Chapter 23 - Summary of the War

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Wars are very dangerous to our society. It makes a division of alliances between people. It causes destruction of property, which also leads to the demise of its victims. Of course, a war only happens when there is no choice left but violence.

'The war all started when an explosive and dangerous chemical was stolen.' Dr. William started as the 'Brain Limiter' circulates through his body. 

'You mean the Uranium? I actually saw that all happen with the telescope back home.' Blake said. This is deja vu and I don't like it. 

'Correct. It was reported that he had two different guns held at both hands which can do things out of this world. The first one made bullets repel and the other one blasted out extreme sonic waves that made the walls crack, and let me tell you now, the walls were metal.' he added.

'Did they survive the incident?' I asked.

'Miraculously, yeah. It was as if he only tortured them. They were put into a comatose though.' he answered my question. 'Hey, lady. What's your name again?' he asked.

'Blake. I am from another dimension, a dimension where the other Jack originated from, where those gadgets were made. I was only able to see the part where he stole the Uranium, after that, a big celestial object blocked my image and I wasn't able to view the entire Solar System because of it.' Blake answered with trivia. Perhaps she was anticipating that Dr. Williams will ask her those so she took one step ahead.

'Just to make things clear, the Jack you saw can be identified as Jack V2. It makes it easier to identify if you are referring to me or the other me. Two versions of me now exist in the same space.' I made things clear. I can see his face gloom with shock from what we've said. Perhaps he still couldn't fully process that the Multiverse Theory is true, and after this is all over, we can contact the other dimensions! This will be great. I'm getting ahead of myself now, we're still in a war.

'Okay. Moving on, Jack V2 infiltrated the Military Base of Russia and fired out Nuclear Bombs on America. It was catastrophic, it caused a lot of destruction. Luckily, the Uranium he used wasn't very reactive. Either that or the distributed neutrons weren't enough. If I remember correctly, there were eleven bombing sites, all of them were scattered and exploded in different places.' he discussed. I and Blake stood there in shock of what he has done. What kind of monster does that?

'His plans were unknown. Motives are still being deciphered. He had showcased three different weapons that he used for his evil acts, but investigators believe that he still has more up his sleeves. He has this weird Gravity Gun which effects the force of gravity, a Sonic Blaster that fires out immensely powerful sound waves, and what seems like a hypnotizing amulet. Surveillance footage was uploaded to the internet for public use and it was reported worldwide. For a short moment of time, he stayed silent. No sightings, no incidents, nothing. Just like a bubble, he vanished to thin air.' he took a deep breath after recalling the past. 

'And then what happened?' Blake asked, begging for more.

'And then it happened. We were all in shock. Unexpected.' he followed after. Blake and I stared at each other, pressure and tension coming in.

'Wait. Do you hear that?' I asked them. I try to find where the sound was coming from, but it seems to be hidden somewhere. 

'Am I hearing a tick? Is this a bomb?' Blake followed up a question as I was searching for it, listening to where the sound is coming from.

'It's a bomb set to go off if it has detected a movement on the ground, more specifically, footsteps. The ticking is a result of transmitting information to the headquarters that it has been activated. Once the ticking stops, it means that the signal has reached the headquarters and it will blow up.' Dr. Williams said. My mouth dropped, blow up? Am I really gonna die right now? 

'Do you know where it is?' Blake said. She startled the little daydream of my eventual death.

'Yes. It's on the left side of the door. I was the one who placed it there days ago. We were sent here to patrol the area, place detectors and -' Blake cut him off.

'I found it. How can I turn it off?' she said.

'Unfortunately, you guys can't deactivate that. Your only chance is to let me free and I can turn it off. That's only if you trust me.' Dr. William in the background said. Blake placed it 6 meters away from us and pointed a gun at it.

'Careful there. Any attempts of destroying it will make it explode, on the spot.' he warned.

'We don't have a choice. It's either we trust him or we die.' I whispered to Blake.

'We're going to die if we let him free.' she replied. 

'He doesn't have his weapons. In which option do you think will give us a higher chance of survival?' I replied back.

'Tick tock tick tock people. Any moment now, headquarters will be notified of your destination. Lucky for you, it's taking a long time, but there's no guessing when it will finish the process.' he teased back. He can't really be lying to us, the injection is still circulating in his body.

'Fine.' Blake said.

Blake set him free, but because she doesn't fully trust him, she points the Gravity Gun at him. Dr. Williams held up the bomb and did his tinkering. He got his bag and pulled out some contents in it until he realized that everything in it was taken out. The items were on the floor so he picked them up one by one, Blake monitoring his entire movements.

'Still don't trust me yet, hm?' he asked.

'Just do what you need to do.' I said.

After the next 10 seconds, the ticking stopped, then he disassembled the bomb and dropped them on the floor. This guy is very confident in his operations, he doesn't even truly know if it's fully inactive, it might explode on us without warning for all I know.

'Done. Can you please just tie me up again? I'm more comfortable talking while tied up while constantly being threatened of getting killed.' he requested. Blake placed the gun down surprisingly. Maybe she finally trusts him.

'Why are you wearing a Russian uniform?' she asks.

'I was sent here as a spy. Monitoring their plans was the primary reason why I'm here. I was the only one capable of mimicking their accent and I know their full history. They will be less suspicious of me that way.' he replied. 'I don't know your whole story, just believe me if I say this. I fully trust you guys and let's just end this war before its too late.' he added and smiled.

'What are we going to do next?' I asked.

'They are planning to fire missiles on the enemy territory tomorrow. It will be an ambush.' he answered back.

'What do you mean by ambush?' Blake asked.

'They are currently under a peace period where both sides are not allowed to strike each other. This is to ensure that no one from other countries will be harmed as it will cause the other countries to join the war. They were to evacuate immediately before the peace period ended. Russia thinks otherwise. They will be attacking while under the peace period.' he discussed.

'Our next plan is to stop them before they fire their missiles.'

'First, we need to get you guys their uniforms so we can camouflage perfectly. You are not allowed to talk unless you know how to speak their language.' Dr. Williams said.

'Luckily, we can.'

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