I didn't wait for them, I went out first. Sexual Beasts. There's a lot of people here, the more people, the higher chances of me getting caught. I think they are holding the party in this place. I went to the staircase emergency exit and I whispered to my Assistant, 'Generate a map of this place, all of the floors. If you can spot the presence of Blake and Travis, tell me. Out of nowhere, three guys entered the staircase room and they caught me off guard. Good thing I didn't disable my Invisibility.

'Why are we using this when we can so easily just use the Elevator?' one guy said.

'Because two people are making out in the Elevator, do you know how it feels to witness that?' the other one replied. I mean, I do know how it feels because I was just in one. I just stand in the back corner, waiting for them to leave.

'Let's just start our walk. This will be over soon anyway, it's just one floor and we're out.' the final one said. They were about to go when my Assistant started talking. 'Map Generation, Complete. Location of the two people detected, do you want to know where they are, sir?' Crap! They noticed it, I mean, how can't they? I'm right behind them and unless they are deaf, I doubt they didn't hear that.

'What was that? Who said that?'

'It must be a spy lurking around here.' I am so caught.

I needed to think fast and swift. I remember taking some Spray Serums from that shelf earlier and I took two of them out of my pockets. I can just about see 'Sleep' and 'Forget' one the containers and I sprayed it at them. They collapsed, after getting hit by these. I hope they forget about this incident as well.

I am so pissed off at my Assistant, but what can I do? It has saved me a lot of times before. 'Setting Update: Avoid Speech Responses when in Stealth Mode and use vibration to let me be aware of new notifications. Display the notifications when told.' I said, while running up the staircase and into the 3rd Floor. 'Display the map of the location of Blake and Travis.' I said. I can see them, Blake and Travis are in the same room and no one is around this place, for now.

I entered the room where it said they are in and looked around. She's supposed to be here but she's not, or maybe I'm just blind. 'Activate Flashlight.' I whispered. I can see her, she's in one of those Interrogation Chairs as well. I can set her free, and no, shocking the chair with electricity isn't an option. Not for her anyway.

'Blake! You're here. Don't worry, I'll get you out of there.' I said. I can see Blake now but where's Travis?

'Who's there?' Blake replied. Oh right, I forgot I still have my Invisibility active.

'Sorry, didn't mean to startle you. Deactivate Invisibility' I said and she's shocked to see me.

'You're alive, and you escaped.' she said. Alright, I'm not that weak. I may be quite a nerd but I can protect myself.

'Yeah, thanks to my Assistant. I'll get you out of there.' I respond. 

'You have to shock this chair directly, not from the shocker itself.' she said. I look at her, surprised and stunned. So shocking it was the only possible way to get out of it.

'I did that but isn't there another way?' I asked.

'No. They made it so you have to torture yourself trying to get free.' she responded. There has to be another way. I have an idea!

'Blake, stay calm.' I said.

I grab the smolder from the table next to her chair and I activated it. I heated up the metal, enough for it to reach its liquid stage. I opened up a big hole from the back chair and I peeked inside. I removed the Electrical Surge Sensor and I connected the two wires that the Sensor separates.

I am hoping for the best and yes! My plan worked. The Sensor was hindering the output wire to reach the other side unless I either remove the Sensor or I shock the Sensor hard enough for it to deactivate.

'You're free now, without even getting shocked.' I said.

'How did you do that? That's a first time for everything bit for me.' she responded.

'Oh, you'll get to that soon. Just take a quick look at what I did and let's get out of here.' I said. I got Blake, now where is Travis?

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