Chapter 9 - Back at the lab

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Blake took a look at that stupid zapping chair, placed a decoy of herself, and we went outside. At least I'm not alone now, right? Well, Blake is really silent, she might be thinking about how I was able to free her without feeling any shocking. 

'Any clue how to go back to the laboratory? Or even what this place is?' I asked. We haven't even started walking yet.

'We are in the FBI Land Base, they have an Aerial and an Aqua Base but we're lucky enough to be in the Land Base. We can just use my Atom Expander to expand the atoms of this toy car and we can ride on it like it's a real thing.' she said. She showed me a small toy car and a small disc.

'Well, first thing's first, how do we get outside?' I asked. This is going to be difficult because she can't become Invisible, she doesn't have my Assistant.

'I know this place like the back of my hand, this should be easy.' she said. This is going to be a rough thing. Once we get spotted, we're not gonna be treated as lightly as we just did.

'Yeah, okay good. One problem, how can you not be seen?' I asked. I really don't want to be caught again. Shocking yourself until you're free is not a pleasant experience and I plan to not do it again for the rest of my life.

'It's easy, I can just share that Invisible thing with you. Of course, if you want me to.' she replied. I'm getting uncomfortable with this.

'Are you going to be messing with my Assistant?' I replied. Messing with something this high-tech is not a good decision, even if you're smarter than Albert Einstein.

'No, I just need to connect my skin with your skin so it counts us as a single entity.' she answered my question, disturbingly. Okay, I'm faced with two decisions here. Either we go in with me Invisible and her Visible, having the possibility that we are both going to get caught or she can combine my skin with hers. What a pleasant statement. 'What's with the look?' she continued.

'Well, we really don't have any choice but to do that so how are we going to do it?' I asked. I hope she knows what she's doing.

'I've seen Travis mess around with plant's cells to combine them, should be easy enough.' she said. She's not that confident about her thinking, she may not be sure but it's not like we have a choice.

'Just go on. The sooner, the better.' 

She took out what seems to be a knife with a writing 'Delicate Skin Knife'. I'm really surprised how the people maintaining this place didn't take our items. Must be another dimension thing.

'This is going to hurt me a little. I just need to elevate a few centimeters of my skin and attach it to yours using a few stitches and a Cell Combining Ointment. I knew these things will come in handy someday and I luckily have them.' she said. What the heck? She carries around a Skin Knife and a Cell Combining Ointment every day? Must be for protection and to heal wounds.

'Wouldn't that make you bleed?' I asked.

'I have a bandage, don't worry.' she replied.

Without wasting another moment, she sliced up a portion of her skin on her right hand. I think it's called an Avulsion. She asked me to hold the elevated skin and I did, hesitantly disgusted. She placed the bandage on the forming wound and proceeded to stitch it on my left hand. She used the Cell Combiner which looks like a flame. The Cell Combiner probably melts down the skin and dries it back up immediately. Okay, it's done. Time to see if this thing will work.

'I hope this will work. I really don't know what else we can do.' she said. By now, I can hear three footsteps coming from our right. It's shouting, 'Is anyone there?'. 

I whispered to my Assistant immediately, 'Activate Invisibility.' 

I closed my eyes, silence surrounds us. A few minutes go by and I can feel Blake patting my face, the three guys are gone.

'Hey, it worked. Let's get out of here as fast as possible.' Blake's assuring voice convinced me that we weren't caught. I opened my eyes to prove it.

'Okay, you lead the way.' 

She gently walked slightly in front of me as I follow her. Some agents brushed through us, we are Invisible, not Transparent so people could still touch us. Better watch out for that. We went through a series of hallways and it looks like this place is big. I looked over at the window at my left and saw a beautiful garden filled with blue plants, what? And I can also see a fountain releasing red water. Great.

It wasn't long until we reached the exit. A lot of people were blocking the exit so we really need to be stealthy, our movement is restricted because if our skins are detached, Blake is caught. I vividly pass through them and I almost slipped at my tracks as I accidentally bump into an agent's briefcase. The agent looked at what made it move and I got a firm look at its face. Travis. We weren't caught though and we managed to go outside.

We carefully walked to a silent street. Blake severed her skin's connection to mine and she went Visible. I went Visible too.

'We should be safe here. We can drive back to the lab.' she said. She pulled out the toy car and the Atom Expander. She placed the Atom Expander at the ground and placed the toy car above it. Amazingly impossible, the car expanded and we were able to ride on it.

'You guys carry your vehicles around here?' I asked, sarcastically.

'Yeah. We used to park them in Parking Lots but now, we don't.' she replied. Great, I need to tell the guys back home about this.

We went on it and surprisingly, it has the same features as a car back home. She drove it seeing as I have no clue how it works. We arrive back at the lab and I just realized that it won't take long until the FBI guys find out that we're no longer there. We arrive back at the forest, here we go again. I expected that we were going to walk back to it but, out of nowhere, I can feel the car changing. 

I looked out of the window and I saw the wheels transform into rocket thrusters, wow. We flew above the forest and into the lab. Jeez lady, why didn't we do this when we went here the first time? She pulled out a remote and pressed something on it and when we looked back at the dome of the lab, a portion of it opened, allowing us to enter it easily.

We went out of the car and Blake shrinked it back by pulling the Atom Expander out of the bottom. I'm surprised to see that the items we worked with are still here. Everything is still here actually and we need to work on finding my way back home before they get us back. I do plan on taking Blake with me because this place is just, hostile. 

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