Chapter 29 - Consequences

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We managed to escape that horrible place. What did we get from doing that? We destroyed Jack V2's base, we had an encounter with him, and we got a teleporting device. How about the negative things we got? Let's see. Oh dear.

'Are you okay, Dr. Williams?' I asked him as he was lying on the floor while facing up. I took a closer look at him and saw that he was shot in the shoulder. This is really bad.

'I'm okay, Jack. No need to worry. Worry about Blake first, I can take care of this myself.' he responded. I looked at Blake and the pool of blood starting to form on the floor. This was a horrific sight, seeing two people suffer from a successful plan. 

'Don't you dare ask if I'm okay because I'm most certainly not.' Blake said with an angry tone as I was approaching her. This girl is feisty when injured and I don't like it.

'Listen, Jack. These are only ordinary bullets. We're lucky that base didn't have any specialized equipment yet, otherwise, that could've been more dangerous than it was.' Dr. Williams said. I take a glance to look at him to see what he's doing. He is already removing the bullet from his shoulder.

'Aren't you going to bleed out more without that bullet stopping the bleeding?' I asked in confusion. I don't want to underestimate his abilities, but that's insane.

'Let him be, Jack. He is a doctor. He can handle himself with things like this.' Blake told me as I was sitting down next to her. 'I have some bandages here. We need to place pressure on the wound.' she said.

I stood up and grabbed the bandages. I handed some over to Dr. Williams as well. 

I just have to say that the teleporter we used is completely different from Jack V2's portal. Our teleporter transported us immediately in a flash here while Jack V2 formed a portal that he went through. How does that even work? I forgot how weird their equipment are but it saved our lives today. 

'I can remove the bullet, you know.' Dr. Williams said. He reached for his bag and took out what seems to be forceps and reached in the hole of his wound. I don't like seeing him like this. The last time something like this happened, a teammate died because he lost too much blood. I'm not about to let that happen now.

'Are you sure you can do this on your own? With those forceps?' I asked him. He glared at me for a short moment and focused back on his wound. I can feel Blake hitting me, telling me to stop.

'I just told you not to underestimate me. By the way, these are Bullet Extractors, not forceps. Get them right before you try distracting me in the middle of an operation.' Dr. Williams said while trying to grasp the bullet. Seconds later, he grabbed the bullet out and placed it on the ground. He took out some stitches and sewed that skin up like cloth. This is why I find surgeries weird.

'I have a Medical Ointment here. It speeds up the cell's Mitosis which makes wounds heal faster.' Blake said. That right there can help doctors here a lot. This object right here can save lives! I took the ointment from Blake and passed it to Dr. Williams.

'Do I just have to rub it on?' he asked. Blake nodded and he rubbed his fingers on the ointment and rubbed it on his wound.

'I can feel something tingly in this area, I hope it's healing soon.' Dr. Williams said.

'You can extract the bullet from Blake next. Don't worry about me.' I said. Dr. Williams stood up and sat next to Blake. Oh dear, good thing Blake's wound is next because it's bleeding really bad. My wound isn't that serious, I was only stabbed by a sharp piece of metal from the wall. I'm lucky I didn't get shot like them.

'Tell me if you feel pain, alright?' Dr. Williams said. He wiped off the blood on the wound and took a good look at it. From my angle, I can't see the bullet. It might be deep or maybe I'm not in a good enough angle. Dr. Williams can see it directly though and he is showing that facial expression that doesn't look good. 'Trouble.' he starts getting a better look at the wound. He is worried about something, this has to be something really bad because I've seen him in more dangerous operations and he remained calm but this one gets his heart beating faster.

'What is it?' I asked in shock.

'Invisible Bullet. It's spreading poison into your bloodstream. We have to act quick because the bullet has the ability to close the wound after it entered the body. I think it's now in the process of closing.' he said.

'How do we even remove a bullet we can't see?' Blake asked. I can see her starting to panic. We should've been more careful. Well, too late to regret our actions. All we can do now is to compensate for the consequences. I'm trying to think hard. How do you remove something you can't see?

'I know! The magnets!' I said in excitement. I have a few in my back pocket. It's just a small piece but it might do the job.

'What is that?' Dr. Williams said. I directed the magnet onto him and he displayed a look of amazement. 'Whatever. I'll have to make an antidote for that poison.' he said. He probably doesn't want to show how amazed he was so he cut it out and focused his attention on something else. He always brings this machine that can identify and read poison and process an antidote to stop it. Pretty handy in times like this.

'This is going to hurt, okay?' I said.

'I know that already. Just do it.' she replied back. I hovered the magnet close to her skin. I have no idea if the bullet is reacting but she starts screaming out of nowhere. Is this the poison or the bullet reacting?

She starts screaming more, louder and louder each second. She kept this up until I felt a clang against the magnet. The bullet has been removed! I still can't see it though. Her screams echo in this place. Wait. Where even are we? We've been caught up in this situation that we forgot where we were transported. This is one problem after another.

'Injecting antidote, now.' Dr. Williams said and drives the syringe into her shoulder. She seems to stop screaming but I can't help but stop feeling like we're being watched. Coming to think of it, we're in a covered court. Other than that, I don't specifically know which part of the world we're in. The teleporting machine that Jack V2 used traveled through miles. Who knows how far this one can go?

'I feel better now, thanks.' Blake said and stood up. Wow, she was just in pain a couple of minutes ago because of her leg, and now she can stand up.

'We need to figure out where we are. We need to get back to finding Jack V2.' I said.

'One thing is for sure, his base is destroyed.' Blake said.

'Let's get outside of this place. This seems like a school's court. Which way is out?' I asked. The sun is starting to rise on the horizon. Different timezone from the lab it seems.

'Use your Ghost Phase and let's get out and find the main road.' Dr. Williams said.

'Hey! What is that?!' Blake shouted. I looked at the direction where she was facing and -

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